Odd gym experiences...



  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    When I was training for college I was doing power cleans. I squated down to get the weight and couldn't hold it in and let one rip loud. There was only 4 people in the gym my buddy didn't say anything the trainer didn't say anything, but this lady damn near dropped a bar bell on her cause she couldn't stop laughing.


    Also I ate s**t so bad one night on the treadmill when I tried to see how fast I could go and slipped up and lost my footing, bit the control panel and grazed the hell out of my leg but luckily I caught myself and didn't get spat into the wall like all those people on youtube
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member
    I was lifting weights at Golds Gym and there was the GINORMOUS guy lifting a 10lb weight (same weight I was lifting, obviously too light for him) making these obscene noises and blowing kisses to himself in the mirror. Just when I thought I was about to loose it laughing, he bent down to do his next squat and let one rip. I couldnt tell if it was his pants or his *kitten* but I lost it, I put the weights down and walked away laughing :)
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    >in the mens room
    >walking to the locker room
    >naked guy is walking opposite direction and towards me
    >i try to avoid him
    >he tries to avoid me
    >we do that awkward dance/shuffle to go around each other
    >never again...

    close second
    also guy drying his balls off with the hand dryer thing, naked of course
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379
    A note to all women: cheap tights are transparent when you stretch. I don't want to know that you have a pad on :(.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    bump to read the new ones.

    All I really have is zumba class, someone spilled water on the floor and didn't clean it up and of course I am the one to find that spot and slam down hard and also had on spandex like breathable pants. My *kitten* slide across the floor for a good 10 steps before I stopped. Everyone laughed so hard, I was embarrassed but finished the class!!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    A note to all women: cheap tights are transparent when you stretch. I don't want to know that you have a pad on :(.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    In college I was at the men's changing room about to hit the showers. Just as I took my towel off and walked into shower area, there was a naked lady just showering there. I panicked and thought I was in the women's showers, so I tried to stop on my tracks which wasn't the best idea with the wet floor. I busted my butt and banged my elbow on the wall. So I backed out real fast through the changing area to the hall to make sure I was in the right showers. Sure enough I was, so I just told the girl behind the towels counter, and she went and got a guy and all of us went back in.

    When we got back in, no one was there! The dude (knew me from around campus and the gym) cracks a joke about me trying to get this girl to come into the showers area. Now I'm going crazy and to add insult to injury I'm being considered a creep (the girl didn't think the joke was funny).

    A couple of month later while eating on campus with some friends (three of them were on the Water Polo team) all of them started to laugh. I asked them what did I miss they said the Naked pool lady. I was confused and looked at who they were pointing at. It WAS THE LADY from the shower! So they went on explaining how the team people saw her walk into the men's area after doing laps a couple of month ago, and they said she came out running naked after like 5 minutes of being in there. So they started to make all these crazy stories about what happened in those 5 minutes.

    They didn't believe me when I told my side of the story but I didn't care cause it meant I wasn't crazy and imagined some lady. It got funnier because she was a PhD student who taught a class in the same building as some of my classes the spring after the incident.

    Best. Story. Ever.
  • tabcatme
    Many years ago at a karate class in Scotland and it was our first session of being paired up. I was the only girl in the class and I got paired up with an american guy. So he had to pretend to attack me and I had to fling him onto the floor. Managed it on the second go and so pleased myself as I was tiny. Then it was my turn to attack him. But I was so stunned at the feeling of being flung to the floor I reached out as you do to try and stop yourself falling. Trouble is I grabbed his joggy bottoms and as I fell I pulled them down, pants and all.
    I don't know who was more embarrassed me or him. But I blush every time I remember - hopefully he has blocked it from his..
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Trying to do decline dumb bell presses on the bench that's designed for ab crunches... I swear I look like a special needs person because the bench itself will tip over if you try to lay down with the weights in your hands.

    A lot of times my head phones catch on things and that **** whips off my head.
  • DrenRigs
    DrenRigs Posts: 448 Member
    Just because i am in great shape does not mean everybody needs to stare sometimes it gets tiring
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Just because i am in great shape does not mean everybody needs to stare sometimes it gets tiring

    *stares* Wait, what were you saying?
  • BlueAngelChar
    BlueAngelChar Posts: 1,364 Member
    Love this thread!

    Mines was in the gym a fews weeks back and I was on the floor with a Swiss ball and doing Russian Twists with a medicine ball and a twist involves rolling across the ball on your upper back and shoulders so unbeknown to me there was a few kinda hot bodybuilder guys at the weights next to me and I lost my concentration on the twist watching one of the guys walk past and I rolled right off the ball onto my *kitten*. I was mortified and just burst out laughing and so did the guys at the weights lol one offered a hand to help me up but he couldn't stop laughing! I nearly died! Lol:bigsmile:
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    It's endless with me.

    Every time I get off a machine seat and leave a sweaty *kitten* print. Try to wipe it off before the trainer notices but we both know it's there.

