Breakfast Ideas without eggs



  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    My go-to breakfast is half a multi-grain bagel, spread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and topped with a couple of sliced strawberries. I will also have a half an apple on the side. Very filling.
  • jlc041979
    jlc041979 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks for all of the ideas! I am also getting sick of eggs for breakfast and can't wait to try some of the recipes shared here.
  • lima013
    lima013 Posts: 80 Member
    small sandwich always works for me! goat milk cheese and low sodium turkey from the deli! Along with 1 piece of bread!
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Plate of bacon.

    Are you serious? what's wrong with you?

    ***TWO*** plates of bacon!
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    Six days out of seven, breakfast is cereal with added prunes and dried apricots, and espresso coffee.

    Sunday breakfast is always either scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on toast (sometimes with chopped spinach), or smoked herring fillets. Tomorrow is herring day!
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    I am from Thailand and in my family, breakfast is left over.
    Rice and stir-fried vegetables, Rice and curry, noodles.. Those stuff really keep me till noon.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    protein smoothies
    oatmeal with a touch of brown sugar and cinnamon
    cottage cheese with fresh fruit
    greek yogurt with slices of banana and honey ( honey optional)
    bowl of special k cereal (this is my fast food alternative)
    cream of wheat
    english muffin with two slices of turkey bacon, a slice of tomato and feta (or goat cheese)
    homemade breakfast bar (going to bake some low fat pumpkin ones later so I can have during the week)
    whole grain bagel (scoop out some of the inside with a spoon if you're concerned about the extra carbs) and smear with a low fat veggie cream cheese
    whole wheat sandwich thins toasted with some peanut butter and honey
  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    My go-to breakfast is half a multi-grain bagel, spread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and topped with a couple of sliced strawberries. I will also have a half an apple on the side. Very filling.
  • m4nd4bear
    Im lactose intolerant so I eat my favorite high fiber cereal with my soy or silk milk with peanut butter whole wheat toast and I'm set :)
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    no eggs for me either i get trip to the emergency room gastro distress/sickness from them. I rely mostly on
    multigrain cheerios with fruit ( they come in diff flavors),
    Whole grain Sandwich round ( real thin whole wheat rolls) with some low fat peanut butter.
    Whole grain waffles n turkey sausage ( Aunt jemima does a decent light syrup about 100cal for 1/4 cup but i never need more than a tblsp) or a nice natural sugar free preserve would be lovely
    greek yogurt
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
  • boopsiegrl
    boopsiegrl Posts: 105 Member
    thanks for the great ideas
  • ICANDOIT1957
    Seasoned chicken breast, avocado, small baked potato with a glass of H20.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    sausage baguette with brown sauce :tongue:
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    2 slices multigrain bread lightly toasted 1tablesppon of almond butter & 1 med banana... I cut up banana and make a sandwich out of it usually have it w a glass of fat free milk

    Oatmeal with apples and cinnamon... or blueberries.. depending on my mood... sometimes I'll add some pumpkin and some pumpkin pie spice

    Greek vanilla yogurt with a tablespoon of granola and some blueberries and raspberries
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    French toast made with a soy milk and cinnamon instead of an egg wash. I found it on Google.
  • MonikaHinse
    Good old fashion oat meal, or other hot grain cereals. Add chia seeds to help quench appetite. I make mine in microwave with water then add almond milk, chia seeds, walnuts, cinnamon, fruit, Flax seed Coconut or soy yogurt with fruit, nuts, seeds. Blended drinks. Muffins, pancakes, waffles, with flax seed water egg alternative. I'm vegan, but your choices can be dairy.
  • ZeldaMarooner7
    Whole grain toast with some Nutella!! :bigsmile:
  • Ally63
    Ally63 Posts: 25 Member