
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Saving my place
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Oooohhh, was just lying on the sofa last night when my back started seizing up. Ended up lying on the floor, taking paracetemol. I know it is my response to arrival of guests today. It often happens when I am going on holiday.
    So this morning I did a lighter workout and nothing to stress the back. Some stretches as well. It's unfortunate as I could have done with banking extra cals for today, not fewer!:sad:
    I have a bit of cooking to do in a minute, then a bed to make, as an extra for the wife in case her husband's snoring gets too much for her, :laugh: and then just a check round to make sure all is clean and tidy. I bought some lovely little growing narcissi for the kitchen table and a growing pink rose for the living room. I wish I wasn't such a perfectionist, but I'm stuck with it. Especially around food as many of you have noticed! :laugh: I can't bear to serve food that isn't home made. When I lived slone I ate a lot of prepared food, but for other people I have higher standards!:laugh: :tongue:

    Well, must get on.

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    morning morning ladies,
    I Took a nap yesterday , haven't done that in awhile but felt good, maybe those 2 bowls of cereal helped because im down like 3 lbs from a few days ago. my weight has fluctuated 3-5 lbs since i got back from vacation..
    I need to go grocery shopping but wont be able to go until thursday. I have to see what the weather is bringing for thanksgiving...
    Kevrit and I will be meeting up this thursday I think at walmart,im hoping someone can snap a picture of us to post on here.
    praying for the familes in IL. and in Indiana.those tornado's looked horrific.
    Susan- Thank you for the kind words,im truly humbled
    Meg- gonna check out that Walgreens site to sign up for that...,just signed up.. this looks neat~thanks Meg....
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend:bigsmile: ! No time to post very much this morning:sad: ! Hope those in the path of the horrible storms are all safe and sound:heart: !

    Have a fabulous Monday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    Greandmallie:smile: Yay, the dreaded scale moved in the right direction:bigsmile: !!!!

    DeeDee in rather warm NC 60 degrees this morning:huh:
  • Good Morning all! Been to the gym this morning. Had a good workout. Had my oatmeal with peaches, craisins, & walnuts for breakfast. Ready for a good day! Been seeing pics of the storm damage in the midwest----hope everyone is safe & without damage.
    Happy Anniversary, Anamika! Have a great day!
    Viv, I lost my dog, Molly this yr, too (in Aug). Miss having that happy face & wagging tail greet me when I get home. Hope to get another dog after the holidays.
    Hope you all have a great day! Have to jump in the shower & get ready for work.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: One of the great blessings of this down time since my fall has been the necessity to return to very careful eating since I am not able to add 600-1000 workout calories every day. It has made me once again mindful of nourishing my body with food rather than entertaining it……I have eliminated all the “frills” and “treats” and budgeted my calories carefully to be sure I have all the nutrition I need within the limited amount of calories allotted. I haven’t gained weight and I haven’t been starving. 1200-1400 calories isn’t much so every bit of salad dressing, every cookie, and every little extra uses calories that could be used for chicken and veggies instead. I choose green beans instead of corn because the calorie count is so much lower.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington

  • gm54
    gm54 Posts: 1
    Hi all, I'm a newby 50 plus woman. I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life and very discouraged about the way I look. I quit smoking 1 year ago and have packed on some weight. Am wearing stretch waist pants. I really need moral support. I have a couple of girlfriends who use to be bigger but are now both skinny ( one's a size 4, the other a 6). They are supportive. A year and a half ago I was a size 8. I had gone to ww and shed 20 lbs. I had kept it off for a few years and was a lifetime member. Then stuff happened in my life and I ate. (I'm an emotional eater). I was too embarrassed to go back to ww . That was a huge mistake. The monthly weigh-in is what really kept me on track.
    I'm hoping mfp will help me lose as I am bound for my daughter's destination wedding in 6 months. My husband is overweight and snacks alot. I've asked him not to eat that stuff when I'm home, but he does it anyway. It's very tempting to cheat when it's in your face. I had joined an exercise group, but my knees were giving me trouble so I backed off the last few weeks. I can see the weight loss some of you have had and am envious, and also excited, that it could be me too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: “She generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it)."
    - Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't want this to be me:laugh: :laugh:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: You seem to enjoy entertaining and making things special for your guests. That doesn’t seem like perfectionism to me. :noway: I think you’d make a very successful innkeeper if you wanted to be one. If you aren’t enjoying all the fussing, or get anxious that things aren’t good enough, then I’d worry about perfectionism. Entertaining was a horrible ordeal for my mom. She was fundamentally shy and filled with self-doubt. I have a little of that in me, too, but not the debilitating self-doubt she had. Mine is confined to a bit of social shyness. (The relative anonymity of a group like this helps me overcome the shyness.):wink::glasses:

