Carb binge after strict keto



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have received a whole lot of expensive therapy for eating disorder not otherwise specified. It hasn't helped me so far.

    I don't mean this to sound harsh, but it will anyway.

    MFP cannot fix your eating disorder. If a lot of therapy did not help you, random strangers on the internet won't be able to help you either. Find another therapist, maybe. I don't know. I wish you the best. You need to form healthy relationships with food and not go on various extreme diets.

    I was only wanting to know when the nausea/mood swings would disappear. Not for help with my ED. Sorry for troubling you.

    Dropping your body into keto and then eating tons and tons of carbs isn't going to make your nausea or mood swings disappear. You're putting your body through a great deal of stress, and any significant change in eating habits wreaks havoc on your digestive system (particularly the gut bacteria).

    If you stick with a ketogenic diet for a while, then the nausea should go away. The mood swings sound like they're probably caused by something different. But your issue is sticking with it for a while if you're prone to binges.
  • ceimi
    ceimi Posts: 25
    Unlike everyone else here who only seems to want to push their ideas on what is healthy for SOMEONE ELSE, I believe that if you think a keto diet is what you need to help you stop binging, all the more power to you! I too, am the same as you. I'm hispanic, so a lot of my diet consists of carb heavy food. Lots of corn tortillas, lots of beans, and I was eating a lot of sugary candy and chips to balance out the bland. In the last yeah I've gained almost 25 lbs. I'm so ashamed! I started on the keto diet 6 days ago. I think the key here is to figure out ways to satisfy your cravings with healthier options. Make sure that the foods you're eating are keeping you full, and you'll be less likely to want to binge. Have blackberries or blueberries, or strawberries, any kind of berry except cherries if you feel you need something sweet. Don't eat a whole package though!! Portion it out that way you're less likely to binge on the whole package. Grab a bowl and put say 15-20 berries in the bowl, put away the container, and go somewhere else to eat them! If you need support you can always send me a message if you feel like you're going to binge. So far I've been going strong, I'm scared that i'll binge too but you've just gotta realize that if weight loss is something you really want, then you'll need to work hard and ignore those bad cravings. The keto diet is contrary to popular belief, not restricting at all. Here is a neat little pick me up if you're feeling like you can't have anything "sweet" on the diet. The recipe doesn't have nearly as many carbs as a regular chocolate piece does, and it's got plenty of fat, perfect for the diet! Just remember to portion your meals to help avoid binges.
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I have received a whole lot of expensive therapy for eating disorder not otherwise specified. It hasn't helped me so far.

    I don't mean this to sound harsh, but it will anyway.

    MFP cannot fix your eating disorder. If a lot of therapy did not help you, random strangers on the internet won't be able to help you either. Find another therapist, maybe. I don't know. I wish you the best. You need to form healthy relationships with food and not go on various extreme diets.

    I was only wanting to know when the nausea/mood swings would disappear. Not for help with my ED. Sorry for troubling you.

    Dropping your body into keto and then eating tons and tons of carbs isn't going to make your nausea or mood swings disappear. You're putting your body through a great deal of stress, and any significant change in eating habits wreaks havoc on your digestive system (particularly the gut bacteria).

    If you stick with a ketogenic diet for a while, then the nausea should go away. The mood swings sound like they're probably caused by something different. But your issue is sticking with it for a while if you're prone to binges.

    Sigh.....I was not experiencing nausea and mood swings on keto. Only after the carb binge. Now I would like to know if I am going to feel ill until I go back into ketosis or if I will feel better from drinking a ton of water or something.
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    if you know your weakness, work it in. I would probably only work 1 "treat" in a day though. Tomorrow is new---start fresh and fuel your machine.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Maybe Keto isn't for you.

    Your diet plan:
    1. Causes binges
    2. Mentally unhinges you.

    This does not sound healthy.
    Problem is, I binge anyway regardless of whether I am on a ketogenic diet or not. I was feeling great before I ate sugar, I had never felt so stable in my mood and energy levels.

    As an ED sufferer myself I have a question for you. Was your mood good and your energy levels high because of the diet or because you felt in control?

