

  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Monsanto is the worst, with over 30 of their executives in the United states parliament system, they have so many strings to pull they dont have enough puppets.

    Their "single yield" crops allow for one season of growth and do not produce any seeds due to genetic manipulation. This has caused 600,000+ Farmers in India (and in some cases their families) to commit suicide to prevent lose of their homes due to insane debt due to Monsanto.
    Think about that. 600,000+ suicides...... And rising every day.

    Also every year (May 12, and Oct 12) there is a bi-annual world wide protest "March Against Monsanto" where people gather at local parliament and share in GMO free foods, music, and share awareness to Monsantos evils.

    What part unbiased did you miss exactly, hoss?

    I didn't ask of the company that made them was reputable. They clearly aren't if they're not releasing information readily. I want to know of actual honest to God studies that exist that prove they're bad. Not your political agenda against an obviously unscrupulous company.

    If I wanted to have that conversation, I'd start in on Wal-Mart.

    You're playing a dangerous game haha

    Hey, it was the first disreputable company that came to mind. ;)
    With GMO's, if my understanding is correct, DNA is extracted from a plant with a desirable traits and injected into a seed, altering the DNA. It has been speculated that this practice is partially, note I say partially, responsible for the increase in food sensitivities. The food being grown is changing faster than the flora in our gut can change to learn how to digest the different proteins etc being formed by the DNA of these new super foods. Therefore people are struggling to properly digest and utilize certain foods. I don't know if that is true but it makes sense to me.

    I don't know if they are good or bad or neutral, but I do think they should be labeled, because no one knows. If food products are labeled I as a consumer can decide how to support or boycott the practice. Let the free market take over on this one.

    See, that? Was incredibly helpful. I can understand the concern, especially considering how many disgestive disorders seem to exist today.

    And yeah, I voted for labeling. I have no issue with it, I was more curious about the lack of actual information about why it was bad in the first place. I definitely support people knowing what they're eating. I just wish there was more information so they could use that labeling to educate themselves.

    Edited because I can use grammar. Really. >>;
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    And yeah, I voted for labeling. I have no issue with it, I was more curious about the lack of actual information about why it was bad in the first place. I definitely support people knowing what they're eating. I just wish there was more information so they could use that labeling to educate themselves.
    I bet you are from WA. :) I am also voting for labeling because I want to know as much as possible about what I eat. Most of what I know about GMO's is from Mercola since I read his newsletters but I do understand how biased he is, and I don't always take the time to read his references.
  • zagon_the_ultimate
    zagon_the_ultimate Posts: 115 Member
    I’m just going to toss this in because it’s a fact, and facts can be scary things if given the right light and spin.

    Corn, is not a plant found in nature, it would not exist if we didn’t make it. 10,000 years ago, it was a grass called teosinte, Much like wheat, with a seed stalk that yielded a few kernels. Over countless cross pollinations by human hands it was cultivated, grown, modified, and eventually turned into what we know as corn today.

    I would be willing to wager a guess that nearly all of our domesticated crops are genetically modified, simply because we have domesticated them. the crops 100 years ago are not the same crops that were available 5,000 years ago, this was done by human hands. The genetically modified crops now are cross pollinated faster, more efficiently, and with greater variety of mutations. Sure there may be possible side effects of adapting plant A to thrive in Environment B, but calling something evil because we don’t understand it reeks of the unenlightened mind.

    A famous smart person once said: “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”, I think shes right.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member

    There are no peer reviewed papers supporting GMOs actually being dangerous. It's all fear mongering at it's finest.
  • Fitbit184

    Now I'm SCARED!!!!:wink:

    I do try to stay away from GMO's with the "better safe than sorry".
  • Fitbit184

    Now I'm SCARED!!!!:wink:

    I do try to stay away from GMO's with the "better safe than sorry".

    If Dr. Oz says it's good, shouldn't that be enough? Grab your keytones and GMO's!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    The mere fact that food producers and manufacturers don't want to let consumers know whether their products contain GMOs is for me a pretty good reason to want to avoid those products if I can (it's an arrogant, anti-consumer attitude that I see no reason to reward).

    On top of that there are concerns about the damage to biodiversity that results from seed companies' business practices, which include suing farmers who aren't their customers for patent infringement if their fields get invaded by seeds or cross-pollinated from a neighboring GMO-using farmer. Farmers who don't want to use the GMO products are forced to choose between being driven out of business or shifting to the GMO seed, which has to be purchased anew every year. It eliminates the ability of farmers to practice traditional techniques, including replanting seed from their harvests and selecting for the best performing plants, because their fields have been invaded by the patented GMO crops. When everyone is growing the same GMO variety of a crop and a blight or fungus adapts to that one variety, or some invasive insect species comes along with no natural predators and happens to consider that GMO crop the tastiest thing it's ever come across, where will be then? In the same boat as Ireland during the Great Famine when the potato crops were struck by blight.
  • zagon_the_ultimate
    zagon_the_ultimate Posts: 115 Member
    When everyone is growing the same GMO variety of a crop and a blight or fungus adapts to that one variety, or some invasive insect species comes along with no natural predators and happens to consider that GMO crop the tastiest thing it's ever come across, where will be then? In the same boat as Ireland during the Great Famine when the potato crops were struck by blight.

