

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Alison/Grandmallie - what a great idea about being a caretaker of your friend's properties! Property management can be big business, but knowing/trusting the person is even better as the owner. There have been times when both DH and I had same-hours work schedules that we would have considered it! Sort of a rent-a-wife/spouse idea.

    Back to Christmas decorating! BBL...

    Gail, metro ATL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Glad so many of you had good holidays.:drinker: :heart:

    My back is still sore, but I managed gymming and a bit of weights. I am not doing planks or crunches. :noway:
    I don't think it can be a uti as I feel well in myself, but my front is sore and yesterday my thighs ached.

    I gave in at last and ordered an artificial Christmas tree! :ohwell: I have held off for so long, always having a real one, but I just can't face all the hassle this year. The company I have ordered it from is the same one as the amyrillis, which is gorgeous. I thought I was getting free pine scent, but it appears I can have any scent but pine!:grumble: I have ordered 'flower shop'. :huh: I also thought our old side plates were looking very 'tired', so I've ordered six new ones which match the rest of our set.

    I have had my first Christmas card!:ohwell: :laugh: it is from some gay friends of mine who live part time in France. They said they are getting married on Dec 21st.:drinker: But they also said the year had not gone well so I suspect one of them has been ill. I have sent them an email to find out. I met my friend when I was on a writing course many years ago and we have somehow stayed in touch. Last time I met him at Paddington Station for a cup of tea! I would love to visit them in Burgundy, but I can't see getting DH there. He is not very good with men he doesn't know well, though not in any way anti gay. In fact he's not very good with anyone he isn't used to, although everyone thinks he is wondetful and charming so he hides it well! ! ! !:laugh: :wink:

    I also rang my best friend in London as she hadn't been replying to my emails.. As I thought, she is depressed because her cancer is not responding to her latest meds and she is having bad side effects, including putting on weight.:cry: The hospital have changed them now so we hope things will improve. I hoped to see her next week when I go up to DGS , but I think her energy is too low to make it. It feels as if she is retreating, so I must make an extra effort to see her.:cry:

    DSIL rang today and we tried to fix a time to go up to her, but she is sooooo busy. In the end we fixed on her coming down on Monday 23rd for the night so she can coincide with DH's daughter. I will put them in separate bedrooms and not in the one that DS and DDIL are going to be in over Christmas to avoid a last minute panic over washing linen and cleaning all over again! I knew there was a reason we bought a big house!

    This pm I made Sweet Chilli Jam from bbcgoodfood. I only made half quantities as I didn't know if I would like it. It's delicious! I have decided to make more zucchini tots and have them as canapés for DSIL and DSD and they can put as much chilli jam on top as they like! :laugh: Also made a white chocolate cheesecake which I will cut up and freeze in portions to have on Boxing Day and other entertaining occasions. I will half freeze it before I cut it to make it easier to cut neatly.

    Keep well all of you. I hope to feel better soon. This is lingering on. :sad:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri.
    Had a nice Thanksgiving ,just the 3 of us.Made good choices and a couple not so good.Stayed under.
    Made some calls to family I didn`t see.Got a call from my brother,that made my day.
    Tired today,poor hubby works 12 hours today.
    Have a good one.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sitting here again with my girls and family. With Grandpa, it always involves watching a movie. So i think today it is Mysterious Island. My sister is gone, came just for lunch so just me and the fam. Wonderful feeling. As usual my youngest has an absolute bottomless stomach, son in law is on his lap top. Love them all. When my youngest daughter got married my Mom gave her a wedding porcelain doll. She is now divorced and the porcelain doll really never meant that much to her except that is was from her Grandma. Now my grand kids are so for little squirts 7th birthday, So Not having extra money to buy a gift she remembered her porcelain doll. So now she has an heirloom from her Grandma Pete and her favorite Aunt. Over ate lunch but all the Thanksgiving food is now gone except some pecan pie which hopefully I can avoid. Going to Bob Evans tonight, I know I can eat light there.

    After today the ice maker can be itself and I won't mind until Christmas comes. Be good ladies.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Sorry I've been MIA. What with one thing and another - my surgery, my brother's surgery, my sister's surgery, the death of my MIl..... on and on it goes. I have more surgery planned for next year now - gallbladder needs to come out, but because of the other surgery I've had recently they want me to wait a while.