    In other words, did you feel good because you were sticking to the diet, doing great, knew your plan, and felt like it was manageable?
    I felt good because I was actually eating for a change (although my cals were only 600-1000 per day) and the food was filling. I wasn't getting exhausted by 1pm every day either.

    I realise I am going to get a whole lot of "don't eat that low". I don't lose any weight at 1200+. My metabolism is naffed.

    Eating only 600-1000 calories a day could be another reason why you suddenly binged. There's more here than just being on a Keto diet now.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    So not only did you eat a ridiculously low, and unnecessary amount of carbs, but you were also eating below 1,200 calories, which is considered unhealthy, and less than your body requires just to maintain the vital functions of breathing, heart beating, and many others, not to mention, your daily activities. Well, you set yourself up for failure from the very beginning. Cutting out major food groups, and eating very low calorie diets, AKA, "crash diets," are probably the biggest reason people not only binge, but give up dieting all together...even healthy dieting. Good luck to you.
  • I call this "re-carb-ing" You are doing great, Keto on!
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    So not only did you eat a ridiculously low, and unnecessary amount of carbs, but you were also eating below 1,200 calories, which is considered unhealthy, and less than your body requires just to maintain the vital functions of breathing, heart beating, and many others, not to mention, your daily activities. Well, you set yourself up for failure from the very beginning. Cutting out major food groups, and eating very low calorie diets, AKA, "crash diets," are probably the biggest reason people not only binge, but give up dieting all together...even healthy dieting. Good luck to you.

    The low calorie amount wasn't just a silly plan. I have an ED which isn't by choice. I either eat that many calories in healthy food ie-ketogenic diet where I avoid carbs and don't binge (a week and a half is very good for me) or I eat carby junk food and feel terrible. I can't just decide to eat the same amount as the healthy ones on MFP seem to do.
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    If you are combining keto with a strength program to minimise muscle loss, you are supposed to be binging for 2 days out of every 7 days anyway
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Bingeing is mental. You have a mental issue, not a carb issue.
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I don't need advice on my diet or my eating disorder.

    I just want to know when I will feel better after consuming so much sugar.

    When I go back into keto, or before?

    This thread is making me feel worse.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    keto isnt for everyone. I'd die without dem carbs
  • ceimi
    ceimi Posts: 25
    I don't need advice on my diet or my eating disorder.

    I just want to know when I will feel better after consuming so much sugar.

    When I go back into keto, or before?

    This thread is making me feel worse.

    Well, no one can give you really a definitive answer. Only time will tell, and you'll be able to figure out how your body changes and adapts back into keto. If you ate a lot of carbs, your best bet to speed things up would be to do a really intense workout on an empty stomach. Your body will use the reserves you built up with the binge to power your body, and will help deplete the stores much quicker. Get back on your regular low carb diet, and workout more often and you should be back into it very soon.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member

    List of what I ate:
    Chocolate coconut biscuits
    Triple chocolate biscuits
    Chocolate and peanut butter brownie
    Chocolate bars
    Chocolate milk

    I have a chocolate weakness.

    I am wondering; did you have those things readily available in your home, or did you go out each time and buy those specific Biscuits ? I would be too lazy to go out and I can't imagine you had that stuff in the home, because you were on strict Keto.
    I find it helps not to have any trigger food in the home. I prefer salty, spicy rich stuff and just don't buy it anymore. If I had an attack of the munchies right now, I could have an orange or a small sweet potato or maybe boil an egg; all foods that are not really binge worthy.. All the other stuff would have to be cooked before I could eat it and at 9:40 that is not going to happen. I often wonder why people who tend to binge have stuff they can binge on in their homes in the first place, but maybe I don't understand the mechanism of binging very well.
    Either way, I wish you good Luck !
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I don't need advice on my diet or my eating disorder.

    I just want to know when I will feel better after consuming so much sugar.

    When I go back into keto, or before?

    This thread is making me feel worse.

    Well, no one can give you really a definitive answer. Only time will tell, and you'll be able to figure out how your body changes and adapts back into keto. If you ate a lot of carbs, your best bet to speed things up would be to do a really intense workout on an empty stomach. Your body will use the reserves you built up with the binge to power your body, and will help deplete the stores much quicker. Get back on your regular low carb diet, and workout more often and you should be back into it very soon.

