Embarrassing fat stories!



  • Marryparker
    Almost all the time when ever i meet new people they think i am elder than my sister who is actually 8 years older than me :( and i am teased by many people for my weight ifeel so bad :(
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    At work we have these foldable stools, that are not sturdy at all. I used to sit on them, carefully, but one night, I sat on one without looking to make sure I had it turned the 'right way' to support me. Next thing I know, I am on the floor with three people asking me if I was ok. Umm, yes, embarrassed, but ok thanks. Talk about embarrassing!!!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I went to the NASA museum with a friend, and they had something like a ride that simulates space flight (or something like that, don't remember exactly what it was), and there was a sign on it indicating a 150-pound weight limit. I probably weighed 180-190 at the time, and was too embarrassed to say so, so I pretended that I was afraid to go on rides like that. Which was also embarrassing.
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I've gained 63 pounds (and 14 inches around my waist) in the past year and a half.....meeting ANYONE from the old days, especially exes, is terrifying and humiliating. Perhaps the worst was when I visited my docs office 2 months ago....the nurse there would always joke about needing a child's scale for me, don't you eat anything, etc.....(I was 110 pounds before). This time, her eyes just widened in shock. SHe didn't say a word, but I could see the disbelief in her eyes. :cry:
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    I can also relate to someone who said their butt/hips knocked over everything... Seriously so embarrassing to turn around and make something go flying without even realizing. Blah.

    Another sad one... For the past few years I've had to lie to everyone and tell them I hate the beach because I will not get into a bathing suit. I actually really love the beach. :( I missed out on my Senior party in high school because it was at the beach. Next year I plan on being at the beach all of the time.
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    Almost all the time when ever i meet new people they think i am elder than my sister who is actually 8 years older than me :( and i am teased by many people for my weight ifeel so bad :(
    Awwww who is teasing you about your weight? That is terrible.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    DH used to call my butt the "wrecking ball" because I was forever knocking things over with it. Then when the movie Robots came out (Pixar, maybe, with Robin Williams?), he started calling me Aunt Fanny (a robot with a huge trunk). Soon my neices and nephews were calling me Aunt Fanny.

    So we went to a company picnic and we brought our kids and two of my youngest neices. One got stuck on the monkey bars, screaming for "Aunt Fanny"...my coworkers thought it was hilarious when the aborable imp explained that's what we call our auntie for her caboose!

    I wasn't as amused, though I tried to laugh it off.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Last year when I started this journey I couldn't even walk 50 yards without severe back pain. I had let it go and kind of gave up on everything, including mobility. The first step to this process was obviously getting my back looked at, I went to the Doctor and they scheduled an MRI. I got the courage up to go have it done... and didn't fit into the machine. They offered me to go to the zoo and have an MRI done, or drive to another city and use a bigger machine.. obviously I went and used the other machine.. not at the zoo.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    You guys are the best! I could relate to almost every story told so far and laughed at them all because I have been there too. They all brought back some memory of mine of a similar incident that I just have to laugh at now because it happened and I can't do anything to change that now.
    My butt has typed on people's keyboards and stapled things on people's desks and sometimes I have had to just say it has a mind of its own! My boobs have been squeezed into many rides under the shoulder restraint bar to the point where I didn't think I could breathe. My gut has been shimmied into many a booth that was not even close to fitting me and then overhung the table and got food all over it which I had to wear the disgrace of for the rest of the day.
    But we all have to realize that we can make a change with a little willpower, education, and some time and also realize that we are not in this journey alone and help each other get through this. I love every one of you for being able to move outside of your comfort zone to share your story. You guys made me day!!!!!
    Good luck with your weight loss and fitness journeys!
  • KellyR72
    KellyR72 Posts: 51 Member
    Had to ask for an airplane seatbelt extender on a business trip while surrounded by co-workers. I was absolutely mortified!
  • cassiar67
    Going to a meeting where the only chair left was a captains chair so I squeezed myself in to it afraid that at any moment the chair would break. Half way through the meeting my legs started to go numb. I was suppose to stand up and speak in front of everyone at one point but decided not to because I knew my numb legs wouldn't hold me and when it was time to leave I managed to stand but the chair was still attached! :blushing: I felt so aweful that day that I have been working on my weight loss ever since. It's been one month and I'm now down 15 Ibs.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    After my first child was born, I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer to help me lose the extra 10 lbs I was carrying. I lost the weight and was starting to show some nice muscle definition. As time went on, I got pregnant again and continued to work out and would often pass my trainer at the gym and say hello. I quit going during my third trimester and lost touch with my trainer until the day I ran into him at Walmart about a year later. I had my two kids with me, along with 40 extra pounds. He told me I had beautiful kids... and then asked me when the third one was due. He was mortified when I told him it was just my gut, poor guy!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    COME ON!!! THAT WAS JUST RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL AND INSENSITIVE!!! I HATE that that happened to you!!!! UGH!! :(
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Last year when I started this journey I couldn't even walk 50 yards without severe back pain. I had let it go and kind of gave up on everything, including mobility. The first step to this process was obviously getting my back looked at, I went to the Doctor and they scheduled an MRI. I got the courage up to go have it done... and didn't fit into the machine. They offered me to go to the zoo and have an MRI done, or drive to another city and use a bigger machine.. obviously I went and used the other machine.. not at the zoo.

    COME ON!!! THAT WAS JUST RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL AND INSENSITIVE!!! I HATE that that happened to you!!!! UGH!! :(
  • rosemary98
    asked if i was pregnant twice. once by a starbucks worker that I was friendly with, the other by a co-worker. when i replied no to the co-worker, she said "oh, it just looks like you have a little belly there." WTF?
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    asked if i was pregnant twice. once by a starbucks worker that I was friendly with, the other by a co-worker. when i replied no to the co-worker, she said "oh, it just looks like you have a little belly there." WTF?

    There's no shortage of rudeness out there.....I get comments at work about my "food baby", or "donut baby" all the time.....
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Last year when I started this journey I couldn't even walk 50 yards without severe back pain. I had let it go and kind of gave up on everything, including mobility. The first step to this process was obviously getting my back looked at, I went to the Doctor and they scheduled an MRI. I got the courage up to go have it done... and didn't fit into the machine. They offered me to go to the zoo and have an MRI done, or drive to another city and use a bigger machine.. obviously I went and used the other machine.. not at the zoo.

    COME ON!!! THAT WAS JUST RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL AND INSENSITIVE!!! I HATE that that happened to you!!!! UGH!! :(

    It is not as uncommon as you think. Places with older MRIs often have a weight limit around 250lbs, and if there isn't a hospital around with a newer/larger MRI then a zoo is sometimes brought up as an option. Its awful, but they can't just refit MRI's as the population grows wider, and that is a pricey piece of equipment to buy.
  • mapenguinkeeper
    MIL had not seen me in 2 years and I had put on 30-40lbs. In a giant restaurant w/huge party of friends and family and she walks straight to me, holds my face in her hands and says "you've gained weight, but you're still pretty." WTF - i must mention that she NEVER had any filters in the 30 yrs. I've been married to her son.
  • NDHHolloway
    I was at a friend of the families, and sat down on one of those folding chairs and it busted. They told me it was already broken but it didn't exactly help much, only good that came out of it is that I didn't eat hardly anything while there, I was to embarrassed that I feared anything I ate would come back up.