Weight Train at 1200 Calories



  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    i weight train 7x a week and do cardio every day and i eat only like 1400 calories.

    so you're certainly fine at 1200.


    Me too

  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i weight train 7x a week and do cardio every day and i eat only like 1400 calories.

    so you're certainly fine at 1200.

    Sorry, OP, I really don't have any advice for you.

    I'm just here to try to understand why a physically active 29 year old man would intentionally eat 1200-1400 calories.

    In for the answer to this question too.... OP I am going to have to say I got nothing because I personally prefer to fuel my body for the demands of weight training and cardio but Best of Luck...

    i don't see how it's hard to understand, i remembered to track everything i ate today and i hit 1375:

    breakfast: oatmeal 130 calories
    Snack: banana: 100 calories
    Lunch: Panera salad (usually i eat soup for lunch which is only 300 calories) but this was 470
    After i lifted, i had a protein shake: 260 calories
    Dinner: i had grilled pork and put it in a large salad with other vegetables: 410 calories

    i don't drink any calories, aside from protein shake, and i take a gnc multivitamin that's 50 calories, so 1425 i guess and i'm plenty full, and i worked out alot today.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    i weight train 7x a week and do cardio every day and i eat only like 1400 calories.

    so you're certainly fine at 1200.

    Sorry, OP, I really don't have any advice for you.

    I'm just here to try to understand why a physically active 29 year old man would intentionally eat 1200-1400 calories.

    In for the answer to this question too.... OP I am going to have to say I got nothing because I personally prefer to fuel my body for the demands of weight training and cardio but Best of Luck...

    i don't see how it's hard to understand, i remembered to track everything i ate today and i hit 1375:

    breakfast: oatmeal 130 calories
    Snack: banana: 100 calories
    Lunch: Panera salad (usually i eat soup for lunch which is only 300 calories) but this was 470
    After i lifted, i had a protein shake: 260 calories
    Dinner: i had grilled pork and put it in a large salad with other vegetables: 410 calories

    i don't drink any calories, aside from protein shake, and i take a gnc multivitamin that's 50 calories, so 1425 i guess and i'm plenty full, and i worked out alot today.

    I guess I'm just dumbfounded how you maintain (an apparently lean) 190 pounds being active on so few calories...

    ...or perhaps you're still losing and not maintaining?
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    i weight train 7x a week and do cardio every day and i eat only like 1400 calories.

    so you're certainly fine at 1200.

    Sorry, OP, I really don't have any advice for you.

    I'm just here to try to understand why a physically active 29 year old man would intentionally eat 1200-1400 calories.

    In for the answer to this question too.... OP I am going to have to say I got nothing because I personally prefer to fuel my body for the demands of weight training and cardio but Best of Luck...

    i don't see how it's hard to understand, i remembered to track everything i ate today and i hit 1375:

    breakfast: oatmeal 130 calories
    Snack: banana: 100 calories
    Lunch: Panera salad (usually i eat soup for lunch which is only 300 calories) but this was 470
    After i lifted, i had a protein shake: 260 calories
    Dinner: i had grilled pork and put it in a large salad with other vegetables: 410 calories

    i don't drink any calories, aside from protein shake, and i take a gnc multivitamin that's 50 calories, so 1425 i guess and i'm plenty full, and i worked out alot today.

    How much do you lift?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    i weight train 7x a week and do cardio every day and i eat only like 1400 calories.

    so you're certainly fine at 1200.

    Sorry, OP, I really don't have any advice for you.

    I'm just here to try to understand why a physically active 29 year old man would intentionally eat 1200-1400 calories.

    In for the answer to this question too.... OP I am going to have to say I got nothing because I personally prefer to fuel my body for the demands of weight training and cardio but Best of Luck...

    i don't see how it's hard to understand, i remembered to track everything i ate today and i hit 1375:

    breakfast: oatmeal 130 calories
    Snack: banana: 100 calories
    Lunch: Panera salad (usually i eat soup for lunch which is only 300 calories) but this was 470
    After i lifted, i had a protein shake: 260 calories
    Dinner: i had grilled pork and put it in a large salad with other vegetables: 410 calories

    i don't drink any calories, aside from protein shake, and i take a gnc multivitamin that's 50 calories, so 1425 i guess and i'm plenty full, and i worked out alot today.

    I think the question was 'why' not 'how'.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i'd be maintaining (i hurt my foot and was semi-idle for about a month w\out doing cardio and i maintained at 197) while still lifting.

    Now my foot is all healthy and i've been really active this past few weeks, so i'd still be maintaining like this if i hadn't been so aggressive recently w\my cardio. I've lost like 92 pounds so far and i'm trying to get to 180, and i'm 192 right now.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    to the person asking me "how much i lift" so idk how to quantify that, but.

    My max bench is 300.
    Dumbbell curls, max 1 rep w\good form i curl 70lbs in each hand
    pull ups: i can do 12 strict form. (w\weight on i can do a chinup w\me weighing 275)

    I don't do heavy squats, i do alot of plyometrics instead and box jumps kind of stuff. But I do do other leg stuff so it's not like i skip it by any means.

    and i run a quick mile a few times a day around a 6:40 pace currenlty for my cardio (today i'm a bit of a loser and did it 4 times).
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    to the person asking me "how much i lift" so idk how to quantify that, but.

