Mom with 100lbs to lose just starting. Looking for friends!

I'm looking for friends in a similar situation or have had success in this situation and can be a great encourager. I'll encourage you too! I'm a stay at home Mom of 3 little girls and I have just started with MFP 3 days ago. I have 100 lbs to lose and I plan to do this slow and steady with 30 mins of exercise a day and MFP recommended calories. I know this will take me over a year.

I have a great sense of humour and am a great encourager. I'd also welcome anyone who's no nonsense and can call me on it when I'm not being accountable!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    if your from CANADA,,,,, THEN YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • rebekahann09
    rebekahann09 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey. It's not easy, stick with it every day. You can do it! Let your girls be your motivation :) I'm a stay at home mom as well!
  • lrevels1
    lrevels1 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! I'm a SAHM mom to 3 kids with over a 100lbs to lose. I started about a month ago. Feel free to add me.
  • JenSBrown2015
    JenSBrown2015 Posts: 34 Member
    mom of 2 kids. I have 100 lbs to lose in total. I have already lost 26 lbs in just over 3 can do it!! feel free to add me
  • ItsAnIllusion
    ItsAnIllusion Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a mom to two and am a few months into this now.
  • ripzone13
    ripzone13 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello! I am a busy mom with up to 100 lbs to lose as well. Add me if you'd like! My first goal is to lose 50...then we'll keep going. I only have 30 minutes a day to workout, so I have to make the most of my time. Welcome, and good luck!
  • Drpingel
    Drpingel Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 2 girls. I want to loose 50 to 75 pounds and do it right. I've lost 50 pounds before only to get pregnant again. Good luck. Hopefully we can help each other out.

  • JaiMonty
    I'm not a birth mom, but I have custody of my two Godsons (4years old and 4months) and I'm trying to lose 100 pounds too! I've lost 4 pounds since starting in mid October just by adding 30 mins of cardio a day and tracking/consuming the calorie goal thru mfp. I'm looking for friends as well if you'd like to add me :)
  • Mkhryan
    Hi, I'm a mom and a Nana with over 100lbs to lose. I been going since the end of Feb and have lost over 70lbs so far.
    you can add me as friend.
  • dshields2013
    I also have 100 pounds to lose. It will be a long journey but the rewards will be worth it! That's what I have to focus much healthier I'll feel.
  • alisonb2582
    alisonb2582 Posts: 13 Member
    I hope I'm on the right board. :) I want to lose about 195lbs... It will take me a while, but I'm determined with support from other women like you all! I don't want to get discouraged.. I'm looking for buddies that will help me stay motivated and give me ideas on foods that are easy to make, but also satisfying... Send me a message! I will help you stay motivated too so we can do this together!
  • All of you CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! and feel free to add me. but im all about the positive reinforcement. no negative vibes. blegh
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    I don't have much to lose and in fact I am at the part of my journey where I care less about the scale and more about trying to shrink measurements. I want to congratulate you for taking the steps to get healthy. Finding supportive pals on here has helped me so much. I love to encourage and support my pals on here and anyone can feel free to add me.
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    I am closing in on the end of my journey. I am a mom, and I have less than 20# left to lose, but I have lost over 110#. If you want to add me for support you can, I know what it's like to have that much to lose!
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    Mommy of 1 here with 30lbs to loose add me.
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Hi! I am a sahm to 3 girls (13, 8 and 3) plus nanny for another 3 yr old girl lol I am crazy ;) and I am on the long journey to lose at minimum 150, only 112.5 to go! Feel free to send a friend request, I log daily and check in as often as I can with my friends :)
  • MrsB10305
    MrsB10305 Posts: 10 Member

    I am a new mom, with a 6 month old. I have 75 lbs that I want to lose. Thank you for already adding me.

    I started my account with MFP in June 2013 but didn't actually start until this past Monday. I am keeping within my recommended calories and doing 30 Day Shred because like most of you I only have 30 mins a day to work out. I would love to add some of you other mom's out there so we can support each other. You can never have to much support :)

  • cbmae
    cbmae Posts: 19
    I plan on losing 50-60, but please send me some requests! I'm a brand new SAHM (10 week old) with no real life mom friends, or friends in general since I moved out of state haha. Looking for positive vibes :smile:
  • Aukeilagirl
    Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
    I want to lose 100 pounds just like you. We can encourage each other. I will send you a friend request.
  • peltonbowman
    peltonbowman Posts: 1 Member
    I am also a stay at home mom to a one year old girl. I have 50-60 pounds to loose! Feel free to add me!