    Grandmallie & DeeDee: I watch the Weather Channel regularly but missed the news about tornadoes in IL. My DD has in-laws who live there. I’ll need to check it out and find out the location of the tornado damage.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I love the concept of nourishing your body with food rather than entertaining it. I have eliminated quite a few things but never thought of it in that particular light. That said, I still go out for ice-cream once in a while although I don’t buy it in cartons to put in my freezer anymore. We’re all works in progress, I guess, and you’re way ahead of me in the process.:flowerforyou:

    Gm54: Welcome to the group. I’ve learned a lot from the women here in the year + since I started my weight loss journey, and gotten a lot of practical suggestions and social support. Let us know where you’re from. It is lots of fun knowing where people live. We have members from all over the world, although most are in the northern hemisphere.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh it's Monday again, I love Mondays. Always a fresh start to the whole process of living better. :bigsmile: Long work day ahead, I'll start off with Yoga this morning. Must get back to it on a regular basis. That, along with seriously watching calories and cutting out "extras" like you mentioned, Barbie. :wink: Thanks for the reminder.

    Since I do Yoga upstairs, and it's a complete mess up there, :ohwell: I guess I'd better head up beforehand and give it at least a quickie...30 min cleaning, 30 min Yoga. I'll give the art studio a look-see while I'm at it, I'm wanting to do some painting this winter! I don't have time in summer with gardening and all.

    Meg and Michelle, I can't imagine standing there coloring my hair wearing only bra and panties. :noway: Brrr! I wear sweat pants and a great big XXL T-shirt from the "old" days that I wear when coloring. I guess I could turn up the thermostat, duh! :laugh: I remove the rugs from the bathroom tile floor, and keep a cleaning cloth handy to wipe up spots as they tend to fling when I'm doing the long ends if I'm not super careful. huh:

    I think I'll make a pot of vegetable beef soup this morning, and chop vegs for tonight's stir fry. I get home late from work so I've got to get dinner prepared ahead of time. Oh hey, just had a thought......since I'm thinking of making soup and chopping vegs, I might just make minestrone for dinner. Celery, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage, green beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, quart of tomatoes and chunks of left over roast beef. Easy-peasy. Good idea, glad I thought of it. :tongue:

    Welcome DebPA and gm54. :smile: Hop on in here and keep us updated with your progress!

    Alrighty, let's all have a great day and do well! xo

    :smile: jb In dark-sky Portland OR
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: “She generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it)."
    - Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't want this to be me:laugh: :laugh:
    Oh boy, isn't that the truth! Same here! :bigsmile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning again!

    What a beautiful morning here. Clear and crisp. I just love this time of year!

    I drove my little self up to my office this morning to do some drafting. It was my first time driving since my heart cath and I was fine. Just a little tired when I got here - and it's only a 10 minute drive. I have a doctor's appointment at 1:00, so I will stay here till then. (My drafting work took about 5 minutes to finish.) So I will goof off and surf till time to go. Shopping will have to be after the doctor. This is just a 3 month check-in with my family doctor, so no big deal, except I am a little worried about how she will take the news that I went to KU Med for a heart cath. She tried to convince me that staying close to home was the best thing. Of course, she doesn't know about the emergency room fiasco or any of what happened after that. So I will just explain it and that should be that. It is my decision, after all. I just feel like I've been unfaithful or something.

    Bruno learned a fun new trick. We put things we don't want him to chew on the top of his crate to keep them safe. This morning I caught him standing on top of the crate with one of hubby's shoes in his mouth getting ready to jump down and run off with it. We didn't know he could jump that high. This is the beginning of the end, I'm afraid.

    Well, have a great Monday everybody.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon .Praying for all those who lost homes etc,thru the storms yesterday,
    Being grateful we are safe .
    Welcome to the new ladies,this is an awesome bunch.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Cold and windy,but sun out.
    Have a great day.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    I have not had a chance to read all the posts on this new thread but have read the ones on the previous thread.

    Michelle in NC, I closed on the house I bought in CT. The house in TN is still for sale.
    Grandmallie, your posts are my inspiration to keep going! I am pitting myself against you as an incentive!

    I am going to join CURVES tomorrow. I made an appointment with a trainer there for tomorrow morning at 7:45 am. I will update on how that goes. The weekend was not good food-wise. I really need to get back on track, hence, Curves! My DH is on my side about this as well. I do better with a structured plan than on my own. Anyone else on here ever do or are doing Curves? Opinions welcome!

