Losing my patience



  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    You're not eating enough to fuel your workouts.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Congratz on your success. Don't rate your progress against anyone else. This is for you and you're doing a wonderful job!:flowerforyou:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thank you, everyone. I'm going through this journey with my boyfriend. It has been frustrating, because I keep comparing myself to him. He gets to eat more calories. When we workout at the same pace (with me having a higher average heart rate) he typically burns about 200 more calories than me. I guess because he is a male and I'm female. Last night he splurged and had icecream and a couple candybars. I had an apple and a lemon jello for my special treat. It can be so frustrating working so hard and seeing the weight fall of so slow--while the people around you are eating McDonalds for breakfast, some other crap for lunch, and who knows what for dinner.

    The bags of a potato is a real eye opener. The next time I step into a grocery store I will hold them up. You are absolutely right. 26lbs is a lot if you look at it that way!!!!

    The only person you need to compare yourself with is YOU.

    Honey there will always be someone better- strong faster- quicker at losing weight.

    There will always be someone behind you- not losing any weight- losing 1/2 lb a week.

    The only question you need to ask yourself is "am I better version of myself today than I was yesterday?"

    I'm not sure why you think if you took YEARS to pack all that weight on- it's suddenly going to come off because you changed your life. It takes time. It didnt' go on over night- and it won't go OFF Over night.

    Shows like that- that is ALL those people do- is focus on losing weight- it's literally their job- to lose weight. You are a normal functioning adult. You must lose weight the way ALL normal functioning adults do. Slowly. painfully and with much consistence and perseverance.

    People fail because they are not dedicated to the grind. Because the grind of doing this takes months- and years. They want it in 6 weeks.

    Chill out. I spent 4 months cutting and didn't lose 5 lbs. It is what it is. I'm okay with it. relax- keep doing what you are doing- IT"S WORKING. :)

    oh and congrats.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    OP, you are doing great! If you lose it too fast, you'll probably be setting yourself up to regain it anyway, as whatever you're doing isn't sustainable. Don't lose hope - again, you're doing great, and you've had lots of great replies with better info than mine.

    My contribution - don't compare yourself to your boyfriend (or anyone for that matter). You'll just go crazy <g> I've found that men may lose weight quicker and with less seeming effort than women, and they also wind up with more calories they can eat. So - celebrate each others' successes individually and without comparison.

    Keep it up!
  • Thank you, everyone. I'm going through this journey with my boyfriend. It has been frustrating, because I keep comparing myself to him. He gets to eat more calories. When we workout at the same pace (with me having a higher average heart rate) he typically burns about 200 more calories than me. I guess because he is a male and I'm female. Last night he splurged and had icecream and a couple candybars. I had an apple and a lemon jello for my special treat. It can be so frustrating working so hard and seeing the weight fall of so slow--while the people around you are eating McDonalds for breakfast, some other crap for lunch, and who knows what for dinner.

    The bags of a potato is a real eye opener. The next time I step into a grocery store I will hold them up. You are absolutely right. 26lbs is a lot if you look at it that way!!!!

    I feel ya, hon! My husband is a foot taller than me and almost 70 lbs heaver than I am. We've both lost about the same amount of weight in the same amount of time. Only I've been busting my butt with a low calorie diet and a ton of exercise while he gets 1000 calories extra a day in his "diet" and does exactly zero exercise (outside of work). You can't compare yourself to others, especially men, because we're just built to burn calories at different levels. You're doing an amazing job and I can guarantee that there are plenty of people out there that wish they could have the success that you've enjoyed. Don't get discouraged. Keep up the good work!
  • eglinjoe
    eglinjoe Posts: 8 Member
    Coming from a guy who went to the gym for about 2-3 hours a day for three months and didn't lose a pound....first off I felt like quiting, and I thought it was becuase I was eating extra for any calories burned, so why not quit. But thankfully I had a POD test before and after the three month workout, and my weight was the same, but my BMI had dropped from 30 down to 25. It was muscle mass weight. You can gain muscle which weighs more than fat, so it's about measuring your body parts/BMI as well.
    Secondly water plays a big part in weight. I used to drink on the weekends and found the day after a heavy drinking binge I would lose weight even though I would eat more when I drank, and beer is not low calorie...but it was just water weight and the weight came back plus some a couple days later....high sodium, and exercise frequency can change your water needs/storage too...remember most people are 70% water.....meds can keep water weight on too.....just keep working at it.
  • Tied2BeFit
    Tied2BeFit Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I think we have pretty close goals in mind...if you want to have an accountability partner I am more then willing to help you out. I sure need one as well =]

    As for your patience, you are doing great!! Don't think about the number on the scale. How are your clothes fitting? How do you feel walking up a flight of stairs, now? Have things gotten easier in the gym? Think of all the things that were a struggle 26 lbs ago and how much easier they are now!

