

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Somebody attacked my mother on facebook before being more concerned about the law up on the books that allows petitions to be shoved in your face anywhere, including them knocking your door or calling you than GMO labeling. Of course, I jumped all over the bint for attacking my mother, but In all honesty, I could not find one unbiased article about them on Google search. I see a lot of natural and clean eating sites denouncing them as Satan and causing every malaise known to man. And then there's the seed companies arguing against them.

    Anybody know where there's any real evidence that GMOs are bad or is it just another 'this food is bad' paranoia?

    There are no long term studies of value. What you do have though is a distinct lack of funding available for studying the impact of GM organisms on animals, and when there are studies that get published about their groundzero approach to the environment, big Ag mobilizes very highly paid and well funded in house scientists to immediately rebut, and then work with PR teams to discredit the writers.

    To me, that practice is suspect, even since there is no long term study data right now. My initial thought is: I'm trying to cut out industrial foods from my kitchen, and that includes GMOs. Some of the modifications may be good, others may be "bad", but they are having significant negative effects on the environment, and that is also enough of a reason for me to be completely against them.

    I-522 though is funny. No point to it, so many exemptions that there won't be an actual net benefit. So many things including gmos wouldn't be labeled thanks to those exemptions. tsk tsk, all or nothing in my book. I may vote for I-522 though, as I do like chaos, but I probably will vote against it, and that derpy petitions one.
  • Timothy1962
    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    The information I have posted was from those who interviewed people with these different conditions and personally reported they GOT better and some even completely recovered from their conditions when what they did was STOP using products and food with GMOs and some with chemicals banned in other countries for years that are added to our food here in the USA. I guess it would be best to say "correlation dose not NECESSARILY imply causation" ... because sometimes it does!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    With GMO's, if my understanding is correct, DNA is extracted from a plant with a desirable traits and injected into a seed, altering the DNA. It has been speculated that this practice is partially, note I say partially, responsible for the increase in food sensitivities. The food being grown is changing faster than the flora in our gut can change to learn how to digest the different proteins etc being formed by the DNA of these new super foods. Therefore people are struggling to properly digest and utilize certain foods. I don't know if that is true but it makes sense to me.

    You might want to clarify basic, as there is an entire advanced area of study called basic biology.

    However, you are correct. Although, it's not always DNA from plants, sometimes in fungus, sometimes bacteria or viruses, and other times animals or insects. It's basically though, if there is a desirable trait, attempt to isolate it, splice it in, and see if you can grow an organism. If it grows, harvest and sell. There hasn't been a series of studies required like the FDA does with drugs or devices. Husbandry is a far cry from this process.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I really hate when people blame autism on random stuff (GMOs Vaccines, etc). I have a couple friends who have high functioning autism. They are close friends of mine. It shows a fundamental lack of understanding of it. It's not something you can catch or whatever. It doesn't make sense. I think it's a dishonor to those who have it.

    People claiming that are also disregarding the basic fact that there are tests that will determine if a fetus (as in unborn, future child) has autism.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    The information I have posted was from those who interviewed people with these different conditions and personally reported they GOT better and some even completely recovered from their conditions when what they did was STOP using products and food with GMOs and some with chemicals banned in other countries for years that are added to our food here in the USA. I guess it would be best to say "correlation dose not NECESSARILY imply causation" ... because sometimes it does!

    How about no? There are plenty of BS things that people "self report" because they "Self diagnose"

    IE lets talk about organic foods usually they would contain less sodium, this would stop the hypervolemia caused in the system due to high sodium circulating and binding to water in the blood stream. therefore that results in hypertension.

    diabetes is not reversible, only better controlled. foreverdiabetic

    asthma? inflammation of the bronchioles is stopped by eating organic and not being around the airborne trigger?
  • draccy
    draccy Posts: 9 Member

    Also, you don't understand ANYTHING if you think autism and GMOs have any relation, at all. You are an idiot.
    This made me laugh because one of my friends just posted this on fb:

    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    I love you so much right now. I was going to find this exact same graph to post it after someone on page 2 said that obesity has been increasing with prevalence of GMOs.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    The information I have posted was from those who interviewed people with these different conditions and personally reported they GOT better and some even completely recovered from their conditions when what they did was STOP using products and food with GMOs and some with chemicals banned in other countries for years that are added to our food here in the USA. I guess it would be best to say "correlation dose not NECESSARILY imply causation" ... because sometimes it does!

