
  • Welcome gm54! We are all at different stages in our weight loss journey. You are at the right place for some encouragement in your eating healthier & moving more. Even if you can't do an exercise routine at this time, just try a little by moving a little more each day----park farther from the store, do stairs when you can, etc. Good Luck!
    Katla---I, too, have to have a little ice cream splurge now & then. Also, can't keep it in the house, a BIG weakness for me!
    Rita---I did Curves yrs ago. I really enjoyed it then. Now I belong to a new Planet Fitness that opened very close to me. I love the feeling I get from working out.
    I had a so-so eating day . . . I stayed under my calories, but my food was not the healthiest it could have been.
    God Bless,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lest anyone think I go on day after day with no treats, let me set the record straight. For the last few years I’ve been so active burning tons of calories that I’d begun to include more and more “treats” in my day……it’s just since I injured myself and have had to cut way back on exercise, that I’ve returned to the back to basics eating that helped me lose weight….no longer can I have treats every day.

    :bigsmile: :brokenheart: Jake has started packing for his trip to Northern California to go turkey hunting. He’ll leave tomorrow afternoon and be back next Tuesday. I will simultaneously miss him like crazy and enjoy having the house to myself.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    November Resolutions (with week two updates)
    *use ice, heat, gentle yoga stretches, breathing daily (A+)
    *gradually return to dog walking as my back heals (there have been a few days of 10,000 steps)
    *don’t use the step counter as a measure of my daily success (see above)
    *act the way I want to feel (a great goal that has served me well)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 18th. Today I am thankful for fur babies. We, well most of us, have one. They don't judge, they listen, they welcome you home, they are so nice and soft and furry. You know you are needed. You tell them your deepest darkest secrets and you know that they will keep them in their hearts until the day they die. They seem to know when you are down or not feeling well and they just seem to stay closer to you. I love you Melody, just as much as I loved Adora, and Buddy who have gone on to fur babies heaven.

    Tonight I may have almost finished my Christmas shopping. This has never, never happened before. I need to get a sleep for my grand nephew and some stocking gifts but that's it. I may even start wrapping them!!!! Whoo hoooo

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Have you ever had the feeling that you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop? well that is how I am feeling.
    I have been working at this dentist office for 7 yrs,1 1/2 before my boss passed away, then the rest with the new dr's, i came back from Florida last January to have them cut my hours, now I just feel like a 5th wheel.. I still do all I am supposed to do,but I dont really feel needed, and like I said the office manager can be a B. at 4:15 she said, you can punch out now your working saterday. which means I lose 45 minutes of pay. we went home early alot last week too.
    I am going to start scouting for full time work, but not start until after the new year..
    I feel like a ship lost in the night..
    I dont mind hard work,it makes the day go by quick, but I sort of feel that these women that I thought were good friends, seem to be stabbing me in the back a bit..
    Ok enough of that, I am glad the scale is moving down, and im hoping it keeps going in that direction:smile::wink:

    I am happy the scale is happy, but not happy that the work situation is weird. My view is to get out as soon as you can. Backstabbing is NOT acceptable. Personally, I am too old for that nonsense.
    :flowerforyou: Lest anyone think I go on day after day with no treats, let me set the record straight. For the last few years I’ve been so active burning tons of calories that I’d begun to include more and more “treats” in my day……it’s just since I injured myself and have had to cut way back on exercise, that I’ve returned to the back to basics eating that helped me lose weight….no longer can I have treats every day.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington

    Barbie. I am now looking to burn tons and tons of calories. I know what you are saying when that is no longer possible. And I have been there. It SUCKS.

    :heart: Going to bed after unexpected day busy day with toddler
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Joyce - stay safe

    Sandy - feel better fast. Migraines are no fun

    Sue in SD - reading about St. Olaf reminded me of "The Golden Girls". I'm constantly amazed at how much talent there is when I go to community playhouses

    katla - when we were starting to put out the controllers for the decorations, Vince commented "next year I'll need another one". We only have three!

