My scale is pissing me off.



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Sounds like it's either time for new batteries or a new scale.

    If you happen to go scale shopping, I just bought the Balance From digital scale off Amazon for $25 with free shipping. I really can't say enough about the scale. I think you would be really pleased with it...consistent, easy to read, doesn't require you to tap it on, just step on and go.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Seems your scale isn't working so well. I'm lucky mine seems totally accurate, I can weigh myself 4 times in a row and I always get the same number.

    Unfortunately, many times I think its actually a new "gimmick" to have us perceive this as accuracy. Hopefully yours is different, but with my new digital scale I've noticed I can get exactly the same weight 4 times in a row, IF and only if I do the weights within a short period of each other. If I walk out of the bathroom and check my phone and then walk back in and get on...different weight. I think many of the newer scales do not completely reset with "zeroing" when you turn them on, and instead do some internal memory calculations that only wipes in 1 minute or whatever time it takes before you get a true actual reset (power is completely drained from no pressure).