Do you agree dieting is bad for health ?

I hate dieting from the bottom of my heart.I believe in eating proper nutritious food and exercising at regular intervals is the way to healthy living and not starving yourself.

By dieting you not only loose weight but you loose muscle mass too and leads to body going through starvation mode resulting in body being denied of essential nutrients which would lead to reduced brain functioning and premature ageing .


  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    yeah I do actually
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    What are you talking about? You can't immediately associate dieting with starving yourself and eating foods that aren't nutritious, and then proceed to demonize it based on the definition you gave it...
  • Rakalze
    Rakalze Posts: 8 Member
    Depends on the diet.

    Fad diets are obviously bad, But things like Keto and Paleo have great long term effects and prevent you from losing mass of muscles if you do your macros properly
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    No I don't agree.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Depends on the diet.

    Fad diets are obviously bad, But things like Keto and Paleo have great long term effects and prevent you from losing mass of muscles if you do your macros properly

    Haha, you make a blanket statement and say fad diets are bad, and then list Paleo as a good diet...Paleo IS a fad diet
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    People have different definitions of "diet".
    But if you mean "caloric deficit" , I disagree.
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    Learn about how to cut properly. But, if you are talking of those 700-cal eating non-lifting young ladies on this site, yeah, they are dumb
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    People have different definitions of "diet".
    But if you mean "caloric deficit" , I disagree.
    If you are never in deficit, than all your life you would be only gaining. Imagine that
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    diet is just the way you eat.

    everyone is on a diet.

    Some structured, some haphazard.

    Some thought out through research, some followed by ignorance.

    Some with good results, some with bad results.

    Some with immediate and delayed positive benefits, some with immediate and long term negative effects.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    People have different definitions of "diet".
    But if you mean "caloric deficit" , I disagree.
    If you are never in deficit, than all your life you would be only gaining. Imagine that

    There's maintenance too.
  • BarbaraLee15
    BarbaraLee15 Posts: 11 Member
    Instead of starting off with what you hate, why not with what you love?

    Yours was rather a loosely put question. I have an idea English is not your first language hence the starkness of your idea and how you express it. Of course diet is important. Different health conditions require different diet plans more often than not and much holistic healing comes about through attention to diet. This was proven long ago by the practitioners of Ayurveda in Southern India. They use spices to alleviate or prevent various serious health conditions, spices used in everyday cooking.

    Watching what you eat and taking care is just healthy living. Exercising is just good health. Looking at it as a way of life and a voyage is much better than weight loss and a final goal although these motivating factors are very important.

    Personally I have cultivated a very personal relationship with a Slowstar Tribest juicer and find that drinking a ton of vegetables (only a little fruit) is better than any soft drink, tastier too. Spending hours kicking weightlessly around a pool helps too.

    Until you began to actually ENJOY these things, it is work; when you change it becomes a way to live your life, not diet and exercise.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    I do not agree with the statement that "dieting is bad for health". Consider someone who is diabetic, pre-diabetic, has high cholesterol, increased risk of stroke or heart attack due to the strain of carrying extra weight, etc. In those situations, the patient is encouraged to lose weight to improve health. Same with people with joint pain and a myriad of other health issues.

    "Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight. Dieting is often used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight in those who are overweight or obese. Some athletes, however, follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight."

    Based on that definition, I think someone already stated that we are all on some type of "diet" either consciously or unconsciously, intelligently or recklessly, health or unhealthy.

    The global statement that "dieting is bad for health" is not correct. Making poor food choices, consistently eating significantly less calories than a person's body needs to maintain optimum health, extreme meal choices that leave out integral food groups and nutrients, yo-yo diets, etc. are unhealthy. "Dieting" is not unhealthy.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think when he says "diet" OP is referring to those temporary quick-fix things so many people do. They spend their lives yo-yo-ing back and forth, fat to thin to fat, from diet to diet. I've never been on a diet, but everyone I know who diets has failed in the long run. I guess it depends on your definition of diet.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    I hate dieting from the bottom of my heart.I believe in eating proper nutritious food and exercising at regular intervals is the way to healthy living and not starving yourself.

    By dieting you not only loose weight but you loose muscle mass too and leads to body going through starvation mode resulting in body being denied of essential nutrients which would lead to reduced brain functioning and premature ageing .

    Reduced-calorie diets do not necessarily result in losing muscle mass, and there aren't really as many people as you may think that actually suffer "starvation" because of a reduced calorie intake, which is what I think you are referring to when you refer to "dieting". If you consider the average American diet, people can easily reduce calorie intake and still be assured of getting all essential nutrients through making good food choice that include fresh, unprocessed foods, and reducing or eliminating refined foods, etc.

    Getting to a point where one is experiencing reduced brain function and premature aging is pretty extreme and not too common in the U.S. where obesity is at an all time high. More likely to be identified in third world countries where some people have very limited control as to their calorie intake and food choices ...
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    I think when he says "diet" OP is referring to those temporary quick-fix things so many people do. They spend their lives yo-yo-ing back and forth, fat to thin to fat, from diet to diet. I've never been on a diet, but everyone I know who diets has failed in the long run. I guess it depends on your definition of diet.

    I absolutely agree with what you are saying. Unfortunately OP's statement is a bit reckless when you consider the wide range of members in this community - very young and highly impressionable members to extremists to people who seem to not know the first thing about good nutrition and heath and come here looking for answers ...

    Just saying ... :smile:
  • Yeah I agree if your only eating 1000 calories a day its unhealthy. If you do it properly though and have a high enough activity level to where you can eat enough food, fiber and micronutrients Id say its Healthy. being overweight is unhealthy
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    No I don't agree. How the heck are people going to lose weight without a calorie deficit diet?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I don't know but contratulatons on losing so much weight! You look great!!
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    diet is just the way you eat.

    everyone is on a diet.

    Some structured, some haphazard.

    Some thought out through research, some followed by ignorance.

    Some with good results, some with bad results.

    Some with immediate and delayed positive benefits, some with immediate and long term negative effects.
    Best answer