    Kelly from Seattle - I agree with katla, people check in here sometimes once/week, everyone chooses the day or days that are convenient for them. Some people check in every day, that works for them. Good luck to you.

    hi Deb from SW PA. I moved to NC from Kennett Square. Yup, the holidays are going to be trying, they always are. This group helps a lot.

    Sylvia - what a very nice compliment you got from your dh! Oh, I remember how hard it was when I couldn't drive when I broke the bone in my foot. Vince had to drive me everywhere. And our schedules aren't exactly the same. I like to get up early and go exercise. Vince...get up early???? So for something like 3 months I had to do away with exercise, and it darn near killed me. He would take me food shopping, drop me off at the door, then go park the car and read, I would call him to come get me when I was done. So happy for you getting to drive tomorrow. I can just see Bruno right now on top of his crate, and the site put a real big smile on my face. Thank you Bruno

    susan - thanks for the trip down memory lane with those TV shows. I love just about all of them

    Viv - Vince's birthday is December 7 too!!! How cool is that???

    anamika - happy anniversary! Are you doing anything special?

    Heather - Jessica just called, I was in the process of making yet another stab at that cola cake. This is the absolute last time I'm going to try it. Anyway, she was grossed out by the fact that I was making it so far ahead of time and was then going to freeze it. I told her "do you realize that almost all the cakes you get at the store are frozen?"

    It was such a BEAUTIFUL day today, I didn't wear a coat or anything. I wouldn't have minded wearing shorts to exercise, but I wore pants. Went to buy grapes then bought gas, then exercised. Came home and helped Vince with some of the Christmas decorations. Got the lights up around the yard and started to wrap the lights for the arches. Mahjongg tonight. I'm going to take 1/2 of one of the cola cakes that stuck to the pan. If no one finishes it, I'll take the rest to the Y on Friday when I go.

    Did about 20 minutes of yoga today, held my plank for 2 min 30 sec, then did an hour of the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'll do a bosu DVD. There is mahjongg in the afternoon, but if I go will depend if we are putting up decorations or not.

    gm - welcome! Where is your daughter getting married?

    yanniejannie - I hand it to you. Fund raising is definitely NOT my strong suit, by any stretch of the imagination. I applaud anyone who can do this.

    barbie - good luck to Jake in his hunting. I can understand how you feel, it's nice to have them gone but it's also nice when they are around

    Joyce - LOVE your gratitude for today. Everything you said about our furbabies is so so true.

    Michele in NC
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Bumping before heading to bed.

    Good night, All
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member

    Just a brief post tonight bc I need to get some reading in before I tire out.

    Dr>Katie and Kevrit- I used to go to Curves and loved it. It was very popular for a while, then it petered out and the owner (who was a wonderful gal) sold her franchise. She said she was struggling to make ends meet and she tried so hard. As a matter of fact, I remember getting passes so when I travelled I could use the Curves in the towns I visited...which I did a lot!

    Michelle- Baked banana bread yesterday and used some very ripe bananas...the skins were darkened and I thought maybe too ripe, but they were fine! Took two loaves to friends at bridge and kept one for the house. It's devoured. Oh, I think planks are good for us because they provide weighted resistance in building strong bones. Probably helps in muscle development as well as balance esp if you do side planks.
    Good night,

