Week 2 of Atkins & I 'm tempted to stray....



  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    thanks! ;)
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Just imagine, if you are having all of these cravings after 2 weeks, how are you going to keep the weight off for your whole life eating like this? I'm just saying...Atkins is not a lifestyle diet. It's a crash diet. The minute you go back to eating semi-normally with carbs, you will gain back weight. It's not even a good starting point in my opinion unless you REALLY love meat! lol

    Chocolate is not the enemy , it is just portion size that truly matters. If you fill up on healthy foods, then a chocolate splurge once in a while will not kill your efforts. You will still lose weight and guess what? Be happy too!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Super-dark chocolate has very little sugar, and you can only eat a bit because it's so intense. Get a 90% cocoa bar. You won't like it at first, but soon it will be a treat. You can also whip up some heavy whipping cream and shave the dark chocolate onto it with a cheese grater.

    I'm a type I diabetic and ate low-carb for a long time. If you really want to stick with it, my advice is to ride out the sweet cravings a develop a taste for fat instead. You will eventually lose your taste for sweet. Do the dark chocolate and whipped cream. Or macadamia nuts.

    Word to the wise: Do not eat the creepy low-carb sweets. They will make you crap yourself. :drinker:

  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    No magnesium supplement is going to take the place of CHOCOLATE . Sorry! But you know it's true! Especially when we are having our friend, right ladies?? LOL If you can do it, all power to you!
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    dark chocolate is great
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    I stole a sugar free chocolate bar once from my diabetic friend which tasted amazing, way better than those 80%-90% dark chocolate bars. I forget the brand but I'm sure if you checked out reviews of different types you could find a good one.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    There's nothing "naughty" about eating a piece of chocolate. Are you going to fight yourself for the rest of your life and feel like a failure over candy? That's no way to live.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    I get so annoyed when people say Atkins is a crash diet. It's NOT a crash diet if you actually follow all 4 stages. In stage 4, you're eating a very balanced diet.

    It's only a crash diet to those who go on it for a month to lose 10-15 pounds, then go back to eating whatever the hell they want.

    Also, if you don't want to deal with the laxative effect of some of the sugar free chocolates, make sure to get the ones that are sweetened with Splenda or Erythritol.
  • liloldDee
    liloldDee Posts: 92 Member
    Joyell, I agree with you 100%, Atkins is not a crash diet and when you lose the weight its very sustainable. You don't have to eliminate carbs forever, you find the carb count that suits you and at which you will maintain your weight. This varies from person to person, its about taking the time to find out what your personal carb count is.

    For chocolate cravings try some nuts, cheese, broccoli or chicken, when your craving chocolate you need magnesium or chromium and these will satisfy. This works very well, you wont think it when your eating it but 15 minutes later your cravings will be forgotten about.

    I can maintain my weight at 100g carbs sometimes more, if I go over board then I cut back for a few days.

    Some people like myself don't do well with carbs in their diet, the more carbs I eat, the more I crave. I personally am much better off avoiding sugary foods as much as possible, it sends me crazy. When I am maintaining my weight I eat potatoes/wholemeal rice/ a wrap regularly and have no problems once I stick to my personal carb limit.
    I believe I am probably insulin resistant which is why even a small amount of sugar sends me into over eating. When I eat low carb I feel amazing. I personally think a diet should be about eating food you like and that makes you feel good. Theres no point in telling someone to go ahead and have a piece of chocolate when all it will do is temporarily satisfy the craving but go on to cause other problems such as headaches etc.

    Some recipes t get the choc/sweet fix low carb style, I haven't tried any because I found eating nuts/cheese worked for me but apparently these are fab.

    Chocolate mousse
    1 expresso sized cup very strong coffee
    1/2 tsp gelatin
    10g 99% chocolate
    2 tsp cocoa
    sweetener to taste
    1 egg
    Dissolve the gelatin, chocolate and sweetener in the coffee, stir and leave to cool.
    Separate the egg, whisk the white till fluffy.
    Mix the egg yolk and cocoa powder, add in the coffee mixture and stir till smooth.
    Fold into the egg white till brown all over.
    Chill for a couple of hours

    Low carb ice-cream.

    2 eggs, preferable organic.
    60ml cream
    1 tbs vanilla extract
    sweetener to taste

    Separate the eggs, whisk the white till fluffy, use a big bowl.
    Whip the cream till thick.
    Whisk the egg yolks, vanilla and sweetener until creamy.
    Dump the cream and the egg yolks on top of the egg white and fold in.
    Divide into four containers and freeze.

    Per batch: 14g protein, 32g fat, 3g carbs, 366 calories.

    This stuff is amazing, you can eat it straight from the freezer, and it will totally kill any cravings

    Lemon Mousse

    1 packet plain gelatin
    One lemon or lime
    50-75g cream cheese or low fat cream cheese

    Pour 1/3 of a pint of boiled water into a jug, Sprinkle in the gelatin and stir to dissolve. Add in the juice of the lemon or lime. or just a good squeeze of lazy lemon.
    Put in a trayful of ice cubes, and stir.
    When the liquid is just starting to set, so it has the texture of egg white, put it into the blender with the cream cheese.
    Blend until all the ice is gone.
    Pour into four containers, and chill.

    You can also do a quick version by using a packet of sugar-free jelly with 1/3 pint boiling water and lots of ice, and cream cheese.
  • alexrenner2013
    alexrenner2013 Posts: 13 Member
    akins is great but its a lifestyle that's hard to live up to. have snacks and whatnot but in tight moderation. I did it for 12 days but now im losing more NOT doing it.