    You do not "get better" from autism by switching diets. Please, PLEASE, stop spreading misinformation. Any credibility you might have had got thrown out the window when you said that GMOs cause autism.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    I think a lot of symptoms disappear when people "stop eating GMOs" because....if you stop eating all GMOs, you're left with pretty much nothing most cases people are probably switching from eating food with tons of additives (go look at all the additional ingredients in Activia, cottage cheese, whole grain crackers, laughing cow, whole wheat bread, any 100 calorie packs...or any pre-made sauce or dip). The less processed, the more likely it is to not contain petroleum byproducts, carageenan, wood pulp (shredded cheese) or a host of other manufactured not food products. Also, organic isn't going to be covered in pesticides and herbicides....I'm more inclined to believe that people are having a reaction to that then some little tiny molecular change.

    I could rant on this for days. I'm following several websites that are for clean eating...unfortunately, they're all I take them with a grain of salt...but they do have interesting investigations.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I think a lot of symptoms disappear when people "stop eating GMOs" because....if you stop eating all GMOs, you're left with pretty much nothing most cases people are probably switching from eating food with tons of additives (go look at all the additional ingredients in Activia, cottage cheese, whole grain crackers, laughing cow, whole wheat bread, any 100 calorie packs...or any pre-made sauce or dip). The less processed, the more likely it is to not contain petroleum byproducts, carageenan, wood pulp (shredded cheese) or a host of other manufactured not food products. Also, organic isn't going to be covered in pesticides and herbicides....I'm more inclined to believe that people are having a reaction to that then some little tiny molecular change.

    I could rant on this for days. I'm following several websites that are for clean eating...unfortunately, they're all I take them with a grain of salt...but they do have interesting investigations.

    and what do the active ingredients do? What are their investigations based around?
  • WFBaum
    WFBaum Posts: 5 Member
    Damn straight Ape - it's all about the money. Most other "advanced" countries (Europe) ban GMOs but not US.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    The information I have posted was from those who interviewed people with these different conditions and personally reported they GOT better and some even completely recovered from their conditions when what they did was STOP using products and food with GMOs and some with chemicals banned in other countries for years that are added to our food here in the USA. I guess it would be best to say "correlation dose not NECESSARILY imply causation" ... because sometimes it does!

    You do not "get better" from autism by switching diets. Please, PLEASE, stop spreading misinformation. Any credibility you might have had got thrown out the window when you said that GMOs cause autism.

    That whooshing sound was the point going right over your head, wasn't it! No one said GMO's caused autism or that not eating GMO's would cure it. Try to concentrate and read what it says.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    The information I have posted was from those who interviewed people with these different conditions and personally reported they GOT better and some even completely recovered from their conditions when what they did was STOP using products and food with GMOs and some with chemicals banned in other countries for years that are added to our food here in the USA. I guess it would be best to say "correlation dose not NECESSARILY imply causation" ... because sometimes it does!

    You do not "get better" from autism by switching diets. Please, PLEASE, stop spreading misinformation. Any credibility you might have had got thrown out the window when you said that GMOs cause autism.

    That whooshing sound was the point going right over your head, wasn't it! No one said GMO's caused autism or that not eating GMO's would cure it. Try to concentrate and read what it says.

    Timothy said " You need to open your eyes to many other experts that have studied the issue way far more than you or I ... and have heard testimonies by actual PEOPLE whose health got better when removing GMO laced foods from their diets from weight loss and getting over afflictions such as asthma, diabetes, autism, high blood pressure, ulcers, etc. etc... " Notice he said autism? He then said people got better from these problems.

    Maybe you need to concentrate on what is being said?
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member

    and what do the active ingredients do? What are their investigations based around?

    I know that you can't use wikipedia as a source, but I posted the articles because you can use it as a jumping off point for research by using the notations at the bottom of the article.

    Azodicarbonamide is a chemical used “in the production of foamed plastics.” It’s used to make sneaker soles and gym mats.In the United States, it is also used in our food, as a food additive and flour bleaching agent.This “ingredient” is most often found in breads, boxed noodle mixes, and packaged baked goods. It is banned in Singapore. Using this in food will land you a $450,000 fine.