    Your struggles are normal! You are NOT going to lose a significant amount of weight every week...always keep that in mind. You are taking all of the rite necessary steps to lose weight, and it is working.

    Always remember, THIS IS A JOURNEY not a quick fix kind of thing. Keep your eye on the prize and keep on truckin' along =]
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You refer to it as a lifestyle change but its only been 3 months and your already doubting it.. so its not a lifestyle change to you.. You need to get your mind right and realize what works best for you in the long run.. obviously this isn't working for you.. maybe it is time for a diet break and a reevaluation of your workouts, calories eaten, food eaten.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I know what I am and am not capable of in regards to weight. I was a Military Police Officer in the Army. By Army standards I was overweight at 5'6 and 146lbs. Every weigh in I was "taped"--meaning my measurements taken, and then I always fell within the standard amount for my particular build. So--at my fittest/healthiest time in my life I was "overweight" by scale measurements. I knew this going into changing my lifestyle. My original goal on August 1st was to lose 30lbs by the new year. That gave me 5 months--which I knew I could do safely. On October 4th--I weighed 207lbs. THAT opened my eye that I was so close to my first goal and it made me that more driven. Over the next few weeks I only have lost 3lbs--and now down to 204. I am very strict on myself. I truly have discipline to drag my butt out of bed at 5:30am and go run 3miles in 29 degree Nebraska fall weather! I look at food and think "How long would I have to run to burn those calories off?" and then that gives me motivation to NOT crave a donut or pizza or whatever. My next goal (once I reach my first goal) is 25lbs by my birthday in April. That will bring me to 175lb. Even though I would love to be down to 150lb--I know that I'm not as young as I was in my military days and getting down to that weight isn't realistic.

    I appreciate everyone's feedback. I truly do. I need all the help and encouragement I can get!!!!!!
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you, everyone. I'm going through this journey with my boyfriend. It has been frustrating, because I keep comparing myself to him. He gets to eat more calories. When we workout at the same pace (with me having a higher average heart rate) he typically burns about 200 more calories than me. I guess because he is a male and I'm female. Last night he splurged and had icecream and a couple candybars. I had an apple and a lemon jello for my special treat. It can be so frustrating working so hard and seeing the weight fall of so slow--while the people around you are eating McDonalds for breakfast, some other crap for lunch, and who knows what for dinner.

    The bags of a potato is a real eye opener. The next time I step into a grocery store I will hold them up. You are absolutely right. 26lbs is a lot if you look at it that way!!!!

    oh, I feel you on that. I started the journey with my boyfriend too, and now after all my efforts to get us both to eat healthy and exercise more, he has hit his target in 5 months and I'm not even halfway through. And he gets to eat more. So unfair!

    But I have to give it to you, you have come so far, this is an amazing progress you've made! You see those people on TBL when they have to go for skin removal? That's from losing too fast. If you take it slow, steady and healthy, chances are your skin will also slowly adjust. Keep yourself hydrated and the skin too (moisturizers). I hope I'm not quoting broscience here, but I did read it during my research.

    I also agree with the poster who suggested taking more rest days. The rest day is when your body gets to repair itself and it's very important. Overtraining can also stall you in the long run and there is nothing more frustrating than a 2 month plateu.

    I think you are doing great. It's silly to compare yourself to what you see on TV or to your boyfriend who is (as far as fat loss is concerned) a different species :)

    Good luck!
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    You are doing better than me!! I hit my 3 month mark a few days ago and I am down 19.... keep it up! You're doing awesome!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    You are doing great! You are averaging 3 lbs a week. 3 LBS A WEEK! That's perfect! That is weight loss that you can keep off. I do understand how you feel....I want to go to sleep and wake up skinny. Isn't that why God invented liposuction?? However....on that note, I just got back from a cruise and there was a lady who was thin and had a flat stomach, but when she stood up you could see that she was jiggly like jelly and upon closer look I could see where she had a little lipo scar on her lower belly...so she did wake up skinny but had no tone. Girl, you are going to end up thinner and toned and you will look fantastic! So, just keep doing what you are doing because IT'S WORKING!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hooray for awesome progress...

    ...and hooray for adjusting previously unrealistic expectations.
  • cardozm
    cardozm Posts: 78 Member
    i am losing hope too... and why am i complaining i keep eating... ughhh
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    Um, I'd kill to lose over 20 pounds in less than three months. Just sayin.

    I usually only lose 2 lbs per month eating 1500 cals per day and exercising a lot. Count your blessings.