How is 1770 calories so little food?

So, new lifestyle huh? I am wondering how I can live the rest of my life on 2000 cal or less. My RMR is 1770. If I exercise every day I can maybe get 2000 cal. to lose. I was shocked at how little food that is compared to what I was eating. 28 grams of cheese? 50 cal. dang I ate 2 bites of everything I usually eat 10 bites of today.

I wasn`t so hungry as I have been training myself to eat less and less over the past 3 weeks. I feel more sad. As if a friend died.

So food is not my friend and now I have nothing to fill the void. I seriously considered smoking again today. I quit like 5 years ago.

That would make my healthy choice unhealthy now wouldn`t it.

I lost less than 1 lb last week eating this way. Feeling really depressed. How can I keep it up over the weekend. ???


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    If you eat calorie dense things 1770 is not alot of food. I had a bit of portion distortion, when I started logging too. If you mix the cheese or whatever else you like with lots of veggies, you can eat calorie dense stuff and fill up on the nutrient dense stuff.

    Of course I really am lucky and thankful, that I actually love all those veggies I eat. Since logging I just upped those portions and decreased the size of the cheese, bread, noodle etc portions. I'm quite happy with that. I still have my chocolate, ice cream, cookies etc too. But here also my portion size has decreased.

    Without exercise I too am at about 1700cals. I get enough food with that as well as having my cake and eating it too. Just shift around your portions.
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    It really is about making the most of your calories and finding what works for you.
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    aww, I'm sorry! For me, the 2 bites of my fav cheese still makes me happy! it's hard to give advice becuase your food diary is all "quick add." but look up low calorie recipes and try some new things! i have been doing all sorts of experimenting and have fun that way. maybe the issue is that you haven't changed your foods and recipes and that's why it feels so sad. perhaps if you had a low calorie cheese you could have more!

    it can work! you can find ways to make it work for you! don't be sad! And OMG don't smoke! I quit about 5 years ago too :)
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Don't let it get you down. I am going to share with you what I am doing and hopefully it will help.

    By tested RMR is 1763. My TDEE according to Heybales spreadsheet is 2100. I lift 3 days a week so the spreadsheet was recommending that I eat right above my BMR which is 1687. I cut back to 1687 and was not losing. I felt miserable just like you are saying.

    Based on reading a lot of information, I decided to add 200 calories to my calorie goal for two weeks to see what my body does and give it a little bit of rest. I think it was stressed based on how I was feeling. Eating at 1870 daily has made a huge difference. I dont feel deprived and I actually feel leaner. I got on the scale today and it finally moved. I haven't seen a downward movement in months. My plan is to finish out these two weeks at 1870 and then go to my TDEE and eat there for about 2 weeks or longer depending on how I feel.

    My thought is, I shouldn't gain because if that is my true TDEE I will maintain. I will feel better and give myself a break from the cut I was trying to accomplish.

    Good luck. Message me if you need to chat.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    what are you eating that is all 'quick add" calories?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It's not really. I eat 1800 to 2000 calories a day and eat a lot of food. 400-600 calories a meal, plus small snack. Really not hard.

    Stop with the quick add though. We can't help you if we don't know what you are eating. How do you know if you are getting enough protein, fiber, etc? You should be measuring and entering exact quantities.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    You really do get out of this what you put into it. The fact that you are doing Qick adds repeatedly seems to say to the vast majority that you really aren't putting anything into it.

    Lean, quality protein and healthy fats along with lots of veggies is going to equate to a lot of food. Try it =)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I totally get what you mean. It's actually a lot of food, but a lot less than what we used to eat (and definitely not the same type of foods overall). It's a sacrifice, there's no way around it. It took me years to be ready to do it, I didn't want to give up the food and eating so little of what I loved scared me... Now I'm glad I did it, even if it's tough at times.
  • thmgoodw
    I can't really see what you eat on a daily basis as your daily diary is pretty bare with all of those quick added calories ;-)...but what is your typical macro breakdown?