    Anyway, I've missed you all and wanted you to know that I think of you even when I don't post. I really just pop on to log everyday and then whizz off, but will try to drop in now and then.

    Off to look after my DH now. He's had flu for a month - I think it's been made worse by the stress of his mum dying etc. Unfortunately he's not giving himself time to get better. Men are strange creatures sometimes.

    Well, love to you all, my friends.

    Take care one and all.
    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Welcome back Amanda!:flowerforyou: Lovely to hear from you.

    Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome back Amanda,you were missed.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today was an awesome day……Jake had to go out of town leaving early so I walked the dogs twice each before going and teaching the whole line dance class. It was great and my back handled it all well. I walked the dogs again quickly after class and before lunch, then lay down with the ice pack and the pets just to be safe.

    :bigsmile: :sad: Amanda, it’s good to see you again. I am so sorry about your MIL and all the surgeries and that you and family members have been dealing with.

    :bigsmile: I have enjoyed reading about all your different holiday customs and how much joy they bring you. Holiday traditions should bring joy and pleasure and not be thinks that cause stress. Too many people ruin their holidays setting unnecessary goals and chores for themselves.

    :bigsmile: Katla, thank you for the great quote from Marcel Proust.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Between the dog walking and teaching the dance class, I’ll have 18,000 steps by the end of the day---one month after my fall.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Be watching tomorrow night for the start of the new thread for December.

    125348s4vbqulv93.gif 125347fa3fzrtcfh.gif 2580462w1svqu6w9j.gif

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    After a fabulous and very humbling Thanksgiving I felt so blessed :heart: then had a real rough night last night.Stay up with my fur baby -almost lost her twice then this morning she went to sleep forever.It still breaks my heart and I can't seem to pull it together just yet.:sad: She waited till I came home from Colorado to die.She was my baby :happy: my darling FurBaby.

    Sorry for the sad news.
    tomorrow will be a better day.:flowerforyou:
    Thank you all lovely gorgeous Ladies :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello to all,

    Happy Hannukah ! Happy post Thanksgiving day, when the meal is over and nothing but the comfort of family and leftovers are yours! Unless you are fighting your way through Black Friday sales......

    There is a lot of support here, so my Canadian thanks for you all on US thanksgiving!

    I am making progress on some of my goals, logging and fitbit, but not much on others yet....that too will come.

    Saw one of my new baby granddaughters yesterday, and that time was lovely.....have been socializing while the marking load was at a low! hurray! Back to it today. Will be done by next Thurs in time for the last class. That leaves only portfolios and exams to mark....hurray!

    If you are still working, but so many of your freinds and family are retired and free, do you feel a lot of pressure to absent yourself from work to "recreate"? Let me know....I am interested in knowing what you think and feel....

    Best to all, I am off to hometown for a parent check in tomorrow.....

    And, the snow stopped today! Have not been this cold and snowy since 2005.

    BJ, SWOnt. In the path of a lake effect snow belt.....
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Molly, I am so sorry about your fur baby...I send many hugs to you.

    :brokenheart: :heart: Barbie
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Molly so sorry about your furbaby.:brokenheart: :brokenheart:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Molly, I'm so very sorry for your loss of your furbaby. it's so heartbreaking. Take some time and allow yourself to grieve. They are so much a part of our family. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I had a productive morning, got most of my shopping done. Walmart wasn't even that busy....:noway: I came home ordered a few things online. Did a bit of housework and as I was cleaning the kitchen the smoke detector started beeping. hmmm I wasn't cooking anything and it would only beep every 30 seconds. Batteries were about to die, it had to be that. So I got a chair and decided to change the battery myself...bad decision. I slipped on the chair and wrenched my bad knee. Needless to say the batteries didn't get changed right away. My friend came over for coffee and got up on the chair for me just in time for my DD to come home so they changed the batteries for me. I'm sitting here with a pillow under my knee and bio freeze rubbed on my knee. I can't do ice because it aggravates the arthritis.

    I'm really hoping that it will be better tomorrow so I can go to aquafit.