    My max bench is 300.
    Dumbbell curls, max 1 rep w\good form i curl 70lbs in each hand
    pull ups: i can do 12 strict form. (w\weight on i can do a chinup w\me weighing 275)

    I don't do heavy squats, i do alot of plyometrics instead and box jumps kind of stuff. But I do do other leg stuff so it's not like i skip it by any means.

    and i run a quick mile a few times a day around a 6:40 pace currenlty for my cardio (today i'm a bit of a loser and did it 4 times).

  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    No, 1200 calories is not enough. 1200-1400 for a man is definitely not enough. I don't even know how you can properly recover from your workouts if that is all you are eating. Oy, this is why I have been staying away from the forums.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    to the person asking me "how much i lift" so idk how to quantify that, but.

    My max bench is 300.
    Dumbbell curls, max 1 rep w\good form i curl 70lbs in each hand
    pull ups: i can do 12 strict form. (w\weight on i can do a chinup w\me weighing 275)

    I don't do heavy squats, i do alot of plyometrics instead and box jumps kind of stuff. But I do do other leg stuff so it's not like i skip it by any means.

    and i run a quick mile a few times a day around a 6:40 pace currenlty for my cardio (today i'm a bit of a loser and did it 4 times).


    405 is my max deadliftt, i havn't tried a pr in a few months on that. i'm kind of a wimp about deadlifts and don't do them as often as i should.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    To the OP: dear god why?? I lift so I CAN eat all the foodz without shame. IMHO (and based primarily on medical and scientific facts, which I personally prefer to MFP board opinions) that just isn't healthy. But let's be real: you are not going to take anyone's advice, you are just asking for people to say "Yay you!". Come on now, your 2nd goal for getting fit is to "make people jealous". Your quote is "bodybuilding, here I come!" I call bullsh!t. You can't handle the truth.

    And you know damn good and well you read that last bit in Jack Nicholson's voice. Admit it. It's OK.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    to the person asking me "how much i lift" so idk how to quantify that, but.

    My max bench is 300.
    Dumbbell curls, max 1 rep w\good form i curl 70lbs in each hand
    pull ups: i can do 12 strict form. (w\weight on i can do a chinup w\me weighing 275)

    I don't do heavy squats, i do alot of plyometrics instead and box jumps kind of stuff. But I do do other leg stuff so it's not like i skip it by any means.

    and i run a quick mile a few times a day around a 6:40 pace currenlty for my cardio (today i'm a bit of a loser and did it 4 times).


    405 is my max deadliftt, i havn't tried a pr in a few months on that. i'm kind of a wimp about deadlifts and don't do them as often as i should.

    I see. Have you tried eating more? I bet you would still lose.
    I am 5'5''- 5'6'', weigh 132-133 pounds and lose weight eating more than you are. I work out less than you are. I wish I could eat more and still lose.

    I guess i am just wondering why you're not taking advantage of your higher TDEE to eat more, because i would.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    toning.. is the equivalent to fat loss. You lose fat, you look toned.. you will lose fat on a 1200 calorie diet. Mission accomplished. To respond to the topic name..

    I weight train on a 1200 calorie diet 3-4 days a week.. I'm not gaining muscle, obviously, but I am capable of maxing out my current muscle abilities.

    My most recent pr's are bench 120, shoulder press 95, deadlift 205, squat 165, and clean 105.

    Good luck.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member

    Auschwitz victims were given an average of 1300-1700 calories a day, depending on their workload, and most died of organ failure and exhaustion due to malnutrition.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member

    Auschwitz victims were given an average of 1300-1700 calories a day, depending on their workload, and most died of organ failure and exhaustion due to malnutrition.

    i'm sorry, i only half read this, but this might be the dumbbest thing i've ever seen. Surely they were getting a healthy diet and standard living conditions.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Is it ok to eat just 1200 calories per day, and strength train for muscle tone 5x week.
    I just want tone, not looking to get big! I have been losing massive weight 2 1/2 lbs per week.
    Sometimes I eat under 1200 calories. I have a hard time eating. Like I said I just want tone.
    I eat healthy, and know how to eat. I eat 90% clean and organic, I mostly cook at home.
    I have stopped exercising for a month now, but I am dropping lbs by eating right, and less.
    some insight would be good. Last time I did weights I swelled up ad gained weight, and was hungry
    all the time. My friend tell me that I still look toned without flexing.

    Nope. You need to eat more because you are working your body more.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member

    Auschwitz victims were given an average of 1300-1700 calories a day, depending on their workload, and most died of organ failure and exhaustion due to malnutrition.

    i'm sorry, i only half read this, but this might be the dumbbest thing i've ever seen. Surely they were getting a healthy diet and standard living conditions.

    *shrug* Do with the truth what you will. I did the 1200 calorie thing and messed up my metabolism, was lethargic and my hair shed way more than normal. But whatevs. I'm sure the Jews were exaggerating.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member

    Auschwitz victims were given an average of 1300-1700 calories a day, depending on their workload, and most died of organ failure and exhaustion due to malnutrition.

    i'm sorry, i only half read this, but this might be the dumbbest thing i've ever seen. Surely they were getting a healthy diet and standard living conditions.

    *shrug* Do with the truth what you will. I did the 1200 calorie thing and messed up my metabolism, was lethargic and my hair shed way more than normal. But whatevs. I'm sure the Jews were exaggerating.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Brilliant response.
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379
    The OP wants to weight train, eat less than 1200 cals, not eat back exercise calories, and weighs 98 pounds.

    The bridge dwellers need to be a little more creative with their spare time :laugh:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Dude, your BMR working out like 5-6hrs a week is almost 2000 calories.

    With everything you claim, you could maintain weight at almost 3500 calories per day, and lose around 2lbs per week at about 2700.