    this is one of the specific reason why GMO crops exist, so they don't all have the same genetic makeup. the potato famine was caused by late blight, which they have found a way against using GMO.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I am out in South Africa, so this practise hasnt hit as largely as it has in the Western World (thank freak Im in a 3rd world country!) I dont really understand how anyone can support the modification of natural plant life. So I am against GMO's. I understand there are advantages that are a huge selling point. But where are we heading with this? Yes the idea of eating a pill that was your meal maybe was a childhood future fantasy, but in reality I dont want anyone messing with my water, food, air etc supply. Seems this is where it is heading in the future. My biggest gripe with GMO is that I heard the seeds cannot reproduce naturally. So you could not naturally grow crops, that naturally grown normally...?

    Our poor earth and bodies with all the processed, modified not quite natural stuff.

    EDIT to add: Ah Ignorance is bliss, researching that GMO is indeed out here! FFS that actually makes me even more against it, its not even commonly known to be in our food! BOYCOTT!
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    The mere fact that food producers and manufacturers don't want to let consumers know whether their products contain GMOs is for me a pretty good reason to want to avoid those products if I can (it's an arrogant, anti-consumer attitude that I see no reason to reward).
    Organic companies are donating money to protect themselves too...why?

    And of course GMO companies are protesting labeling. There's so much unwarranted fear of's like being in the dark ages again.
    On top of that there are concerns about the damage to biodiversity that results from seed companies' business practices, which include suing farmers who aren't their customers for patent infringement if their fields get invaded by seeds or cross-pollinated from a neighboring GMO-using farmer.
    This has NEVER happened. Monsanto has never sued a farmer for GMO seeds spreading to other crops. In fact, if they find that their seeds have spread, they will pay to have that farmers crop cleaned up.

    Farmers who don't want to use the GMO products are forced to choose between being driven out of business or shifting to the GMO seed, which has to be purchased anew every year. It eliminates the ability of farmers to practice traditional techniques, including replanting seed from their harvests and selecting for the best performing plants, because their fields have been invaded by the patented GMO crops.
    Most seed companies have a do not reuse clause in their contract. Not just's pretty a pretty standard business practice.
    When everyone is growing the same GMO variety of a crop and a blight or fungus adapts to that one variety, or some invasive insect species comes along with no natural predators and happens to consider that GMO crop the tastiest thing it's ever come across, where will be then? In the same boat as Ireland during the Great Famine when the potato crops were struck by blight.
    There is more diversity in GMO crops than non-GMO....the potato famine you're citing happened long before GMOs came into existence.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    An interesting video...NSFW, this guy swears a lot....but he explains a lot.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    Plus the idea of the European Union banning them sounds just as much 'our farmers need revenue, let's make sure we can't buy from America' as concern over how healthy the food is.


    Protecting their own economic interests in the guise of public health isn't beneath any country. It doesn't prove that the EU truly thinks GMOs are unhealthy, they just want to keep food prices higher.

    You do appreciate that the EU isn't a country don't you? The various constituent countries all have very different incentives for their positions.

    I'd also note that "the EU" is broadly meaningless when talking about regulation, as each member state enacts regulations individually. More complex again if one is discussing the European Commission or the Secretariat.

    But to the point, there is a dearth of reliable data on GMO, in part because its too broad a term to be useful. There are a number of principles that do give rise to concern, with respect to propagation and cross boundary effects, but the research hasn't gone on long enough to be useful. Essentially there is some effect,but the persistence isn't known.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member

    Plus the idea of the European Union banning them sounds just as much 'our farmers need revenue, let's make sure we can't buy from America' as concern over how healthy the food is.


    Protecting their own economic interests in the guise of public health isn't beneath any country. It doesn't prove that the EU truly thinks GMOs are unhealthy, they just want to keep food prices higher.

    You do appreciate that the EU isn't a country don't you? The various constituent countries all have very different incentives for their positions.

    I'd also note that "the EU" is broadly meaningless when talking about regulation, as each member state enacts regulations individually. More complex again if one is discussing the European Commission or the Secretariat.

    But to the point, there is a dearth of reliable data on GMO, in part because its too broad a term to be useful. There are a number of principles that do give rise to concern, with respect to propagation and cross boundary effects, but the research hasn't gone on long enough to be useful. Essentially there is some effect,but the persistence isn't known.

    Yes, I am aware the EU is an economic union, not a political one. I'm not retarded. The EU is comprised of a lot of European COUNTRIES that ban GMOs, which is what I said in the first place.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Anybody know where there's any real evidence that GMOs are bad or is it just another 'this food is bad' paranoia?

    First - let's look at what GMOs actually are.

    GMO = Genetically Modified Organism. One organism has been manipulated to include some amount of genetic material from another organism. The new genetic elements are established into the organism such that they can "breed true", or you'd have to do it every generation. The new DNA is generally going to be inserted via a random approach, and then organisms which contain the desired traits will be selected and the best of these (by whatever criteria you define "best") will be taken for further use.