    :heart: Sandy from a really cold ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: So good to see you post. Getting the gallbladder out will be a blessing. I speak from experience. I’m sorry you have to wait, but you’ve got very good reasons to let your body heal. Men are, indeed, strange creatures. They’re idiots at times, but we love them anyway. I’m sorry your DH lost his mum. That is hard for anybody. Hugs and best wishes for a good holiday season if we don’t hear from you for a while again.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You are amazing. I’d call you wonder-woman because I wonder how you manage to do so much. I love the spinning dreidel icon. I can’t figure out how to spell it, but know you’ll understand.:flowerforyou:

    Mollybesweet: I’m so sorry for the loss of your fur baby. I have also loved fur babies and lost them. They bring us so much joy that I have to believe they go to Heaven.:flowerforyou:

    BJ: I’m among the retired. DH retired first due to health and reasons and it took us years to figure out what was wrong. He has MS and it is difficult to diagnose, understand and live with. I retired before I was ready to support him and it was a difficult choice but a good one. He’s doing better now, luckily, and we’re having a good life even though there are still challenges. Treatment is helping.:smile:

    We stayed home on Black Friday, but did a few online purchases and some other “advance” purchases. Our goal for the day was to get Christmas lights on our boat. We’re still working on it.:ohwell: One of the strings tested fine and the failed when we actually put it up. :tongue: We’ll look for a replacement tomorrow when stores are a bit less insane.

    Be well and happy.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Molly- So sorry about your fur-baby. They hold such a special place in our hearts. Hugs

    Deb in CNY
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Howdy all my vitamin F pals! Hope all who celebrated had a great Thanksgiving and if you ventured out for Black Friday I hope you survived intact. I for one do not emerge until Monday!:tongue:

    We went to our best friends’ for dinner. They had some friends up from near Kansas City whom we have met before and we had a lovely time. I did ok with dinner; I know I went over, but I did fine until the pumpkin cheesecake emerged. I had a piece when I only meant to have ½. Oh well. It’s one holiday. We did come home early; I was fading fast! I am still really tired but getting better otherwise. My cough is nearly gone. Now I just need some energy.

    Today we watched the pathetic NE football game and I worked on the book and that’s about it! Oh I did the elliptical too. I’m working on unpacking my mother’s china and finding a spot for it. DH got some of the outside Christmas lights up. Hard to believe only about 4 weeks til Christmas!

    Not sure if I told you guys buy my hemoglobin A1C was 5.9%! woo hoo! :happy: That was my goal.

    Sylvia: glad you too are on the mend. Sending healing thoughts for DH

    Viv: good grief! Sorry about your tooth! I guess that pasta was “al dente”!

    Jane: it’s so much fun to find clothes that are too big!!!

    Gail: I am still waiting for my lipid panel results. No one can figure out how to get it into the computer program that patients can access for heaven’s sake. I hope the LDH has come down enough so I can skip the statins. You know my life’s goals are to be the only old bat in the nursing home not taking any medications and who doesn’t have fillings. So far so good on the fillings. I’m 54 and never had a cavity, but I’m dreading the statins!

    Michele; have a safe and wonderful trip!

    Joyce: enjoy your visit. I have never seen Survivor, but a lot of my friends are faithful watchers

    Barbie: I have been fascinated with all the news about Hanukkah and Thanksgiving coinciding and all the creative things people have been doing to celebrate both. Happy Hanukkah to you and Jake

    Renny: you need a day of rest!

    Heather: great nsv! I do love both cheese and wine. My friend’s friend put out the most amazing cheese board last night before dinner…many cheeses from Spain plus some baked cheddar she is emailing me the recipe for

    DeeDee: you sound like you are sure in the holiday spirit.

    Patceoh: well you didn’t ask me but I’ll butt right in. :laugh: What has worked for me is making one tiny change at a time and sticking with it before trying to change something else. When I look at each change they are ridiculously small, but added together, I have a whole new lifestyle that I have kept up for over a year.

    Vicki: just think this will all be over soon! I hope we don’t get a check like that because the nearest branch for our mortgage company is in PA! We have not seen a bill for the work yet.

