Seriously, How do YOU stay motivated?



  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    i am not motivated--i am just committed. it does help enormously that my husband is on board with me and we are each others rock and can talk about it non stop.

    I also have a 4 year old dynamo---keeping up with him is exhausting!!
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I find ways to make it easy on myself:

    1. Instead of going directly from chocolate to fresh fruits (which are my go-to snack), I used dried fruits like raisins as a bridge food. Raisins are sweeter and more calorie-dense than fresh fruit (e.g., bananas, grapes, oranges), but don't have the fat that chocolate does. These days the fresh fruits satisfy me when I want something sweet. I've used other substitutions as well in such a way that I do not feel deprived in the least.

    2. I exercise at home and have my equipment in my home office, plus I love using my mini-bike. I have everything I want and need at my fingertips: music, towel, water, etc. Everything is convenient.

    3. When I have to be on the road, I pack a cooler with "my food." I'm a caregiver, so "on the road" means medical appointments that can be 75 miles away. This way, my caree can eat what she likes and I can eat what I like.

    4. Every day is a new day. This is not a race. I'll get there when I get there. My answer to plateaus is to just keep doing the right things. Bottom line: I'm a heckuva lot healthier and have more energy and better outlook than when I started, period, and I need that stamina for caregiving.

    5. I've been working on finding better stress responses. I know that maintenance will be my real challenge.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    Surround yourself with people who are motivated and have similar goals.

    I notice a difference when I go out to eat with different groups of friends. My friends who are overweight and unhealthy go to restaurants where everything is fried and the portions are oversized, while my health-conscious friends pick restaurants with higher quality ingredients, smaller plates, and often a smaller price tag too! Its easy to stay on-track when the people in your daily life (friends, family) are health-conscious and have goals similar to yours--whether they're actively trying to lose weight or just keeping themselves healthy. Health is a lifestyle, not a pastime.

    Also, don't deprive yourself.

    I love chocolate, so find ways to incorporate it without destroying my diet (chocolate protein smoothies are nice, and half an apple with peanut butter and nutella takes care of my craving for under 300 calories). If you hate the taste of raw vegetables, forcing yourself to eat them isn't going to do you any good in the long run. You won't be satisfied; you'll get frustrated and give up. So be practical about what you will and won't eat. Give yourself cheat days when you need them, and make deals with yourself. For example, I love champagne brunch with my family, but alcohol is horrible when you're trying to loose weight. So I make a deal with myself. If I go to family brunch and have a few mimosas, I always show up an hour early and help with the cooking, then stay after to do clean-up and chat. Cooking and house-work burn more calories than yoga (my daily exercise of choice), so I'm earning my treat.

    With a large goal like 50+ lbs, you need milestones to measure yourself by, so you can congratulate yourself on your progress. How about with every 10 lbs you lose, you organize something special for yourself or your motivation group? It can be a trip to the movies, a new dress, or whatever makes you feel good about yourself and marks your accomplishment. 50 lbs is a long way to go. By breaking it down, you have a goal which is tangible and attainable. 10 lbs here and 10 lbs there add up in the end.

    Good luck!
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    My dream body keeps me motivated. Six pack abs, here I come. But seriously, surround yourself with people who have similar goals, positivity and ubeatness.
  • amyfliesalot
    amyfliesalot Posts: 51 Member
    OK. I readily admit that I have a hard time staying motivated all the time. I do really good logging and exercising for a while, see results, then slack off. Then I realize that my butt has started drooping, and that ***** of a scale is taunting me again. What really motivates me is seeing pictures of myself, especially next to friends and family. Even though everyone says how good I look, the pictures don't lie. I look matronly, way too much like my overweight (fat!) mother- and don't like it ONE BIT.

    I have found that planning ahead is essential to success. Plan your healthy meals, and ALWAYS have fruits and veggies washed and cut, ready for snacking. It costs me a lot more to eat mostly good fresh fruits and veggies, but I think it's worth it. I have found that when I eat fast food or processed food- even if I'm UNDER on my calories for the day- I won't lose any weight for several days. I think it must be all the sodium they've got in them. And when I drink wine, I make bad choices. Food choices, that is! So when I'm really trying to be "good", I can't have alcohol. I've found that I'd rather eat my calories anyway, so it hasn't been an issue.

    Go ahead and fill out your profile and set your goals. And be realistic so you won't get discouraged. Have someone do your measurements and take a "before" picture. It's painful, but it's SO nice to see the results. Know that this is going to be a lifestyle change, and won't be a fast fix. And you really do need to make the time to log all the food you put in your mouth. It gets faster with time and practice. MyFitnessPals is really helpful and supportive- especially when you have "collected" good pals.

    Good luck! Your health is SO worth it!
  • tindy5799
    tindy5799 Posts: 221 Member
    I think it's actually easier to stay motivated if you need to lose 50+ pounds because you get to see the numbers going down faster, whereas when you have less weight to lose, it's a lot harder to see results. So, with that said, I stay motivated by weighing myself EVERY day and finding a new thing that makes me want to stay on track. A person, a dress I saw in an article, a new fitness goal, being able to lift more, etc. Everyday is a new challenge so I find a new thing to keep me on track.
  • bex4health
    bex4health Posts: 45 Member
    I live out in vegas and pool parties are the norm in the summer. I felt uncomfortable all the time watching all the little other skinny women look awesome having a fun time. I wanted to be at my goal this past summer, which didn't happen, but I was close enough to actually get into a 1 piece suit. Next summer it's on, bikini and abs!
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    It's a lifestyle!!!!!

