I can't get back on track without the aid of diet pills.



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I know the answers I'll get are various forms of "just do it!" But I'm asking for alternatives. Just to give me an energy boost. Other than caffeine? Anyone? :cry:

    An energy boost won't make you lose weight. You don't need to even do anything but eat less to lose weight. Most people with a significant amount to lose will lose at least 5 lbs of water weight in the first week just by cutting back on carbs and calories. I think your hook up with diet pills is way more mental than it is factual.

    If you seriously want to lose weight you will with or without a "boost" and if you do it right you won't be a yo yo dieter losing and gaining again.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I thought the same thing, until I did it myself. I lost over 63 lbs many years ago on phentermine and was working out like a beast. Unfortunately when I went off the pills (gradually) I had not learned to control my eating and I gained it all back. I also lost the false sense of energy and motivation from the pills, so I got lazy about working out. All that being said, I know the pills screwed up my metabolism so it has been harder this time for me. I decided to get really serious about my health instead of trying so hard to get skinny. As others have posted, I made small, sustainable changes and took things slow. I learned that I need to develop better habits rather than seeing weight loss as a race that will have an end. I now see weight loss as a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle and it has worked well. Plus I'm rebuilding my metabolism as I go. Good luck whatever path you choose!!

    Best post.
  • Joaneamaral
    Last year I started dieting. I was using diet pills to help me along. My weight loss was extremely slow 1 year to loose25 lbs. that was with diet pills. I regained the 25 lbs. the only thing I really lost was a lot of money. On the other hand my son who wanted to loose 50 lbs took the healthy route. He walks every day for at Least 1 1/2. Hours. Eats only healthy foods. Watches his calorie intake. So the same year later he lost the 50 lbs losing 1-2 lbs per week. I finally realized that my approach was completely wrong. I now go to the gym 3 days a week with my niece and do 90 minutes on the threadmill. Eat only healthy foods, cut out all refined sugar.the first couple of weeks I lost 5 pounds each week. Probably water weight, now I'm on a steady course of about 2 pounds a week. All without diet pills. I feel so much better, have more energy. And everyone is telling me they can see the weight loss. It took me many many years to put on this excess 60 Pounds. Slow and steady is the way to go. You want your bad habits gone. And your new eating and exercise habits to become a new way of life. Think healthy. Leave the pills. Start by cutting one thing at a time. For me sugar is a big problem for me so I cut that first. Once it's out of your system you wan't crave it anymore. I don't. Take it one day at a time, it will come off. Hope this is helpful.
  • djlumpkin1
    djlumpkin1 Posts: 1 Member
    I was in the same boat ! I joined the challenge and lost 32 lbs in my first 90 days. I was so frustrated before finding the challenge. Message me if you would like more info . my email is djlumpkin1@yahoo.com
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Agreed. Sorry, hun. You don't need a boost. All you need to do to lose weight is eat the correct amount of cals with a deficit.

    Good luck!
    I know the answers I'll get are various forms of "just do it!" But I'm asking for alternatives. Just to give me an energy boost. Other than caffeine? Anyone? :cry:

    An energy boost won't make you lose weight. You don't need to even do anything but eat less to lose weight. Most people with a significant amount to lose will lose at least 5 lbs of water weight in the first week just by cutting back on carbs and calories. I think your hook up with diet pills is way more mental than it is factual.

    If you seriously want to lose weight you will with or without a "boost" and if you do it right you won't be a yo yo dieter losing and gaining again.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Get more sleep and exercise for more energy.