Wish people would just leave me alone!!



  • sway1080
    sway1080 Posts: 45 Member
    I will admit, at first I loved getting attention from family & friends about my weight loss. I even started getting complements from strangers, for example people that work at the gym I go to or workers at the grocery store I shop at. But now these family, friends & strangers are now telling me Im to skinny. I mean they won't shut up!! They make comments like your so tiny, your going to blow away, you need to eat something. I feel like they are trying to sabotage me. I am no where near too skinny. Im 5'4 & 123 pounds. A healthy weight range for someone my height can be anywhere between 105 - 135. And even that can very depending on what website you go to. I just wish people would leave me alone already!!

    Ugg vent over

    OMG lol, don't listen to them!! I am currently 142lbs and I started at 155lbs on here (I was actually 158lbs at biggest) and I am the same height as you 5'4". My goal is 125 but if I can get to 120-123ish that would be amazing! I feel for you because I know the way my friends and family and coworkers are, they will tell you how good you look when your losing but the closer you get to your goal they will think your too thin or in my case my sis will come to me saying shes worried about me... lol. About 7 years ago I got to 127 and this happened and I know it will happen again...sooo weird because it's not too thin, it's skinny but not TOO THIN.
    Again don't listen to them, good on ya for getting there girl! :)
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    People notice change, and generally resist it. Most of the time they don't even know why they have a problem, they just spout off. Brush off the comments as long as you are feeling strong, healthy, and rested! They will get used to your "new" size.
  • lessofme43
    lessofme43 Posts: 139 Member
    Isn't it funny how there is a fuzzy line between "Oh My God...you look great and have lost a lot of weight" (said with a smile) and then the "Um...you are going to blow away...eat a cheeseburger" (said with a wrinkled brow)................I think the biggest thing is that if people have seen us heavy for a while then when we no longer carry that weight we do look "too thin" because in their mind's eye they see what we used to be. I hope to come up with a standard response to use....maybe someone will help us find a good reply :) In the meantime, smile because they are really acknowledging what you've worked so hard for.....

    ^ totally! And because they haven't seen us or what we've done every day for the past few months, they assume we did something drastic or unhealthy to get slimmer. I've simply responded by saying I'm almost to my goal, and my doctor says I could stand to go a little further with the weight loss (truth) and that usually ends it. I know some are jealous of my success and hate the reminder when they see it that it's time they do something about their health as well.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    When you're bigger, people get used to seeing you like that. Then, all of a sudden, you're a thin person, and they can't wrap their heads around how different you look, especially the changes in your face. Just roll with it. They'll stop saying it after they've gotten used to the new you.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I've had the same thing happen to me also, but now I just let it go over my head. :bigsmile:
  • Bromard6
    Bromard6 Posts: 44 Member
    You're looking fantastic...keep doing what you're doing.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member

    Haha...NO!! That's not what this is thank you very much. :noway:

    I will try not to let it get to me. In the past I have let it and it always results in me putting weight back on cause I overindulge. Not this time though, I worked to hard to get where Im at now. Im determined to stay fit & healthy for the sake of myself, husband & son. Plus I have one thing now that I didn't in the past, MFP. Ya'll are the best on here and have helped keep me focused on how to lose weight the right way and make better food choices.

    Thanks so much!! :smile:
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I get similar comments. I'm 5'4" and average between 119-122. I hear "I hope you're not still trying to lose." Of course at this point I'm not, my goal is to lower my bf% not my weight.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    View it as a complement - "Thanks for noticing - I feel great!" Then move on and ask them something about themselves. Done!!!
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    I feel you. My sister told me the other day that I needed to "go eat a hamburger." She's my height and weighs 20 pounds less than I do. Argh. People need to quit it.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    You need to learn the "Art of the fake smile".

    When people get annoying about your weight loss, force a smile and say, "Thank you".

    When people get annoying about you losing too much weight, force a smile and say, "Thank you for your concern".

    Problem solved. This technique actually works really well in almost every aspect of life.

    The more fake your smile looks - the better it works.

    The trick to having a good fake smile is to not smile with your eyes at all. Just the mouth. And maybe hold it a bit longer than you normally would.