    WOW.....Thank you so much for your reply. This is what I wanted to know. Not that there wasn't useful information in the other posts, but this was very specific to what I asked.
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member

    List of what I ate:
    Chocolate coconut biscuits
    Triple chocolate biscuits
    Chocolate and peanut butter brownie
    Chocolate bars
    Chocolate milk

    I have a chocolate weakness.

    I am wondering; did you have those things readily available in your home, or did you go out each time and buy those specific Biscuits ? I would be too lazy to go out and I can't imagine you had that stuff in the home, because you were on strict Keto.
    I find it helps not to have any trigger food in the home. I prefer salty, spicy rich stuff and just don't buy it anymore. If I had an attack of the munchies right now, I could have an orange or a small sweet potato or maybe boil an egg; all foods that are not really binge worthy.. All the other stuff would have to be cooked before I could eat it and at 9:40 that is not going to happen. I often wonder why people who tend to binge have stuff they can binge on in their homes in the first place, but maybe I don't understand the mechanism of binging very well.
    Either way, I wish you good Luck !

    I didn't buy those things, I had done a baking day a few days earlier for my family, plus the kids and my husband had the other stuff in the cupboard for them. The in laws had given them some treats, knowing that I wasn't likely to end up eating them.
  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    I definitely disagree that low carb is an unhealthy or unbalanced way of eating. I've been Paleo for quite a while now, and I find it extremely easy to eat only 15% of my daily intake from carbs. What's more, I am never hungry eating only 1200-1500 calories daily, whereas on high carb eating styles I would always be hungry. What I do know from experience, and what I think may have happened to you, is that during the first two weeks (especially the beginning through middle of the second week, I find) your system is finally starting to realize that you've dropped your carb intake, and it reacts by causing huge craving because the Standard American Diet we're so used to is so carb heavy. Once you get through the first two weeks, I find that carb cravings go away, and you won't have as much difficulty resisting carb binges. While it's true VLC isn't for everyone, I believe that many more people could benefit from it than they realize. :) good luck!
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I definitely disagree that low carb is an unhealthy or unbalanced way of eating. I've been Paleo for quite a while now, and I find it extremely easy to eat only 15% of my daily intake from carbs. What's more, I am never hungry eating only 1200-1500 calories daily, whereas on high carb eating styles I would always be hungry. What I do know from experience, and what I think may have happened to you, is that during the first two weeks (especially the beginning through middle of the second week, I find) your system is finally starting to realize that you've dropped your carb intake, and it reacts by causing huge craving because the Standard American Diet we're so used to is so carb heavy. Once you get through the first two weeks, I find that carb cravings go away, and you won't have as much difficulty resisting carb binges. While it's true VLC isn't for everyone, I believe that many more people could benefit from it than they realize. :) good luck!

    Thank you :D
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Carbs are stored as muscle glycogen. Ketosis is acquired when glycogen stores are depleted and your body begins creating ketones as replacements and burns fat instead of glucose. You just have to take your time and get back into ketosis. Try getting some keto stix, they will tell you what level of ketones you are producing. Other than that you could focus on depletion workouts to quickly deplete glycogen stores. A bud of mine did this in his pre contest diet and it worked awesome.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I definitely disagree that low carb is an unhealthy or unbalanced way of eating. I've been Paleo for quite a while now, and I find it extremely easy to eat only 15% of my daily intake from carbs. What's more, I am never hungry eating only 1200-1500 calories daily, whereas on high carb eating styles I would always be hungry. What I do know from experience, and what I think may have happened to you, is that during the first two weeks (especially the beginning through middle of the second week, I find) your system is finally starting to realize that you've dropped your carb intake, and it reacts by causing huge craving because the Standard American Diet we're so used to is so carb heavy. Once you get through the first two weeks, I find that carb cravings go away, and you won't have as much difficulty resisting carb binges. While it's true VLC isn't for everyone, I believe that many more people could benefit from it than they realize. :) good luck!

    Low carb and keto are very different things, FYI.