    Definitely this! Working out and eating well are no longer an option! Plus I love how good I feel now compared to when I was 30 lbs heavier! - that I am only 11 more lbs to my goal!
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I live out in vegas and pool parties are the norm in the summer. I felt uncomfortable all the time watching all the little other skinny women look awesome having a fun time. I wanted to be at my goal this past summer, which didn't happen, but I was close enough to actually get into a 1 piece suit. Next summer it's on, bikini and abs!

    I hear you!!! I live in AZ and yep, short tiny shorts and skirts and bathing suits are summer attire!!!
  • cmira5ol
    cmira5ol Posts: 1,246 Member
    mirrors, pictures, and compliments
  • natasha8812
    natasha8812 Posts: 15 Member
    My goal is a baby. I have PCOS and my doctor said that I can increase my fertility by losing weight. so I thought about the last weight I felt happy at and that is my over all target but it's 6 stone to lose at least.
    I get home from work have my tea then sit and think I really can't be bothered doing anything, then all the programmes come on and me and my house mate sit and watch them all then before we know it its bed time.then do the same routine the day after.
    Now i get up half hour earlier and walk to work this is not me I really love my bed. i also walk home now to. I make tea then at about 7 my boy friend takes his dog out and he always rings me and we chat so I started going out walking whilst on the phone and before I know it i've walk quite a distance. My aim is to do more exercise apart from walking but it's a big step to be doing any it did used to be taxis everywhere. I just keep saying to myself I WANT A BABY I WILL GET HEALTHY every time I am in can't be bothered mode xxx
    Anyone Feel free to add me I will support and encourage you xxx
  • annettevann
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    Lots of things keep me motivated.
    - Reading others success stories gets me going.
    - Looking at old photos and not liking what I see motivates me.
    - Remembering how unhappy I used to be keeps me going.
    - Just wanting to see how far I can go, how much I can improve, keeps me going. Things are better than they've ever been for me but I want tomorrow to be even better.
    - That next smaller sized shirt or pair of jeans (I buy clothing too small and work to make it fit) keeps me going.

    Today my motivation came from a pal who's starting his own journey towards fitness. I went to his page in hopes of passing on something motivational, saw that he had had his on success and got motivation from that. It's always something different.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    As I lose weight my motivation changes. In the beginning I'm not really sure it even was motivation. As a previous poster said, I think it was more sheer determination. The more I lose, its the changes in my body and the nsv's that motivate me more than anything. Being able to do things like cross my legs, or easilyrtoll over in bed now continue to motivate me. To be honest, one of the biggest things is how humilated I would be if i were to ever gain it back. That definitely motivates me a lot lol.
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Losing 0.1 lbs motivates me a lot.
    Pictures, clothes and success stories here on MFP motivates me a lot.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    The most important thing to understand is that motivation comes and goes. What will sustain you is the healthy habits you build around eating and exercise.

    When you are ready to do this - you will. It will be your priority - all day, through holidays, at night when you want to snack, when you're ready to give up. I tried and failed many times in the last few years. I finally was ready to commit to this and do the work that needed to be done. I was ready to have the patience it was going to take.

    Also, I finally had to admit that this was my life now. Not a goal, not a diet, not something to do for a few months - my life.
  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    I have a dress that I have to fit into by August 2014. I'm a bridesmaid, and it's the type of dress that I will never look good in unless I drop 40lbs. And then in 2015 I get married in Mexico. I carry a picture of the bridesmaid dress around with me, and a picture of the vintage bikini I want to wear in Mexico. I also have them pinned to my fridge, and at my desk at work. Also I have a pair of pants that I really want to fit in for my bridal showers, they're super cute and I fit in them once upon a time.

    This. I have a favourite summer/party dress that I fit into last summer, even if it was a little tight. But when I got it out this year to wear at a wedding I couldn't get it over my hips and stomach. I had noticed it a little with my trousers but on the whole I didn't know it was that bad. I had added about 10kg in a year. I was borderline obese, which scared me a little. So now my goal is to fit into that dress and to be in the normal range.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Stay motivated? I remind myself of how hard I work and how long I've been maintaining and I don't want to throw it away. Plus I'm vain and love my skinny jeans. :-)

    ^^THIS^^ not to mention my BF loves my skinny jeans and my yoga workout shorts. :laugh:
  • jenniferevon
    Goal setting and not just a number goal. I set short term and long term goals. Once you reach a goal, treat yourself with something other than food. Create a chart and buy yourself some stars. For each goal you meet, give yourself a star! Sounds silly, but it works.

    Obviously seeing the number go down on the scale helps but I also track NSV's (non-scale victories). Looking back at your accomplishments really help. Did you reach your calorie goal? Did you reach your carb/protein goal? How many times did you workout this week? It goes hand-in-hand with setting goals and creating the chart.

    I bring my friends/family/coworkers into the mix. I don't tell them my goals but I do tell them that I have changed my eating habits (Don't diet! Diet is a nasty four letter word. You are making a lifestyle change!). If you let others know you are trying to change, they won't try to shove unhealthy food down your throat and you won't have to feel guilty when you turn them down. LOL!

    Find a motivation partner. Somebody you can talk to about your goals, your successes AND your setbacks. Hashing things out with someone really helps!

    Look at photos. I know it's hard but seeing where you came from helps.

    In the end, it's all about you and your personality. I get bored with the same old routine so I have to change things up. Other people who are social, need people involved (working out with a friend). Others, like to see data and analysis on how they're doing and want to read a book. Finally, some people like a lot of structure and make a specific plan that they have to follow. Your thinking preferences are what is going to determine how you're successful.
  • Mexs
    Mexs Posts: 5
    I got my other half to take a picture of me in my swimsuit. They glued it into a card and wrote some nice things that we can have to look forward to when I have lost weight and feel more confident eg. canoeing, going up a volcano. There are also some personal comments in there. I carry the card in my bag everywhere and if I am struggling I open it. The photo and comments are a great combination to keep me going.
    Good luck. x