1200cal/day really works.



  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    I can't believe you have that many people hating on your weight loss. Y'all act like she gain 4 pounds.

    If she hadn't said "you should do it" in the opening post, things would be different. I would never have commented; to each their own. However, recommending it to others based on one week; NO. Some of us are SICK of seeing unhealthy eating promoted because it does NOT work for the long term nor for optimal health. Some initial quick weight loss, that includes water and muscle, sure... Is that what you want to cheer on? Is "under-eat to lose weight fast" what you want the young women of this generation to learn (just like the previous 3 or so generations)? Not me.

    This has said it better than I could. No one is criticising your loss, well done. What we are criticising is the way you promoted your method which is suitable for a minority of people isn't suitable for the majority long term.
  • candiceh3
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    I did 1200 for a good 3 months and it worked VERY well ... BUT I felt like crap most of the time, got lethargic and couldn't do much in the gym.

    Luckily it was the summer warm months but when autumn rolled around I felt FREEZING, I was eating hardly anything.

    I am a 26 year old man who goes to the gym 3 times a week and lifts, so yeah, didn't work for me.

    Upped it slowly to 1600-1800 (give or take). Now feel warm, happy, motivated, can do MUCH more in the gym AND I'm still losing weight at a very good pace.

    If the recommendation is to stick to 1200 for a short period to give you a head start, then yeah why not, if you are mentally strong. I did it and it helped me shed some 15kgs. But that should only be for a short period of time. People should ideally understand their BMRs, activity levels, TDEE and measure progress from there.
  • Pugwash4x4
    Pugwash4x4 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been on 1000 cals per day for 3 months (under doctor supervision) and have lost 62lb.

    I'm using it to shift enough weight so I can exercise without putting strain on my joints (although I do walk the dog and work in the garden so I am physically exercising).

    I feel great- am in ketosis, but have plenty of energy and feel much better than I did 4 months ago.

    For me Sugar is the Enemy and works like a drug- I found it harder to give up sugar than I did smoking, drinking or anything else I might have once partaken.

    Chemically sugar and alcohol are VERY VERY similar, and it shouldn't be a surprise if in a few years we work out that the white powdery substance that we are all addicted to is as, if not worse for us, than alcohol.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    For those of you who were keen to know how much I would lose on the second week, I lost4.4lbs. Yes I did! And the fun is, I took some of your advice and wasn't that strict on myself like the week before. I wasn't under 1200cals everyday. So now tell me, is it still water weight or just fat? I am over the moon though

    I'm glad you are still happy with your loss.

    I'm even more glad to read the bolded part. This thread has had some effect, and probably for the better (you see for yourself that you don't have to be under 1200 to lose), and maybe others will see this as a possibility.

    Now, to answer the question … It's most likely some of each (edit: and muscle, too, since you didn't include that in your possibilities). As long as you're okay with that, carry on.

    But let's please not try to imply that everyone should try a 1200 calorie diet. It may be suitable for some, but for many others there it's not necessary, and for some may be dangerous.
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on losing more water, fat and muscle. If you are eating lower sodium, or lower carbs, then you lost a stack of water weight.

    You simply cannot lose 4.4 lbs of fat in a week unless you had a deficit of 15400 calories in a week. That's a deficit of more than 2000 per day.

    Sorry, but you just ain't a special snowflake.
    Am not seeking to be a special snowflake hun. Am trying to lose weight. I wrote in my quote that I took some people's advice and didn't eat 1200cals only everyday, but i still managed to lose 4lbs first week and now 4.4lbs second week, so maybe its water, or fat or muscle. I have alot of the above and so losing some for NOW is ok by me
  • AniaFi
    AniaFi Posts: 18
    Good for you! Crossing my fingers for hitting the final goal :)
    I decided to reduce my daily intake 2 weeks ago and have been now on 1200 - 1400 kcal, but I excersise to boost my methabolism.

    I hope you are eating back those exercise cals.
    Can't believe one can be so sour... LOL
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    just ignore the negativity. I don't even respond to or directly acknowledge those who try and sell the idea that 1200 cals doesn't work. my ticker shows otherwise. at the end of the day, your the one on your scale, your the one in the mirror, not them. if you find it works for you, great, stick with it, and for those who feel a higher calorie count works best for THEM... great for them! 1200 is not a dangerous amount of calories, it can actually be very filling if good food choices are made, and is very successful for many people. keep your protein high, strength train, cardio... make it work, forget about the end of the world your going to die starvation mode anti 1200 crowd!

    as for being sedentary with kids... today is veterans day, all 5 of my kids are home... its almost noon here, and im still in bed drinking my coffee... sure, my youngest is 8, but even when they were younger, in a child proof home, I could easily sit for hours at a time while they climbed on me like a jungle gym, sat with me as I read to them, or watched Disney movies with them...I don't think attacking her for claiming to be a sedentary mother of twins makes any sense... not everyone is out at the park, riding bikes, and going to baby yoga... still doesn't make them a bad parent...
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    just ignore the negativity. I don't even respond to or directly acknowledge those who try and sell the idea that 1200 cals doesn't work. my ticker shows otherwise. at the end of the day, your the one on your scale, your the one in the mirror, not them. if you find it works for you, great, stick with it, and for those who feel a higher calorie count works best for THEM... great for them! 1200 is not a dangerous amount of calories, it can actually be very filling if good food choices are made, and is very successful for many people. keep your protein high, strength train, cardio... make it work, forget about the end of the world your going to die starvation mode anti 1200 crowd!