    Good nigh
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello dear friends!
    Thanks for all your good wishes on our 29th anniversary! Feel like the girl who got married at 19, seems just the other day.
    We had a great day the day before our anniversary. We began with a walk on the beach for nearly an hour and a half it was peaceful, calm blue sea under a calm blue sky, lots of people running and playing. we too were supposed to run till there, but..... we changed it to a walk. For lunch we were meeting husbands old friend who is in town for a short while, so it was a great chinese buffet. The moment I was proud of, n am glad to share, no rice, no noodles and no desserts.......:laugh:
    Since anniversary was on monday there was no time to go out:grumble: rather we didnt want a late night and then be groggy next day:huh:
    Normally I would have decided on a restaurant and treated myself to a " Cheat day":laugh:
    But my friends the power of good company :glasses: that is all of you, I decided to cook something special at home (like I would years ago) I made a crustless quiche, more to cut out extra cals, a lovely salad with cucumbers, peppers apple and feta cheese with a vinegar and olive oil dressing, a pan roasted chicken with rosemary onions and glazed with honey and my husband's favourite caramel custard , American version is creme brulee, I think. That happened because I now prefer a home cooked meal anyday..... and it was a pleasure to make us all happy with nutritious food minus all junk:flowerforyou:
    I was wondering how come its become so easy today....... no tussle:wink:
    Thats when the answer dawned on me....... the company I keep.... of smart, successful and generous women who are so supportive.
    Love u all:bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    anamika- Happy Anniversary :heart:
    I got to the gym this morning, worked out for about 45 minutes,am just not feeling it today.
    I am down in the dumps and that is not like me, im usually upbeat and happy,I was asleep by 6 pm last night, when im depressed I tune out and go to sleep, so thats what I did.
    have to get the riding mower out for the guy to come and pick up and fix,sweep and wash the floors, and take the boys for a walk,take a shower and go to work..
    I used to love going to work,I dont dread it,but I just feel like im getting the s--t end of the stick if you understand my meaning.
    I have some feelers out and will have to try and update my resume..
    Kevrit- I might need your help computer wise one we are trying to wipe out everything off the masterboard, the other contains all our personal finances and is DH lifeline to most everything and it came up with some error. he has them at work right now, but If I can get them to you I would appreciate the help...p.s cant wait to meet you thursday...
  • Hi all! I stayed up too late & then couldn't get up for the gym this morning. Feelin a little guilty, but not too much cuz that's the 1st day i've missed going for over a week. Lookin forward to a great day!
    Joyce, you made me miss my fur-baby. :cry: I lost my lab, Molly, in Aug to cancer. Still have my cat, but it's not the same as a dog. Been tryin to talk hubby into gettin another one, but he is bein stubborn. I'm hopin after the holidays we will get another one. :happy:
    Anamika, congrats on your healthy cooking! :happy: I know it does make you feel good to feed your body good stuff, huh?
    Gotta get ready for work. Everybody have a great day! :happy:
    God Bless,
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump....for later.
    Gail, metro ATL
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    Went to Curves this morning and loved it. There is only one machine I am a little wary of because of my back. The coach said I could skip it if it causes problems with my back. I feel good right now, no pain. I have not signed up yet, but after checking my budget will do it if I can. Think I will go again tomorrow morning! I love how I feel after a good workout!

    Thanks drkatiebug, Deb, and all who commented about Curves. It is more expensive than other gyms around, but I love the atmosphere and the circuit.

    Grandmallie, I can't wait to meet you Thursday too! I would be glad to look at your computers too. Subway? or Newington (or Berlin? I forget which it is) Diner for salad? It was recommended to me by the Curves coach.

    Stay safe, never give up, never surrender!! (Galaxy Quest).

    Rita from CT
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    Forgot to add that according to the Curves scale, I only gained 2 pounds with the move and bad eating I've been doing. It may be less if I way as I usually do, naked and first thing in the morning! I was happy about that! Must have been burning up the cals with all the weight lifting moving involves! Still can't find my scales or chargers for my fitbit!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Nov 18th. Today I am thankful for fur babies. We, well most of us, have one. They don't judge, they listen, they welcome you home, they are so nice and soft and furry. You know you are needed. You tell them your deepest darkest secrets and you know that they will keep them in their hearts until the day they die. They seem to know when you are down or not feeling well and they just seem to stay closer to you. I love you Melody, just as much as I loved Adora, and Buddy who have gone on to fur babies heaven.

