Pcos diagnosis



  • rcavins
    Hi! My doctors aren't sure if I have PCOS, but I really think it is because all the symptoms match. The only thing is my testosteron/andgrogen levels are normal, but my female hormones are low. The whole reason I went to the doctor in the first place was because I started to gain a lot of weight very rapidly... I've always had bigger glutes/thighs since I was very athletic and into weight lifting, but after going through a depression, my muscle mass faded and the weigh started to pack on even though I was trying to fight it. After I got out of my funk, I really started working out again and eating the healthiest I ever have in my life. But yet the pounds are still increasing.

    I came off my Birth Control pill to see if that would help, but there was no change. My husband and I were prepared to have a baby in the case that I got pregnant while I was off my pill, but surprisingly I never did and it has been about 6 months. So far I am not on any medication and I don't have an exact diagnosis. My OBGYN said that he suspects it and he did see that both ovaries were covered in cysts. But he just wants me to be put on the BC called Yasmin.. and I have hear bad things about it, so I really don't want to go back on it plus I feel like it would cause me to gain even more weight AND since he mentioned it might be a struggle to have kids then I don't want to keep putting it off by staying on BC if it will take awhile anyway. I would rather have a baby first and then work on my body afterwards. (However that is risky, I know)

    SO like I said I really don't know what to do... all my other options I feel like have been exhausted.. My thyroid was checked, along with my Kidneys/Adrenal Glands and everything seems to be good even my Metabolic blood tests were great... cholesterol/triglycerides/glucose/sodium everything all normal! I was referred to a nutritionists and I was pretty much already doing what she suggested. The only thing was to pick up my cardio (Which I knew) I had been working full time 9-6pm and tried to fit in exercises along with taking care of everything else, but I quit a few days ago since we are moving and I'm really trying to focus on my health. So, I guess really I just need advice. What else should I try?
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    You should check out this group - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/3087-p-c-o-sis

    Some really good info!