    I did well today so far. Had Cream of Wheat with 1/2 banana and milk flavored with 1 spoon of Nutella. Lunch was 1/2 a Nardelli's chef salad with Parmesean-Pepper dressing on the side that I didn't even use 1/4 of! Proud of myself! Saving the rest of the salad for tomorrow's lunch.

    Busy day at work so must get back to it!

    Rita from CT
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Bumping in. I may not have the time or energy to post or read but I don't want to lose track of you all. I will try to get on a read tonight.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place with a brief apology to Heather. I sent a message that included talking about inn keeping and perfectionism, I should have proof read it.:blushing: :blushing: I do NOT think you show signs of being a perfectionist. You are talented, though, and very likely a gifted hostess.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome gm54. The weight losses we all show has not come easy or quick. There have been some on this journey for a couple of years. Personally it has taken me over a year to lose almost 45 pounds.

    Katla, your descritption of the anynomity of the group helping with the social shyness fit me like a glove. As an RN and co-worker I was not shy, but just sitting and talking to someone, nope I can't do that.

    We went to our health insurance agent this morning. My plan that will have it's premiums almost doubled seems to be the best for me.Just like my husbands current policy, the $0 premium is the cheapest but they don't accept my family doctor and I am not leaving him for anything. There are several medicines I take that are going up 1 or even 2 tiers and I will have to ask my doctors for alternatives. Plus the cheaper plans don't offer the Silver sneakers programs. My husband wasn't wanting to change doctors but he doesn't want to go from $0 to $63/month so we need to find a new doctor for him. I wish I could say that HE needs to find a new doctor but I know he won't. He puts all that on me.I also have to get a new glucose machine, mine isn't covered anymore. I don't like it that insurance dictates so much what treatments we choose.

    I don't know why but I am really tired today. Also real cold.I guess I better go find my heavy throw. I am still so, so thankful that the tornadoes missed us once again. My life is not an organized one at all and we have no disaster plan, nothing packed, no medicines tucked away. I asked my husband what would be the first thing he would grab if we actually saw a tornado come our way. He said his coin collection. I said it would be by cake pan full of medicine bottles. His response 'oops, I forgot about that'. Again I think he just thinks I would take care of it. If we had to go to a local shelter I would have to take my C-Pap, noise machine, all my chargers, medicines, and a surge protector. The latter is just because it has so many plug in spots. If it was during the summer it would have to be a place that is air conditioner because of the MS. So what do you all have for a disaster plan?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    evening ladies,
    just stoppin in to say a quick howdy..
    Have you ever had the feeling that you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop? well that is how I am feeling.
    I have been working at this dentist office for 7 yrs,1 1/2 before my boss passed away, then the rest with the new dr's, i came back from Florida last January to have them cut my hours, now I just feel like a 5th wheel.. I still do all I am supposed to do,but I dont really feel needed, and like I said the office manager can be a B. at 4:15 she said, you can punch out now your working saterday. which means I lose 45 minutes of pay. we went home early alot last week too.
    I am going to start scouting for full time work, but not start until after the new year..
    I feel like a ship lost in the night..
    I dont mind hard work,it makes the day go by quick, but I sort of feel that these women that I thought were good friends, seem to be stabbing me in the back a bit..
    Ok enough of that, I am glad the scale is moving down, and im hoping it keeps going in that direction:smile::wink:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all

    Just a quick post. Glad everyone seems to have made it thru the tornados. Very warm here today but cold is coming. Busy getting ready for DD to come home from college later this week for break and the 5K I've been working on is this Saturday. Got promises from 2 more places for gift certificates today, will pick them up and be done. Keep trying to remember all the tasks to be done to get ready for Thanksgiving too. DD asked for my pumpkin pie recipe for a friend who is cook ing for the first time; guess that's a compliment.

    Made it to ladies exercise today; used 4lb. weights.

    Welcome newbies!

    Take care, all,
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member

    I am going to join CURVES tomorrow. I made an appointment with a trainer there for tomorrow morning at 7:45 am. I will update on how that goes. The weekend was not good food-wise. I really need to get back on track, hence, Curves! My DH is on my side about this as well. I do better with a structured plan than on my own. Anyone else on here ever do or are doing Curves? Opinions welcome!

    Rita from CT

    I've done Curves and like it. The one in my town closed. The only thing I didn't like is that the hours were not always user friendly for working women, and ours would close mid-day for lunch. I think that probably led to it not being successful in our town. But I loved the circuit, the music, the fact that it was women only, the way you could make the workout as hard or as easy as you'd like, the strength training combined with the aerobics, the stretching at the end, the way they measured body fat, the way you could work out at other Curves when you traveled. I really liked it and lost slowly but consistently the whole time I was going.