    My experience is that when I eat carb heavy I do not get satieted, and just eat and eat. With higher fat, I get full so easily. In fact, I now pretty much have to force feed myself to merely get 1500 calories in a day.

    Also, do you historically eat when you are hungry, or "just because." Previously, I typically ate when when I had idel time, which is a horrible way to eat...yet lots of us do it. I would eat only when I'm hungry, but I actually eat more often than that to get any sort of calories in.
    So, new lifestyle huh? I am wondering how I can live the rest of my life on 2000 cal or less. My RMR is 1770. If I exercise every day I can maybe get 2000 cal. to lose. I was shocked at how little food that is compared to what I was eating. 28 grams of cheese? 50 cal. dang I ate 2 bites of everything I usually eat 10 bites of today.

    I wasn`t so hungry as I have been training myself to eat less and less over the past 3 weeks. I feel more sad. As if a friend died.

    So food is not my friend and now I have nothing to fill the void. I seriously considered smoking again today. I quit like 5 years ago.

    That would make my healthy choice unhealthy now wouldn`t it.

    I lost less than 1 lb last week eating this way. Feeling really depressed. How can I keep it up over the weekend. ???
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It really is about making the most of your calories and finding what works for you.


    Making the most of calories.

    I've eaten over 2000/3000 and as little as 1200... it's hard- but you get used to eating it and you find ways to make it work.

    Our bodies require quiet a bit less to function than we think we do- which is irritatingly difficult- but realize you adjust to a point and get used to eating food that makes you feel good AND serves it's purpose.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I eat very calorie dense foods. Yes my portions seem small but they are far more filling and, bonus, my body gets the nutrients it needs. "Filling up" with low calorie foods is a FAIL, for me. Plus eating less means I save money. I eat about what you do, sometimes less, and I am very satisfied.
  • grandpoobah12
    I`m really sorry I ever opened my diary. I was asking for motivational help. Many of your sarcastic comments about quick adds, as if your sure I can not be correct in the calorie count by reading labels and just not bothering to search the food name. You do realize they print calories on labels no?

    I am looking for motivation to change how much I eat, my question was how does one get their brain around eating smaller portions. I realize an ounce of chicken is a lot less than I thought. doesn`t that give you the idea that I am weighing my food.

    I really want to give those who critiqued my diary a big sarcastic thanks!

    It`s a psychological thing. Not really a nutrition thing, another reason it is in the motivation section and not the general diet and weight loss help.

    What I want to know is when the scale goes down so slowly, little by the little, the way I hear it is supposed to, what do you do to keep your motivation.

    If you love food and wine, like I do, what do you do in place that is fun?
  • grandpoobah12

    My experience is that when I eat carb heavy I do not get satieted, and just eat and eat. With higher fat, I get full so easily. In fact, I now pretty much have to force feed myself to merely get 1500 calories in a day.

    Also, do you historically eat when you are hungry, or "just because." Previously, I typically ate when when I had idel time, which is a horrible way to eat...yet lots of us do it. I would eat only when I'm hungry, but I actually eat more often than that to get any sort of calories in.

    Yes, I eat and drink wine at the end of the day. It is associated with my chill time. Now I have to find something else to do to chill. I have been able to do it so far. I just don`t feel happy.

    Seriously, you have to force feed yourself to get to 1500, dang, how did you get to that point. Were you instantly a diet genius? How did you go through the transition?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Well, you aren't eating at maintenance yet, so it is a diet. You could move to maintenance at your goal weight and just go on like that, but the lbs come off very slowly. I did that last time, and it's much easier if you have the patience. The motivation there isn't seeing the lbs come off; it's knowing that you are eating/exercising like the person you want to be (weight wise) and it will all work out by itself. It did.

    As far as wine or cheese, yeah, I hate that. I do it once a week. I could probably fit in twice. But I can't do it like I like to, no. I could if I didn't mind my extra lbs, which is always an option if they aren't excessive. Or you could take up walking after lunch or something. The fact is that it's an equation, and you have to make choices, yeah. Sucks :) I really like cheese!
  • pizzmor
    I`m really sorry I ever opened my diary. I was asking for motivational help. Many of your sarcastic comments about quick adds, as if your sure I can not be correct in the calorie count by reading labels and just not bothering to search the food name. You do realize they print calories on labels no?