    Carrageenan is a seaweed product (so you'd think it would be totally awesome, right? Studies are showing it has strong links to colitis...or ulcerations in the digestive tract. Maybe not such a great additive after all.

    Cellulose is in most things with "added fiber"'s basically wood pulp. It's used as a thickening agent and to keep shredded cheese from clumping. This one bothers me the least out of the additives I've read about...but I'd still rather not eat wood pulp.

    There are a lot of other additives in your food. Just google the ingredients in foods that you's eye opening.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member

    and what do the active ingredients do? What are their investigations based around?

    I know that you can't use wikipedia as a source, but I posted the articles because you can use it as a jumping off point for research by using the notations at the bottom of the article.

    Azodicarbonamide is a chemical used “in the production of foamed plastics.” It’s used to make sneaker soles and gym mats.In the United States, it is also used in our food, as a food additive and flour bleaching agent.This “ingredient” is most often found in breads, boxed noodle mixes, and packaged baked goods. It is banned in Singapore. Using this in food will land you a $450,000 fine.

    Carrageenan is a seaweed product (so you'd think it would be totally awesome, right? Studies are showing it has strong links to colitis...or ulcerations in the digestive tract. Maybe not such a great additive after all.

    Cellulose is in most things with "added fiber"'s basically wood pulp. It's used as a thickening agent and to keep shredded cheese from clumping. This one bothers me the least out of the additives I've read about...but I'd still rather not eat wood pulp.

    There are a lot of other additives in your food. Just google the ingredients in foods that you's eye opening.

    I dont have time to look up each of these right now but I will say that just because its used to manufacturer one product, doesnt mean its bad to ingest.

    Why eat hemp protein? Its used for clothes?
    Why drink water? Its used to manufacture foods.

    Apples have cyanide in their seeds, dont eat it. Its poison.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Also, organic isn't going to be covered in pesticides and herbicides....I'm more inclined to believe that people are having a reaction to that then some little tiny molecular change.

    Yes, they can be, just "organic" pesticides and herbicides. *sigh*

    Additionally, cellulose is in far more than just wood.

    Basically, anything vegetal... It's a long chain of sugar molecules and is a primary component in plant cell walls.
    So, in effect every plant. Every.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member

    I dont have time to look up each of these right now but I will say that just because its used to manufacturer one product, doesnt mean its bad to ingest.

    Why eat hemp protein? Its used for clothes?
    Why drink water? Its used to manufacture foods.

    Apples have cyanide in their seeds, dont eat it. Its poison.

    I agree. It's important to look at things on a case by case basis...not make sweeping statements. I personally try to avoid things that will make my IBS worse. I do eat GMO foods though. Everyone needs to find what is acceptable to them.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I can clearly see some people in this thread who are paid by the Monsanto :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It is so funny because these are the exact arguments many anti-GMO people cite when saying that GM foods cause cancer, or any number of diseases. Say it with me people, "correlation does not imply causation", if it did, organic foods would definitely be causing autism, as this graph shows.

    The information I have posted was from those who interviewed people with these different conditions and personally reported they GOT better and some even completely recovered from their conditions when what they did was STOP using products and food with GMOs and some with chemicals banned in other countries for years that are added to our food here in the USA. I guess it would be best to say "correlation dose not NECESSARILY imply causation" ... because sometimes it does!

    You do not "get better" from autism by switching diets. Please, PLEASE, stop spreading misinformation. Any credibility you might have had got thrown out the window when you said that GMOs cause autism.

    That whooshing sound was the point going right over your head, wasn't it! No one said GMO's caused autism or that not eating GMO's would cure it. Try to concentrate and read what it says.

    Timothy said " You need to open your eyes to many other experts that have studied the issue way far more than you or I ... and have heard testimonies by actual PEOPLE whose health got better when removing GMO laced foods from their diets from weight loss and getting over afflictions such as asthma, diabetes, autism, high blood pressure, ulcers, etc. etc... " Notice he said autism? He then said people got better from these problems.

    Maybe you need to concentrate on what is being said?

    Or you should quote who or what you are taking offense with. Nothing in your quote says what you are now saying you were responding to.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    I can clearly see some people in this thread who are paid by the Monsanto :)
    I wish Monsanto would pay me.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member