Building bitterness at a young age



  • teresa77447
    Since nobody wants to take responsibility for their kids, and nobody wants to do anything about guns, and we don't want to put metal detectors in every school (especially those suburban, upper class, white schools.. where the shootings happen) then this is what happens.. Maybe parents should.. I don't know... lock up their guns, and not let their kids have access to them.. ya know.. responsibility...

    Or could just try and teach your children about guns and gun safety. Whats the point of a locked up gun in a break-in type situtation.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    Its a lose lose situation for everyone involved. The schools feel compelled to do something, they are damned if they do and damned if they dont. If they allow it to be okay and a shooting happens at their school, then all of the sudden the whole thing is their fault. If they dont allow it to happen, then they are just a**holes. Personally, i think it should be left up to the parents to teach their offspring right from wrong in the end.....

    This..... It all needs to start at home with parents teaching and being good role models.
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    Since nobody wants to take responsibility for their kids, and nobody wants to do anything about guns, and we don't want to put metal detectors in every school (especially those suburban, upper class, white schools.. where the shootings happen) then this is what happens.. Maybe parents should.. I don't know... lock up their guns, and not let their kids have access to them.. ya know.. responsibility...

    I agree with this verrrry much, especially that first sentence :wink: I think a lot more discretion needs to happen in homes, and I do also agree with boys being the ones who usually suffer overall (in terms of academics, etc).

    The police in California just shot a 13 year old for carrying a replica of an assault rifle. The kid did not drop it when asked to so they opened fire....are the parents to blame and if not who is at fault?

    I'll tell you who is to blame, whoever told a 13 year that they don't have to listen to their parents, or any other authoritative adult, and that they don't have to treat people with dignity and respect. Sorry, but children and teens nowadays are almost to the point of being dangerous to themselves, simply b/c they have no respect for others. No wonder bullying (just a polite word for abuse, btw) is such an issue and no wonder why we have more children getting shot by the police. I think people like to conveniently forget that the police are trained to shoot when the suspect holding a weapon of any kind does not cooperate. Why not, they have families to return to and shouldn't have to die b/c of someone else's behavior. I also think that people like to forget that it really does take a community to raise a child, not just the parents, not just the school, not just the government, etc, etc. Worst part, its our kids that are paying the price, be it through ridiculous rules like not being about to play cops & robbers or with their lives.