Embarrassing fat stories!



  • manders7969
    manders7969 Posts: 42 Member
    My 4yo neice brought me her Alvin and the Chipmunks coloring book the other day and told me I was the chubby girl chipmunk! Gotta love how honest little ones are!
  • vvvalentines
    I used to peel the labels off to drink Slimfast at my driver's ed class in high school. One kid would always ask me what I was drinking, and I told him it was chocolate soda from a small independent company... and then he kept bugging me that he wanted to try it.
  • addokai
    addokai Posts: 68 Member
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I avoid clothes shopping like the plague and whenever someone mentions I need to get new clothes, I get all embarrassed because I'm not willing to say, "Well, I've gained over 70 pounds in the last few years and now I'm okay living in baggy clothing because nothing else fits me!" Then I had to buy some new scrubs for work because I had gotten too big for the others and I grabbed a couple big sizes off the rack, didn't bother trying them on (they'll fit, they're a really big size), and later when I was getting ready for work, I got stuck in one of the tops and my boyfriend had to yank them off of me (at first I was too mortified to tell him that I was stuck, but I really needed to leave for my shift so I eventually had to get his help or that would have been an interesting call-in to work!).

    My friend convinced me to go on a few rides at the amusement park with her. The bars barely fit over my lap. I could barely fit in the shared seats. The cage for the Zipper barely closed. And when I was on the rollercoaster (NEVER AGAIN!), my boobs were bouncing so much that my swimsuit starting FALLING OFF and my friend had to reach over to hold the straps or people were going to get an eyeful! There's also nothing more terrifying than being a ride that turns you upside down fifty feet in the air (Skymaster) and thinking the bar holding you in is going to snap under your weight.

    Finally, my boyfriend's family is thin. His sisters are thin. His brother is thin. His parents gained a bunch of weight and then lost it this year and now they are TINY. Hugging his parents is mortifying for me because they are skin and bone. And one of their tables has a bench-style seat and it only starts making noises when I sit on it! JUST ME! So needless to say, I avoid sitting there!
  • vvvalentines
    It's pretty disgusting the way doctors and nurses talk to/treat fat patients. It's one thing to say "you might want to think about losing weight," or to talk about specific measurements like blood pressure or heart rate, but doctors who shame and mock their patients should have their licenses revoked.
  • StarFit4Life
    StarFit4Life Posts: 43 Member
    When I was at my heaviest, the largest part of me was my butt.
    I knocked things down regularly with my butt when squeezing through tight spaces. It's like my butt had a mind of its own.
    Very embarrassing in stores and at restaurants. It even knocked little children down:-(
    Now, I really delight in comfortably walking anywhere no matter how small the space or aisle.

  • Dubby83
    Was at work and sat down in the chair at my desk, in front of about 10 coworkers, and the chair broke. It was a regular comedy.
  • GiantBrownie
    Was mistaken for being pregnant and the person rubbed my belly, afterwards. Fortunately, it was someone I knew and liked. Sad day that was...
    Why do people think that's okay? Ever? That irritates me, and I've never even been pregnant.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    I wouldn't call myself "fat" per se, I have definitely put on some weight since HS though... and unfortunately 90% of it is in my belly. I have been perpetually "pregnant" for YEARS now. That's pretty much it. I don't think I can count on both hands how many times I've been asked if I was pregnant... even had a guy ask me if I had the baby. I'm more concerned that society has not yet learned how completely inappropriate this is even if I WAS pregnant. LOL
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I think I've blocked out some of my most embarrassing stories. Thank you all for sharing though x
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    It's pretty disgusting the way doctors and nurses talk to/treat fat patients. It's one thing to say "you might want to think about losing weight," or to talk about specific measurements like blood pressure or heart rate, but doctors who shame and mock their patients should have their licenses revoked.

    Totally agree.

    I am still mildly phobic about doctors "thanks" to my childhood physician who would always talk to my mom, never me (even when I was 11 years old and very outgoing & smart for my age). He would tell my mom that I was obese and stuff like that. I was 5'6" and 130-140 lb which yeah, NOT normal size for a 10-11 yr old but really? Obese? That's pretty much perfectly weight/height proportional actually.

