Not able to eat all my calories on a regular basis?? Ideas?



  • deborah123
    deborah123 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I never thought this would be a problem,but I'm finding hitting my calories per day
    not so easy. Since eating healthier I'm not as hungry. I'm supposed to have 1,200 calories a day
    and my average range is 900 to 1200. What and where is the under danger zone. This is a new concept for me.
    Since my start amount for what I weigh was 1800.calories.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member

    :laugh: I started this thread months ago, and I've found since then that there are as many opinions about "starvation mode" and "the right foods" as there are members on this site.

    I remember catching flack for this post, but I was SERIOUS! (....-raz :tongue: ) When you first start, you want to be sure you don't sabotage your weight loss goals. As you read through more and more posts, you'll see what I mean.

    It's best to educate yourself through a doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer, or someone who is smarter than (the majority of) us.

    Whatever happens, we are here to laugh and cry with you, to listen to your frustrations, and to offer comfort when we can. There is a lot of wisdom here. You can make your goals. There are great people and tools here.

    Here is just one of many posts:

  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    Yeah, the whole starvation mode thing can get some interesting viewpoints.

    I occasionally have a significant amount of calories left over. For those having trouble or concerns with that, you might try peanuts. 50 g is about 300 cals and is only about a handful. Good for protien, and calcium, too adn the sodium level is not really that bad, even with salted peanuts. I suppose there must be something wrong with them I don't know about.
  • I see the irony, I can't stand the late night hungries with no calories left. If we could remove the calories and fat from these folks with too many, they could ship them to us! LOL

    Best of luck everyone!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    no post......>>error<< :wink:

  • I just read this thread and was thinking omg! I never have any calories left! Then I finshed putting in my exercise for the day (having been really bad lately and not having been to the gym for ages) and have 300 calories left! Am delighted, and this is sure going to be good motivation to get to the gym more regularly!! Going to treat myself to a yoghurt now! :happy:
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Okay, since I've been making all of my meals or at least adding in Lean Cuisine type meals when I'm too busy, I've noticed it's harder to get all of my calories in. Mind you, one day of not paying attention and eating out and I've eaten enough to feed a small country! I have a feeling that it might be a combination of things...more fiber and protein keep us full longer and, when we're paying attention to what we're eating, counting calories/carbs/protein/fat, we tend to eat more of the protein/fiber filled foods. I also think that the more we SEE what we're eating and how MANY calories, etc., are in them, we start avoiding them more. A good a point. I think I can get obsessive about it. I tend to try to get just to my 1200 calorie limit and not worry about the extra that I have for exercise every day. Hope that's okay. In fact, last night I was under so I ate that last little d**$& snack sized Butterfinger bar that had been in my candy dish since Halloween just to get up to my 1200 (bad idea...empty calories...but ohhhh so good!) and to get it out of my house! I find myself scouring my pantry and fridge looking for something that might be good to eat to get to my 1200. I rarely buy anything that's super high in calories or fat so that helps. I also keep a lot of homemade dishes frozen in single sized portions in my freezer for those days that I really need to eat something fast. I think I might need a new hobby after re-reading all of this. LOL :laugh:
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