    In practice, what does this actually mean?

    GMO soy - one of the main "culprits" here - has been altered genetically to make it "Roundup Ready" (RR). Roundup is a glyphosate herbicide that kills broad leaf plants by way of inhibiting an enzyme the plants absolutely need to make certain amino acids. This is useful in killing most weeds, but can also kill the crop plants themselves, which isn't good.

    So what scientists did was take a version of the same enzyme from a common bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which is not inhibited by Roundup, and put this gene (along with expression elements) into the genome of soy. The soy express the bacterial protein as well as their own protein. When treated with Roundup, the normal plant protein stops working but the bacterial can keep on trucking, making amino acids, so the RR plants live.

    So what does this mean for our health?

    If you consume soy oil, very little. The bacterial protein, being a protein, is unlikely to be found in significant quantities in the oil. Basically, in making oil, you are going to be purifying it away from contaminating stuff like proteins.

    If you eat the soy beans, there will be some bacterial protein present. So what you are looking at is ONE added protein to the several thousand the soy already actually make. The rest of the proteins are going to be essentially identical (it is possible there could be small perturbations in the levels of a few of the soy proteins, but these would be small and highly unlikely to be significant) And, basically, a protein is a protein and will be treated as such by your body: i.e. you will digest it and use it as you would any other protein. There is a very small chance (as with any specific protein) that one could develop an allergy to it.

    Other crops - corn, alfa and some others, have also been made RR in the same way.

    So, bottom line, as far as health concerns go, I think that RR crops are going to be virtually indistinguishable from non-RR varieties. Scares over the safety of GMO crops from this point of view are, I think, baseless.

    Other GM crops include rice. Rice has been made RR (but I don't think it is marketed?) and has also been modified so that it provides more nutrition, which could be a definite advantage in poor countries where rice is a staple.

    Note - I'm not addressing environmental, labeling, or other concerns. Just health. And my conclusion is that there is nothing intrinsically unhealthy about GMO crops. My personal opinion is that (a) people should understand the science behind them so they can make an informed choice and (b) they should be labeled, so people can carry that informed choice into the store.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    Yes, I am aware the EU is an economic union, not a political one. I'm not retarded. The EU is comprised of a lot of European COUNTRIES that ban GMOs, which is what I said in the first place.

    Perhaps you meant something different to what you actually said. The European Commission position is that there is insufficient evidence, hence the ongoing research in a number of member states. Some member states do have bans, some are waiting for more information.

    Economic protectionism takes many forms; import bans, import levies, subsidy, imposition of unreasonable controls or conditions of sale. Most are used in some ways by most states. Some have a devastating effect, some merely lead to cost growth for the consumer or frustration over availability. All lead to perverse incentives.

    What's been interesting recently is a resurgence of interest in how the farming industry influences biodiversity, with an emerging view that the consequences of monocultures are increasingly undesirable.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Monsanto is the worst, with over 30 of their executives in the United states parliament system, they have so many strings to pull they dont have enough puppets.

    Their "single yield" crops allow for one season of growth and do not produce any seeds due to genetic manipulation. This has caused 600,000+ Farmers in India (and in some cases their families) to commit suicide to prevent lose of their homes due to insane debt due to Monsanto.
    Think about that. 600,000+ suicides...... And rising every day.

    Can I have a source for 30 Monstanto executives in the US "parliament" (I assume you mean Congress)?

    And I REALLY need a source for 600k+ suicides in India because of actions taken by Monsanto. You would think that would make the news. Some legitimate news station.

    So, I really need a source before you make any more claims. Otherwise I will start making claims like "I know GMOs are safe because Jesus came down and turned my natural, organic, chemical free, fluoride free water into GMO wine and he said 'GMOs are totes cool, yo.' and then rode off on his Harley."
  • amberkhan75
    In addition, bio-engineering companies are mixing the DNA of plants with desireable traits from ANIMALS. Not to mention all of the pesticides that are being grown into the plant, not just sprayed on.

    I really like this film: It explains it very well. You can watch the first 40 minutes for free, otherwise I think there is a small price you can pay to watch the whole thing.
  • Timothy1962
    There is a summit of GMO's broadcast going on now.. check it out!
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    In addition, bio-engineering companies are mixing the DNA of plants with desireable traits from ANIMALS. Not to mention all of the pesticides that are being grown into the plant, not just sprayed on.

    I really like this film: It explains it very well. You can watch the first 40 minutes for free, otherwise I think there is a small price you can pay to watch the whole thing.

    OMG!!!! Plants and animals sharing DNA!? How scary! Of course, it would be less scary if you knew that sharing DNA isn't uncommon. Actually, your DNA is 50% identical to a banana.

    Also pesticides aren't being grown in the plant, they are given them a sequence to make them less desirable for insects to eat (essentially), because of GMOs, pesticide use has down DOWN.
  • Timothy1962
    No the actual spread of pesticides has INCREASED by genetically being sequenced into GMO products! Better listen to these broadcast that aren't backed by MILLIONS of dollars from those corporations who only care about making money off of what they sell...