    Laura; sounds like you are doing so well with your goals!

    Katla: you could call the salvation army to come get your fridge. I hope you like it; I plan to get another whirlpool when this one dies. Supposedly we have hummingbirds here too in the summer. In all the time we have lived here, I saw my first one here this summer

    Grandmallie: so glad you had a successful visit!

    Yanniejannie: congrats on the race!

    Rori: I just found 10 (yes 10!) rolls of undeveloped film in my camera case! I’d better get going on those LOL. Yes I am still a film camera person!

    BJ: stay warm and enjoy the beauty of your snow

    Sandy: wow you are rocking the exercise!

    DebA: so glad to see you again. I LOVE LLBean!!!

    Juanita: 17 is frigging cold in C or F!!! :bigsmile: Stay warm!!!

    Amanda: so glad to see you too. You have had so many losses and stresses; I hope the coming year is much better for you!

    Molly: so sorry about the loss of your beloved fur baby. We do love them so! I hope you have many wonderful memories of her to help you feel better!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well today I am grateful for my nice warm house and the good food I can afford to buy. So many people are suffering and unable to provide for their families. Back to unpacking china. Take care all, Meg from warm-ish Omaha where everyone is sad about the football team! :drinker:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    BJ- I am still working full time teaching high school math courses for the first time this year( was teaching middle school math). It is taking me an incredibly long time to prepare lessons. Many of our friends are retired and spend lots of time kayaking, skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, etc. I can only join them over the summer. Have had many times that I was tempted to call in sick and go play, but just can't do that. It is very frustrating to have to sit still and do paperwork when your body wants to move! Am trying to fit in as much activity as possible, but can't wait to retire!

    Amanda- I am so sorry to hear all that you and your family have had to deal with. Sending prayers and hugs.

    Katla- Thanks for the encouragement. I have had a good day today and will take it one at a time to get back to my healthier habits. Just frustrated with myself. I really thought I had it this time and would never backslide. Going to let go of all of that and push on!

    Hope everyone has a great evening!! I'm off to bed. Trying to decide whether to shop tomorrow or clean out my office ang get ahead on schoolwork.

    Deb A in chilly CNY
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Molly, I'm terribly sorry about the loss of your dear friend. I'm glad you were with her, but it's the hardest thing to go through. I'm hugging my dogs in honor of yours. Take care of yourself.

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :cry: Molly so sorry for the loss of your fur baby, we have gone through that also. She will always be with you in all your fur baby memories sending healing hugs.

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 29th. Today I am thankful for quiet solitude. It can be used for sanity, meditation, reflection. A much needed experience.

    Molly so sorry about your fur baby. So sweet that he waited for you to be with him though. it was if he knew. He wanted to be with Mom. I am so glad all of us here it seems like we all realize that animals just aren't animals. They are our family members and loved as so. And speaking, rather typing, mine just came in. She must have realized that the kids, including husband all left to go to the movies to leave me with a quiet house. Children are asleep in bed and everyone else gone. SHHHHH, the house is queit. Just me and House Hunters on HGTV.

    I have always enjoyed my adult children continuing being playful in adulthood. But his week has been a little more playful, the older one seems like she is going through menapause at 38 and is very boistrous about being very hot and the 7 year old should have been called Tigger since she is so bouncy. I came pretty close to making her get out of the bench seat at Bob Evans tonight and making her sit in a chair. I think it surprised her Mom a little bit because I have always deferred that to her when they are with them. But between my adult children being to playful and the 7 year old bouncing off the wall I was ready for them to get home, kids go to bed, everyone else got o the movie and the house to myself. I love them so much but my tolerance can go so far sometimes. Maybe not eating right these past days has affected that also.

    When we got home at 8 PM from Bob Evans, all of my family members doing animal sounds very loudly, I waited outside under the clear sky, just looking at the stars and knowing that my God was out there loving me for who I am now, who I was, who I will be. Who I will be may not be what He had in mind but I know that I am learning more and more about myself and how to deal with me. I will be whoever I choose to be. But I have a better way to do it now.

    Joyce, Indiana where the clear sky with beautiful stars is, where the quiet sleeping children are, where the big kids are all out of the house. SHHHHH