    Tonight I may have almost finished my Christmas shopping. This has never, never happened before. I need to get a sleep for my grand nephew and some stocking gifts but that's it. I may even start wrapping them!!!! Whoo hoooo

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce, I too am thankful for all my fur babies! They are breaking the bank lately with different illness but I would not trade any of them! And when my son and daughter-in-law come next week for Thanksgiving, they will be bringing their lab! :laugh: Congrats on getting your shopping done early, haven't even started yet!

    Meg-We made out fine this time with the weather! I have to write a paper for my psychology class about a fear or phobia, and rain is mine!

    gm54-This is definitely the place to come for support and encouragement! It took me a year and a half, but with MFP and with the help of all the women here, this is the most weight that I have lost and ever kept off! I too have bad knees and just wanted to share the tip that someone shared with me here a long time ago-youtube has a lot of chair exercise videos to check out. Used those a lot and now I can do water Zumba class three times a week! :happy:

    Off to water Zumba. I did a hour class last night, but am feeling down in the dumps this morning so maybe doing another class now will shake the blues away and motivate me to get my schoolwork done. I do feel a little better after catching up with all of you.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy in sunny IL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies,

    Sunny, but chill and windy here. Have a day at home for once until time for tai chi and yoga this evening. Ate oatmeal with dried low sugar cranberries, applesauce, and added cinnamon. Good start until I had way too many nuts from the container on the kitchen counter. I've gotten too confident that I can estimate; need to start weighing and measuring without fail again or I'm going to gain back all I've lost.

    Barbie........Hope Jake has a good and safe trip and you can fill the time so you don't miss him too much. Are you up to walking the dogs on your own yet, or do you have someone you can call on to help with the walking?

    Michele........Cracker Barrel has a very good Cocoa-cola cake; maybe if their copycat recipe is online you could check it out to see if you can figure out your sticking problem.

    Anamika...........Glad to hear you had such a lovely anniversary; please add my good wishes to those already given. Your meal sounded absolutely devine!

    granmallie.........Chin up--remember Barbies "Act the way you want to feel" and go show them you are made of tougher stuff (AND you have an army of MFP behind you!!!). Adult bullies are every bit as bad as the kid version. Confidence to you, my friend!!!!

    Take care, all
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Friends,
    I just dropped in to say Hi and welcome to the new neighbors....We were invaded by the FOG..way up here on the 11th floor the fog actually surrounds us..I wouldn't be surprised to see something come out of it..just like the movies...wayyyyyyyyy too much Stephen King :noway:
    I read as many posts as I could..
    Barbie..love the water scene..I always enjoy a dark rainy day..you can crawl up and read a good book..or watch that movie you have been wanting to...much more enjoyable now that I do not work..because I worked a lot in the rain and sno storms back then :noway: no fun..
    Granmallie... I understand the hubby views.....when I would say something against his family...he would sling stuff back about my family...but...the one thing that really bugs me is.... he critique's the clothes I wear...the color is wrong...it just makes you look awful....too baggy....not suitable...can you do something with your hair.....I told him the other day to go look for his perfect women..but to *remember* he isn't a young man anymore...might be hard to find one that likes your stuff either...the dears can be exasperating!!!!! :angry:
    Michele...That was awful to get that kind of post..some people are really sick in the head :huh:
    I am still fighting *the bulge*...but it is still gaining on me....I am going to try and starve it...see if that makes it leave.....Been hard exercising..I have low blood pressure again..80 over something....explains all the dizzies I was getting :sick: ...the room doesn't spin.... just starts whiting out...get weak... then find a seat quick...looks like I will keep getting this..but I hope I am wrong!!

    Well Everyone have a great rest of the week!!!
    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Your insurance premiums are amazingly low. DH’s Medicare SUPPLEMENT is $286 per month. He’s met his deductible and not much is coming out of pocket any more. Next year I’ll be going onto medicare and will have to pay for it and a supplement. This year my insurance is still covered by my former employer. I have to make co-pays on my prescriptions, but most are generic & not very high. Re disaster plan: After Sandy devastated the East Coast we went on line and found a check list, then assembled all of the check-listed items. So we have bleach for purifying water, food, light sources, and so on. We can move aboard our boat if necessary. Floods are our most likely risk. Tornadoes are so sudden and destructive that I don’t see how an emergency plan would be of much help other than a bomb shelter in the basement with all the foods and medicines inside.