    The last time I had a regular (non-gyno) medical checkup I still weighed around 280 and my doctor was awesome, plainly and calmly saying I should aim to lose about 30 lb at minimum, to avoid becoming pre-diabetic and such, and all of my bloodwork looked good, etc. When I told him I'd been walking a lot and lost over 20 lb but wanted to continue that he acted like he was so happy to hear it, and like he believed me. I got the feeling he would have handled it tactfully even if I did have some serious weight-related health issues, too. More doctors need to be like that. I'm more motivated by that than shaming and negative comments, that is for sure!!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Watching one of the first episodes of a new season, my kids told me to try out for the Biggest Loser. I was/am a size 12. Not sure if that should be motivation or just plain insulting. Scary to think they see me as that big, seeing how I was just happy to be able to shop not in the big ladies section anymore. Speaking of which, I am (again) a size Large/12. I went bathing suit shopping this summer, and I never shop. With limited time, I asked an worker where the suimsuits are, they directed me to the plus size department. Okay, this is depressing, maybe I'm wearing the wrong clothes if everyone thinks I'm 1-3 sizes bigger then I am. Sheesh.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Watching one of the first episodes of a new season, my kids told me to try out for the Biggest Loser. I was/am a size 12. Not sure if that should be motivation or just plain insulting. Scary to think they see me as that big, seeing how I was just happy to be able to shop not in the big ladies section anymore. Speaking of which, I am (again) a size Large/12. I went bathing suit shopping this summer, and I never shop. With limited time, I asked an worker where the suimsuits are, they directed me to the plus size department. Okay, this is depressing, maybe I'm wearing the wrong clothes if everyone thinks I'm 1-3 sizes bigger then I am. Sheesh.

    My daughter recently told me I should be on the show Extreme Weight Loss. I'm 5'10" and 189 - so I am overweight but not huge - though I usually feel like I am. I lost 100 pounds a few years ago and she looks at pictures of me then so I don't know if that's the "me" she was referring to? Or if she just said it because I am talking about losing weight and exercise? Or because I am constantly bringing up why we eat certain foods and don't eat others all thet ime.........

    I feel your pain on that one.
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    Just read through this whole thread. Thank all of you for sharing. It's a real eye opener to hear all the horrible stuff you've been through and have had said about you. Congrats to all of you well us for taking the steps needed to make sure that things like this don't happen again. Plus we can treat people who are currently going through similar situations with more respect.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    It's pretty disgusting the way doctors and nurses talk to/treat fat patients. It's one thing to say "you might want to think about losing weight," or to talk about specific measurements like blood pressure or heart rate, but doctors who shame and mock their patients should have their licenses revoked.

    Totally agree.

    I am still mildly phobic about doctors "thanks" to my childhood physician who would always talk to my mom, never me (even when I was 11 years old and very outgoing & smart for my age). He would tell my mom that I was obese and stuff like that. I was 5'6" and 130-140 lb which yeah, NOT normal size for a 10-11 yr old but really? Obese? That's pretty much perfectly weight/height proportional actually.

    The last time I had a regular (non-gyno) medical checkup I still weighed around 280 and my doctor was awesome, plainly and calmly saying I should aim to lose about 30 lb at minimum, to avoid becoming pre-diabetic and such, and all of my bloodwork looked good, etc. When I told him I'd been walking a lot and lost over 20 lb but wanted to continue that he acted like he was so happy to hear it, and like he believed me. I got the feeling he would have handled it tactfully even if I did have some serious weight-related health issues, too. More doctors need to be like that. I'm more motivated by that than shaming and negative comments, that is for sure!!

    Doctors are the worst ... I would ask questions, ask for suggestions, just asking for HELP! They all said diet and exercise. I would tell them I am doing that. They say no fast food, drink water, limit sweets, I would say I do all of that and then they just basically say I am on my own. No one really explained how to make it work! Now I get it but only through the help of MFP and friends.