    as for being sedentary with kids... today is veterans day, all 5 of my kids are home... its almost noon here, and im still in bed drinking my coffee... sure, my youngest is 8, but even when they were younger, in a child proof home, I could easily sit for hours at a time while they climbed on me like a jungle gym, sat with me as I read to them, or watched Disney movies with them...I don't think attacking her for claiming to be a sedentary mother of twins makes any sense... not everyone is out at the park, riding bikes, and going to baby yoga... still doesn't make them a bad parent...

    you aren't a poster child for 1200 a day if you eat 4000 on sundays.
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    just ignore the negativity. I don't even respond to or directly acknowledge those who try and sell the idea that 1200 cals doesn't work. my ticker shows otherwise. at the end of the day, your the one on your scale, your the one in the mirror, not them. if you find it works for you, great, stick with it, and for those who feel a higher calorie count works best for THEM... great for them! 1200 is not a dangerous amount of calories, it can actually be very filling if good food choices are made, and is very successful for many people. keep your protein high, strength train, cardio... make it work, forget about the end of the world your going to die starvation mode anti 1200 crowd!

    as for being sedentary with kids... today is veterans day, all 5 of my kids are home... its almost noon here, and im still in bed drinking my coffee... sure, my youngest is 8, but even when they were younger, in a child proof home, I could easily sit for hours at a time while they climbed on me like a jungle gym, sat with me as I read to them, or watched Disney movies with them...I don't think attacking her for claiming to be a sedentary mother of twins makes any sense... not everyone is out at the park, riding bikes, and going to baby yoga... still doesn't make them a bad parent...
    Wao thank you so much for the encouragement. :flowerforyou:
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    just ignore the negativity. I don't even respond to or directly acknowledge those who try and sell the idea that 1200 cals doesn't work. my ticker shows otherwise. at the end of the day, your the one on your scale, your the one in the mirror, not them. if you find it works for you, great, stick with it, and for those who feel a higher calorie count works best for THEM... great for them! 1200 is not a dangerous amount of calories, it can actually be very filling if good food choices are made, and is very successful for many people. keep your protein high, strength train, cardio... make it work, forget about the end of the world your going to die starvation mode anti 1200 crowd!

    as for being sedentary with kids... today is veterans day, all 5 of my kids are home... its almost noon here, and im still in bed drinking my coffee... sure, my youngest is 8, but even when they were younger, in a child proof home, I could easily sit for hours at a time while they climbed on me like a jungle gym, sat with me as I read to them, or watched Disney movies with them...I don't think attacking her for claiming to be a sedentary mother of twins makes any sense... not everyone is out at the park, riding bikes, and going to baby yoga... still doesn't make them a bad parent...

    you aren't a poster child for 1200 a day if you eat 4000 on sundays.

    Sorry, I meant Saturdays. Per your profile.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    just ignore the negativity. I don't even respond to or directly acknowledge those who try and sell the idea that 1200 cals doesn't work. my ticker shows otherwise. at the end of the day, your the one on your scale, your the one in the mirror, not them. if you find it works for you, great, stick with it, and for those who feel a higher calorie count works best for THEM... great for them! 1200 is not a dangerous amount of calories, it can actually be very filling if good food choices are made, and is very successful for many people. keep your protein high, strength train, cardio... make it work, forget about the end of the world your going to die starvation mode anti 1200 crowd!

    as for being sedentary with kids... today is veterans day, all 5 of my kids are home... its almost noon here, and im still in bed drinking my coffee... sure, my youngest is 8, but even when they were younger, in a child proof home, I could easily sit for hours at a time while they climbed on me like a jungle gym, sat with me as I read to them, or watched Disney movies with them...I don't think attacking her for claiming to be a sedentary mother of twins makes any sense... not everyone is out at the park, riding bikes, and going to baby yoga... still doesn't make them a bad parent...

    you aren't a poster child for 1200 a day if you eat 4000 on sundays.

    never said I was, what I said was, if 1200 works for her, great! if you want to get mathematical, I don't eat back my exercise calories daily, so, I use those on the 2 Saturdays per month, still leaving me with a daily net, of 1200. poster child, not interested... but supporting1200 calories a day to lose weight, Ill do!
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    wow you lost another 4.4 lbs! That's great. Does it really matter whether it's water, fat, or muscle that you're losing? LOL You're losing so that's all that matters! Keep up the good work. :)
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    Ugh. Can there be a new, super secret forum where nobody has to bang their head against their desk when they read it?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Ugh. Can there be a new, super secret forum where nobody has to bang their head against their desk when they read it?

    well, you could make your own group...


    you could just avoid reading threads that trigger self destructive head banging on the desk thoughts...

    for example, if someone posted about drinking urine for weight loss, I would just pass that thread up...

    maybe you could do something like that?
  • Rosa1455
    Water weight or whatever, it's weight you have lost. Congrats!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Water weight or whatever, it's weight you have lost. Congrats!

    Don't feed the trolls. It will damage your health.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    You're really ignorant. That's not a slam or an insult. It's a statement of fact. You insult anyone who disagrees with you and are purposely making false statements to incite arguments.

    You are a flame troll.

    I apologize if you think that your ideas are correct. That would be a real shame though. I hope you are just pretending.

  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    I did 1200/cal a day for my initial weight loss of 180 to 138lbs in 6 months following weight watchers.

    I've been maintaining my weight loss for 5+ years by eating 1200/cal a day Mon-Thurs and mostly whatever I want on Fri-Sun (but not gorging myself either).

    It works. :) and it can LAST. No health concerns/issues either.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I did 1200/cal a day for my initial weight loss of 180 to 138lbs in 6 months following weight watchers.

    I've been maintaining my weight loss for 5+ years by eating 1200/cal a day Mon-Thurs and mostly whatever I want on Fri-Sun (but not gorging myself either).

    It works. :) and it can LAST. No health concerns/issues either.

    being stuck eating 1200 at maintenance sounds like hell. Why would anyone want that?
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