    Grandmallie: This seems to have become an unhappy pattern for you at work. You have my sincere sympathy and support for whatever you decide to do about it. I wonder if there is some other medical office, hospital, church or charitable organization you could go to work for. Seems like that might satisfy your heart and your pocketbook. They’d be lucky to get you.

    Barbie: Wouldn’t it be a different Thanksgiving if Jake actually brings home a wild turkey? I’d make him clean it. About 12 or 13 years ago we were looking for property in the San Juans as a place to retire. One of the lots we visited on San Juan Island had a flock of wild turkeys ambling about. I was astonished at how big they are. We found a townhouse by the water within commuting distance from our jobs (barely) and settled here. The commute was a punishment until we both retired, but we love being by the water and close to good medical care. Dear friends live on Orcas Island, and it is lovely. We’ll have to be satisfied with occasional visits. I don’t want to give up our current medical team, home, and access to PDX so our daughter can visit relatively easily.

    Michele: I am so impressed with your plank. I’ve only worked up to 90 seconds since I started back up with it.

    Animika: Happy Anniversary!

    Liz from Halifax: It is nice to se your post. I used to get dizzy if I stood up too quickly. The Doctor took my blood pressure, which was low, and said, “My God, woman. You’re going to live forever.” So I quit worrying about it. I was in my mid 20’s back then. I still occasionally have to stand still a moment after standing up, but not often. I have my blood pressure checked when I see the doctor, and it has always been within the lower end of the normal range.

    Time to leave for yoga. Have a great day. I'm not proof reading this so forgive any goofs.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Hello everyone!:drinker:

    The visit is going really well so far and I am taking time out for myself to discharge :laugh: and catch up with all of you.
    My friend came to yoga with me this morning and this pm we went for walk in the sunshine along the South Downs Way. Wonderful views and autumn colours. DH came along, but her husband has awful groin strain and can hardly walk at all.
    The weather is going to turn tomorrow so we were thinking of going in to our local cathedral city to the museum, but if he cant walk I don't know how he is going to manage. Ummm.

    Food all going down well. Katla I didn't take offense - I think it was me who said I was a perfectionist. It's part of the tension I feel before visitors arrive, it all has to be right, but once they are here I relax and enjoy it. My stiff back disappeared almost as soon as they arrived! Tonight after dinner the men are going to be watching football upstairs, while the women are downstairs watching one of our favourite series. Great!:drinker: Tomorrow night we are going to the pub for our anniversary and they are insisting on paying. Make mine caviar and lobster!:laugh:
    Happy anniversary Annamika!:flowerforyou:

    I am moe or less sticking to calories, mainly by leaving out carbs and desserts. No cake. I think I went over by 100 yesterday because I did a shorter workout because of my back. Today I have 1700 to play with and it's salmon for dinner and I have only 3 desserts, so just a spoonful of DH's for me!:laugh: They don't know it's an iced dessert I made last Christmas! :laugh: :laugh: :wink:

    Grandmalie - sending good thoughts your way. Good advice - act the way you want to feel. That has always worked well for me, when I can remember to do it!:bigsmile:

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Violet got up at 6 am,usually sleeps til 8 or 9.Got more stuff done.
    Have a great day!!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Hello to all: I had a good morning today. I went to my health assessment at work and except for my weight everything was good. My blood pressure was right on. My cholesterol was good and HDL was excellent. Blood glucose was good too. Yeah:drinker: This afternoon I see my PCP to start the evaluation of the lesion on my liver. The pulmonologist's office was supposed to get me a referral to the liver guys but I have not heard from them so decided to go ahead on my own and go through Dr. Hultgren. I can count on her to get things moving. I am struggling with getting the protein in again. I just gravitate to those carbs when I am anxious or upset. They have not been too bad just too many. :frown:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD