500 net calorie diet

Hi, i'm recently new to this place, not so new with the app since i'm really into using it daily for my diet but i've been wondering to ask something to those who care to reply.

I have a goal to lose weight quickly instead of doing the long waits of just barely losing 2 or 1 pound a week like how the system recommends you to do so i decided to do a diet that has successfully worked out for me for a month.(sadly i stopped doing it for a month after losing a good amount of weight however ive managed to keep the same weight throught this month)

Its a diet that involves me only getting a net intake of 500-550 calories a day, sometimes lower. The process for me requires me to only consume at least 1100 to 1200 calories a day and burn off 700 calories or a few more a day in exercise, thus leaving the net of 500 in day. The exercise routine i follow is workout 6 times a week in purely cardio and some strength training with only a day off in the week. This method of diet has given good results within the month. As i said, i kinda stopped the diet within last month until recently past sunday, the day i began the diet again. So now im on it again and thus doing it, i'm wondering if what im doing as a diet is healthy for me?

From doing this diet, i feel so weak,tired, some headaches, a bit of weird visionary feelings, terrible neck and back pains and a few times, insanity!...jk on the insanity but i feel close. Hunger isn't an issue anymore since its gone away now but it's just the other stuff that annoys me. I've tried looking for similar issues like mine on the internet but i couldnt find the correct answer im seeking....

So im just thinking and well, asking too if my diet is healthy or bad for me in losing weight quickly because i dont want to end up gaining some type of body wrecking problem that aint worth it :noway:
I currently weigh 241 and my height is 5"11 if that helps :smokin:
***sorry everyone i accidentally wrote in 441 pounds instead of 241 -.-


  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    Are you a troll? How on earth could this be healthy???:noway:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This is dangerous. Are you being monitored by a doctor?
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    You just opened a can of worms.......
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member

    If you are a troll...get a life.

    And...if you are not a troll...Are you kidding? Of course you feel lousy...you are starving yourself. You know what they say...Slow and steady wins the race. You still need to feed your body. If you are really over 400 lbs, you don't need to eat so little.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Of course it is NOT Healthy!! It is Dangerous and as far as I am concerned far from the way you need to be losing weight... This isn't a game to see how fast you can get there, it is making a sustainable plan to lose a reasonable amount of weight each week and exercising to improve your overall fitness along the way... Best of Luck but What your doing in my eye is just plan ridiculous..... :noway:
  • StepAwayFromTheCupcake
    From doing this diet, i feel so weak,tired, some headaches, a bit of weird visionary feelings, terrible neck and back pains and a few times, insanity!...jk on the insanity but i feel close.

    uhhh does that sound healthy?

    kind of hoping you're a troll....
  • shadow2450
    shadow2450 Posts: 19 Member
    This is seriously the diet im on... How could it not be healthy though??
    I remember my doctor saying something about it being healthy but i cant honestly remember so thats why im asking.

    The thing is, i want to lose weight quickly through vigerous exercise and diet...:sick:
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    That sounds miserable eat more you will feel beeter.
  • MickeyCastello
  • Catiejoy27
    Catiejoy27 Posts: 12 Member
    First of all let me sympathize with you in wanting to lose weight quickly, but listen to your body; it is trying to tell you that this is too extreme
  • shadow2450
    shadow2450 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not a troll -.- sorry for the typo on 441 lbs its actually 241!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    i'm wondering if what im doing as a diet is healthy for me?

    From doing this diet, i feel so weak,tired, some headaches, a bit of weird visionary feelings, terrible neck and back pains and a few times,
    I think you've answered your own question. :huh:

    You are absolutely not eating enough and setting yourself up for all sorts of problems (screwed up metabolism, messed up hormones, potential for hair loss, plus all the fun stuff you're already experiencing.

    Eat your calories - MFP makes it so easy. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off, do it right - enter your info correctly and your goals realistically into MFP, and then eat your calories. If you exercise, eat those cals back, at least a portion of them, as MFP tells you - your daily NET cals should be at or near goal. Eat well, drink water, take rest days, get good sleep, and be patient.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm not a troll -.- sorry for the typo on 441 lbs its actually 241!

    Please stop this diet immediately. You are going to do some serious damage to yourself if you haven't already. In fact, l would recommend you get checked by a physician just in case.



  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    NO. .\/.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    This is seriously the diet im on... How could it not be healthy though??
    I remember my doctor saying something about it being healthy but i cant honestly remember so thats why im asking.

    The thing is, i want to lose weight quickly through vigerous exercise and diet...:sick:

    One, diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. Two, you said yourself that you're feeling lousy. If this was a healthy plan, you wouldn't be feeling lousy. Three, doctors aren't always right nor looking out for the health of their patients. Please be smart and logical and EAT! I lose weight eating 1400-1500 calories a day.
  • shadow2450
    shadow2450 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok i get what everyone is saying that its bad and unhealthy, but the diet has given good results in losing weight.
    I've lost like 14 lbs on that one month i did it, somehow thought it seems even harder than before...
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    the more you lose the harder it is going to get.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Ok i get what everyone is saying that its bad and unhealthy, but the diet has given good results in losing weight.
    I've lost like 14 lbs on that one month i did it, somehow thought it seems even harder than before...

    Good results??? I lost 312 lbs. losing 1 to 2 pounds a week over the course of 3 years and guarantee my way is much more healthier than yours....... :wink:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Ok i get what everyone is saying that its bad and unhealthy, but the diet has given good results in losing weight.
    I've lost like 14 lbs on that one month i did it, somehow thought it seems even harder than before...

    Obviously you don't get what everyone is saying because you continue to defend the "diet". Your body is telling you to stop it and feed it properly. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member
    I feel really bad for you however whilst we all would Love to lose weight quickly - I don't think you've gone about it in a sustainable way. As you've noticed you are suffering some health problems already and you stopped for a month. It took months and years to gain all this weight and it will take months to take it off.

    You must not intake any less than 1200 calories minimum. Any less and your body goes into "starvation" mode and your metabolism will slow down further (that is Not what you want) and in fact, may make you gain weight rather than losing because it tries to keep your fat stored as it's "starving".

    If you are trying to accelerate your weight loss to say 2lbs a week (or 1kg) in metric, you may already be aware that you require a deficit of around 7000 calories. This is already a challenge to create.

    Also you need to factor in Base Metabolic Rate - have you calculated that? There are calculators online. The BMR is the amount of calories that your body uses up if you were to do no activity at all. For example mine is around 1800 calories.

    For me to lose 1kg a week and create that 7000 calorie deficit, I could not take out more than 600 calories per day (reaching 1200 calories/day) and not go into starvation mode (or suffer health problems).

    So say I successfully manage to intake 1200 calories/day for 1 week with a deficit of 600 cals per day. Over 7 days that creates a deficit of (600x7) 4200 calories. That is still not enough for me to lose 1kg. I'd lose a bit over 1/2 kg (3500 calorie deficit required).

    So 7000 calories - 4200 calories = 2800 calories I would need to create a deficit for to lose 1kg...

    So this is where excercising is coming in. Say you spend 1hr in the gym (burning up 600 calories) for 7 days - that would more than make up that 2800 calories. You'd burn another 4200 calories. So in total a 8400 calories deficit is created. You'd probably lose approximately 1.2kg/week.

    As you can see it already takes a big effort both eating well AND excercising just to achieve 1kg loss per week. If you were trying to lose 2kg you would be spending a LOT of time in the gym...

    Other tricks to help you burn more calories may be to make sure you are eating complex carbs and protein as your body expends more calories to break these down than simple carbs.
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