Questions for gym go-ers.



  • chinadoll725
    chinadoll725 Posts: 36 Member
    Gym member @3 yrs
    I work out 4-6 days/wk for @ 1 hour
    I mostly lift weights (cardio a few days in between and after lifting)
    I can't say that I have ever enjoyed working out but I feel a sense of pride/accomplishment in the way I feel and look from putting in the hard work and that makes it worth it!
  • BlindHog25
    BlindHog25 Posts: 14 Member
    I joined a gym last March. First time I've been in a real gym in almost 20 years. Took the summer off and started back middle of August. I go five days a week sometimes twice on Thursdays. I really enjoy the people their and have really seen results since I got serious and changed my diet. Feeling like I had to go the gym everyday started when I decided enough was enough.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    How long have you been a gym member? I've been a member of my current gym since July (so about 4 months), and have consistently gone to this one. I've been a member of other gyms and never consistently went to any of them.

    How often & how long do you work out for? This really depends on my work schedule, when I'm work 60-80 hours a week I try to get in a yoga video at home, but usually going to the gym falls to the wayside. I see a personal trainer every Saturday no matter what, and I do a 20-30 minute warm up and then an hour of strength training with the trainer. On a normal week (50 hours of work) I usually get in 3 or 4 hour long classes, sometimes more if I'm feeling like a rockstar, sometimes less.

    What's your favorite thing to do at the gym? I am loving the yoga-type classes. I go to Bodyflow every time it's offered and I'm not working or asleep. I also love lifting with the trainer, but it's harder for me to motivate myself when I'm not with her. I am getting back into swimming, and love the water aerobics and water zumba classes, but I don't usually get off work in time for those.

    How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go? The first two months I joined I felt like I HAD to go, mostly to prove to others that I could, then I had a month where that feeling started slipping away and I just wasn't going as often (partly because work got crazy) but after that off month, I started finding more things I liked at the gym, and I have really fallen in love with how I feel afterwards. With the yoga and the lifting I can really see an improvement in my day-to-day life as well, which makes me love working out all the more.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    How long on and off for years. This time around 10 months.
    I go at least three times a week, sometimes five. (I like the 3 day rule. You need to work out at least three days a week, never taking off three days or more between workouts, and never skip Mondays.)
    Favorite thing to do - Lift - particular to chest and Arms.
    When do you feel like you belong - probably when you see results, or after a month or two and you start forming friendships with other regulars.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    When I only did cardio, I never got used to going to the gym. Absolute torture. When I started lifting heavy weights, getting strong and lean became a game and I was pissed off that the program I was following had TWO rest days in a row on the weekend because I wanted to get back in there.

    Favourite thing to do is squats and bench press.
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    How long have you been a gym member?
    This gum, just over a year, but 3 years total.

    How often & how long do you work out for?
    I workout 4-5 days a week at the gym, and then the other days I walk MILES, I spend anything from 40minutes to 2-3 hours at the gym depending on what I'm doing

    What's your favorite thing to do at the gym?
    It used to be an aqua aerobics class which had a lot of resistance training in it, now its heavy lifting thats my favourite... when I'm walking home, I have a big smile on my face when I have lifted heavier than before, for a new set, or just one extra rep.

    How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go?
    I think that happened when I joined a small group class, 8 of us with 2 trainers for an hour of hard exercise, each session was different, but always fun.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Being going to a gym one way or the other for ever- since probably the early 2000.

    I love going to the gym.

    I weight lift- and I do all my dance training at the gym- and when I must- my slow steady state cardio.
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    I have been going to the gym for a little over a year now. I go about 6 days a week for about an hour to an hour and a half each day. I lift, do cardio and take classes. I really enjoy my classes because they are challenging and mix up my routines. I love all of the friends I have made at the gym. Being surrounded by people that have the same passion for fitness is great, it keeps me motivated and helps me push myself.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Gym member - since June of 2011, which is also when I joined MFP. I started tracking and exercising the same week.

    How often/long - I exercise 5-6 days a week, 30-60 minutes. When I'm training for a race obviously my long runs are longer than an hour. Not all of this is gym-time; I don't do machine cardio, so if I'm running it's on a track or outside. The gym is for lifting or group exercise classes.

    Favorite thing - Lifting. Running (but that's outdoors). And I enjoy group exercise classes.

    When did I start enjoying it - When I first committed, I committed. I think within a month habit and desire took over and it stopped feeling like a chore. Now it's like brushing my teeth; I do it, even when I don't feel like it. It's a habit. There are hard days but I still get my workout down, because I know that most days are good.
  • I've been a gym member for a LONG time. The company I used to work for had a fitness center (free!) that was decent and that's what started my going. Now I go to Planet Fitness with my husband.

    How often/long: Typically 4-5 days a week but I am trying to up it to 5-6 days. Workouts last 90-100 minutes (30 min. cardio; 60-70 min. lifting).

    Favorite thing: Lifting and running. I really, really enjoy doing both.

    When did I first start enjoying it: when I started seeing changes in my body. Muscles, leanness . . . when I get into the groove of exercising I hate it when I skip a day so now I am trying to do something at least 6 days a week, even if it means popping in a video even if I don't feel like it. Monday was one of those days. I didn't go to the gym, spent the day cleaning the house and was sitting at my computer checking emails telling myself I could be working out right now so I got off my duff and did one of my tae bo DVD's. I love the way I feel when the workout is done. It's a sense of accomplishment and a feeling that I did something good.