    I am looking for motivation to change how much I eat, my question was how does one get their brain around eating smaller portions. I realize an ounce of chicken is a lot less than I thought. doesn`t that give you the idea that I am weighing my food.

    I really want to give those who critiqued my diary a big sarcastic thanks!

    It`s a psychological thing. Not really a nutrition thing, another reason it is in the motivation section and not the general diet and weight loss help.

    What I want to know is when the scale goes down so slowly, little by the little, the way I hear it is supposed to, what do you do to keep your motivation.

    If you love food and wine, like I do, what do you do in place that is fun?

    You are looking at the criticism here in the wrong light. People on here from what I have seen use member's food diary as a diagnostic tool to better help people figure out what they are doing wrong. There really is no other way for people to get a real look into what you are doing besides looking at your diary.

    I am not sure what you are doing wrong, but I have been at this for a week now, and I am a big dude at 6'2'' and I am starting to have trouble as well eating all my 2000 calories. I think you need calorically dense whole foods. One of the members here who lost a lot of weight said one of the things that helped was that he ate food with as few ingredients as possible, meaning natural whole foods that are naturally more calorically and nutritionally dense.

    Also, if you ask for advice and people try to give it, don't get mad or discouraged when you don't like the answer they are giving. If you need a hug and a pat on the back to get you on track then ask of that, but I don't think this is the place to have people blow smoke up your back side either. If you want them to help then you have to be open to honest feedback.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hmm....asks for advice about intake....
    ...gets offended when advice is offered based on diary....
    ...seems legit.
  • grandpoobah12
    didn`t ask for advice about intake. Hitting intake targets. Asked about how to feel better about stopping doing something you love and what to do to fill the void. Motivation and support. Not negativity and discouragement.

    Again, psychological question. Not about intake!!!!!!!
  • grandpoobah12
    Hmm....asks for advice about intake....
    ...gets offended when advice is offered based on diary....
    ...seems legit.

    No question about intake. What may I ask is legit or not legit on forums? Not a troll, asked a psychological question. Arrrgh!!!!

    Hmmm overly judgemental without reading OP.
  • grandpoobah12

    I am not sure what you are doing wrong, but I have been at this for a week now, and I am a big dude at 6'2'' and I am starting to have trouble as well eating all my 2000 calories. I think you need calorically dense whole foods. One of the members here who lost a lot of weight said one of the things that helped was that he ate food with as few ingredients as possible, meaning natural whole foods that are naturally more calorically and nutritionally dense.

    Also, if you ask for advice and people try to give it, don't get mad or discouraged when you don't like the answer they are giving. If you need a hug and a pat on the back to get you on track then ask of that, but I don't think this is the place to have people blow smoke up your back side either. If you want them to help then you have to be open to honest feedback.

    Not asking what I am doing wrong, I am losing. finally getting started on the right path but I am not feeling it yet.

    I am asking how to feel good and find a new friend in all of this. A new friend besides food. Let`s be honest depriving yourself of things you love never feels fun at first. does it??? How do you change a habit, just flip a switch??? You all seem so sure of yourselves for whatever reason. Sure enough to put people down when they ask a question.
  • grandpoobah12
    Well, you aren't eating at maintenance yet, so it is a diet. You could move to maintenance at your goal weight and just go on like that, but the lbs come off very slowly. I did that last time, and it's much easier if you have the patience. The motivation there isn't seeing the lbs come off; it's knowing that you are eating/exercising like the person you want to be (weight wise) and it will all work out by itself. It did.

    As far as wine or cheese, yeah, I hate that. I do it once a week. I could probably fit in twice. But I can't do it like I like to, no. I could if I didn't mind my extra lbs, which is always an option if they aren't excessive. Or you could take up walking after lunch or something. The fact is that it's an equation, and you have to make choices, yeah. Sucks :) I really like cheese!

    thank you!!! An honest answer actually relevant to the question asked!!!