  • vvvalentines
    It's pretty disgusting the way doctors and nurses talk to/treat fat patients. It's one thing to say "you might want to think about losing weight," or to talk about specific measurements like blood pressure or heart rate, but doctors who shame and mock their patients should have their licenses revoked.

    Totally agree.

    I am still mildly phobic about doctors "thanks" to my childhood physician who would always talk to my mom, never me (even when I was 11 years old and very outgoing & smart for my age). He would tell my mom that I was obese and stuff like that. I was 5'6" and 130-140 lb which yeah, NOT normal size for a 10-11 yr old but really? Obese? That's pretty much perfectly weight/height proportional actually.

    The last time I had a regular (non-gyno) medical checkup I still weighed around 280 and my doctor was awesome, plainly and calmly saying I should aim to lose about 30 lb at minimum, to avoid becoming pre-diabetic and such, and all of my bloodwork looked good, etc. When I told him I'd been walking a lot and lost over 20 lb but wanted to continue that he acted like he was so happy to hear it, and like he believed me. I got the feeling he would have handled it tactfully even if I did have some serious weight-related health issues, too. More doctors need to be like that. I'm more motivated by that than shaming and negative comments, that is for sure!!

    I recently moved to a new city and I've been looking for a new GP/gyno... I can always tell who's had bad experiences with doctors and who hasn't based on their reaction when I tell them I wouldn't even consider a male doctor and would prefer a slightly overweight woman! Look at this thread there are a lot of people who mention that they avoid certain activities because of embarrassing experiences related to those activities, and it's sad when it's something fun like going to the beach, but it's downright scary when you think about how many people avoid/put off going to the doctor because they get treated badly there.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Mine aren't particularly funny but two stick in my mind.

    My Aunt and Uncle drove past me walking home from work one day and pulled over to offer me a lift. My uncle says they weren't sure it was me from behind as the person "looked too big". At this point i saw my aunt knock his elbow to shut him up - subtle.

    The other was when i was walking past a young slim girl and two young lads. One lad said hello, the other said "wow she's massive in comparison to you! (To the slim girl) Twice the size!"

    Funnily enough it hurt my feelings but not enough for me to actually lose the weight. I lost it for me, when i was ready! Sod the other people!
  • vvvalentines
    I probably blocked out a lot of my stories but...

    Despite being big I was always an athlete. And a pretty good one at that - especially softball. But I also played tennis through high school. Freshman year they didn't have a tennis skirt big enough for me. I got to wear my own, even though the coach said they coudl special order it. I played it off like I didn't care because I was a tomboy and those skirts were too short anyways.

    I was walking with one of my best friends in high school in her kinda bad neighborhood. She was tiny - 5'2" and MAYBE 120 pounds. I was 5'10" and at least 250 at the time. One guy yelled from across the street "Why is she so skinny and the other one is so fat. Obviously she's eating all her food!" My friend actually stood up for me and yelled something back - I was shocked.

    I used to be embarassed to shop at regular stores because I knew things wouldn't fit. ANd when I did have to buy clothes I was embarassed of the size. Truthfully, even now that I have been able to fit in to regular sizes for a while, I'm still embarassed and scared every time I go shopping.

    I was in choir from third grade through high school, and in middle school we wore these really ugly black rental skirts for performances, and we had to buy our own white tuxedo shirts. They didn't make the shirts big enough in women's, so I had to get a man's shirt, which button differently (on the other side) compared to women's. When people in choir noticed and asked me about it, I told them it was just an ordering error. The shirt was cut differently also, and it was not flattering at all.
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Running into an ex after not seeing each other, I'd gained 25-30 pounds but I'm 5'1 so that's A LOT on my frame. He didn't even recognize me at the time. When we ran into each other again at the same event he said "Wow...you're huge...I mean wow....". :noway:
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    When I was in grade 7, the geography teacher decided to do a demonstration. He called me and another tall thin student to the front of the class then proceeded to explain to everyone that the other student was an example of North and South and I was an example of East and West. It was so obvious it was because I was wider. I was absolutely mortified and humiliated, and, I don't recall being that big!