    Madam, to you I take off my hat and bow. People who don't clean their sweat off machines is a real bug bear of mine!

    An awkward moment that I experienced, was when I was having a shower after a workout at my old gym. This guy got into the next cubicle. And there were a row of cubicles with a shower curtain. Anyway, this guy sticks his head in my cubicle while I was showering and asked me whether I'd like him to wash my back. I politely declined the VERY friendly gesture. It was only later that I realised the gym is a popular beat for gay men who have sex on the premises.
    I had a good laugh about it later.
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    Just because i am in great shape does not mean everybody needs to stare sometimes it gets tiring

    *stares* Wait, what were you saying?

    *stares* we were saying something? God I love staring at the hot guys at the gym.. >.>

    One time I was staring at a particularly hot guy. I was stretching and he was doing cable flys. On his first set he noticed me staring at him so he stared back with a, "what?" expression. I just smiled. When he came back to do his second set, I went into a splits stretch and leaned forward resting my elbows on the floor with my chin in my hands. He looks over and sees me staring at him like that and he chuckles and shakes his head. It was funny.

    Yesterday was ab day. My diets been inconsistent with the stress I've had lately and I was a bit gassy. I was doing leg raises and I kept farting. After the second or third fart i just gave up and switched to scissor kicks. This one girl that likes to say hi to me was near when it happened. I'm not sure if she heard. I was a bit embarrassed.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    A note to all women: cheap tights are transparent when you stretch. I don't want to know that you have a pad on :(.

    THIS! ARGH! Most awkward thing to witness!
    They're also transparent when you sweat.
    They're also transparent when they're too small.
  • Shateyn
    Shateyn Posts: 71
    Hm....what about lulus? I don't wear underwear with mine because I hate wearing underwear with tight bottoms but sometimes I wonder if I bend over to stretch or the light hits them a certain way they might be transparent. I haven't noticed this when other women wear lulus so maybe I'm just being paranoid.... Am I a creep for not wearing underwear to the gym?

    wait, I don't care..it's better than big uncomfortable panty lines or working out with a thong up your crack the whole time imo.
  • Shateyn
    Shateyn Posts: 71
    It's endless with me.

    Every time I get off a machine seat and leave a sweaty *kitten* print. Try to wipe it off before the trainer notices but we both know it's there.

    Madam, to you I take off my hat and bow. People who don't clean their sweat off machines is a real bug bear of mine!

    An awkward moment that I experienced, was when I was having a shower after a workout at my old gym. This guy got into the next cubicle. And there were a row of cubicles with a shower curtain. Anyway, this guy sticks his head in my cubicle while I was showering and asked me whether I'd like him to wash my back. I politely declined the VERY friendly gesture. It was only later that I realised the gym is a popular beat for gay men who have sex on the premises.
    I had a good laugh about it later.

    Ha! Wow. I think you handled that better than most men would've. Hey, it's just a compliment if you think about it...
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    >in the mens room
    >walking to the locker room
    >naked guy is walking opposite direction and towards me
    >i try to avoid him
    >he tries to avoid me
    >we do that awkward dance/shuffle to go around each other
    >never again...

    close second
    also guy drying his balls off with the hand dryer thing, naked of course

    Trying to greentext on MFP?

    There is also an old guy who dries his balls off at my gym with a hair dryer. He casually talks to strangers while he does it. Everyone knows who he is and tries to avoid going to the locker room when he is there. They all think he is creepy, I think he is a comedic genius. I can't wait to get old and pretend to be senile. I'll probably make extra trips out of the house just to entertain myself by doing senile things.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    Old guy didn't realize that when squatting in basketball shorts, everyone in the gym gets a full view through his mirror at his entire package.

    Even after he realized, he didn't stop...

    I can never eat raisins again....

    bwahaha old guys do not give a damn!
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    It's endless with me.

    Every time I get off a machine seat and leave a sweaty *kitten* print. Try to wipe it off before the trainer notices but we both know it's there.

    When my trainer tells me he knows I'm at my max weight because I'm "making the poop face that people only make when it's working"

    Falling off bosu balls. Not particularly graceful.

    When I a friend and I'm all smiles and upon further inspection it is not said friend at all, but a complete stranger.

    When I try to adjust a machine but it's stuck so I jiggle the nobs around for 5 mins before asking someone who is stronger or admit defeat and walk away like a newb.

    When my trainer tied my knees together with resistance bands and made me do side stepping squats down the track. So effective but feels slightly degrading.

    When my trainer is trying to explain an exercise to me and I am trying to keep a serious face but that damn "what does fox say" comes on (why is that even on the radio?!)

    I've been known to walk into walls randomly even though I've been going to the same gym for over a year.

    The way the bathroom entrances are designed are ridiculous because you can't see around the corner and ladies walk fast apparently because I nearly collide with someone on my way in/out every day.

    and who hasn't let one slip in yoga? Especially when you're cutting down calories and have a very veggie dense diet... if you haven't, you're doing it wrong.

    like I said...endless.

    story of my life!! haha