Buying Clothes that's too small

Most posters on here seem pretty opinionated, so this will be interesting to see the various points of views.

Some people say buying clothes in a smaller size is motivation; they hang it up and look at it every day to remind themselves of their goals. Others say it's a waste of money and just depressing to have spent money on clothes that is too small for you.

Buying Clothes one size to small during your weight loss journey: good or bad?

Buying Clothes that ARE too small...whoops! :blushing:


  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Buying clothes that are slightly too small in a charity shop = great motivation & doesn't cost a lot. (Charity shop = thrift store in America, op shop in Australia). You can pick up fab clothes in great condition - some are still new, with tags - I imagine someone who never made it to that size having a clear out. The best shops are clean and well organised with the stuff on offer arranged by type, size and colour. I LOVE them - and at (typical prices) £1.50 - £4 for tops and sweaters, £3 - £5 for trousers the prices are amazing!!

    I've found that as I lose weight the choice available increases. I have my "aspiration pile" arranged in the order that I think I will fit into it & try things on every few weeks. I walk around in stuff off the pile & that's a great feeling!!

    When I'm in a charity shop I'm looking out for stuff that I like that will fit now, and also for things a size or so smaller.
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    When I lost 60 pounds a few years back, I would buy the current size, and if I loved it, I went back and bought it in the next size down. Especially at places like Costco, where if you see something you like, you need to get it before your size is gone. It gave me something to aspire to fit into. This time, I am mostly shopping my closet with a few new things thrown in.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I buy clothes that fit. I don't have money to waste, not even at a charity shop. It is a big thrill to need a smaller size and I consider it a victory. Everyone has their own point of view.
  • Tish
    Tish Posts: 34 Member
    I bought a couple of pairs of jeans a few months ago that wouldn't even close (on sale!!). I can wear them today,that is after being on MFP for a month. They really motivated me as every week I tried them on and eventually they fit. Once these get a little looser I'll buy some in a size smaller :)
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    Good to a point.

    If it's one size and you know that you have that weight to lose, sure, but if it doesn't fit (just as all clothes don't fit or flatter all body types), it's disappointing.

    If you're near your goal weight, I say no.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My dad bought me three pairs of jeans in his size (33) They're not really my style, but I'm looking forward to wearing them. I could squeeze in a few weeks ago, should be pretty comfortable before the end of the month.

    Outside of that, I have a pair of Lucky's from high school, actually, I should try those on, they might fit.

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Depends on what it is. Jeans, yes. They are year round wear and if I still can't get into them next month, I will the next. But, I didn't buy anything for next spring when it all went on sale because I don't really know what size I'll be in then.
  • Ebay pretty cheap, i did buy a betsey j top was too small made it a priority to fit in it with no fat hang! Now loose!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I think it's a waste. I'd have lost interest in the item long before I was able to fit in it.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I have done this a few times when there are sales. The last pair of jeans I waited too long to wear, they are starting to be too loose already and 2 months ago they were major muffin wear I had to put aside. Annoying yet good at the same time.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I've been buying a lot of new clothes lately--my closet is bare! If I order something from on-line (I've been preferring Kohl's as they're cheap, have great sales/coupons, and I can return to the store), and its slightly too small, I keep it. If its too big (yay!) I return it.

    But the red wool coat that I just got, something that I've always wanted, is too small in the shoulders. So, will it fit next winter, or will it be too big by then (which I'm hoping...)? Its gotta go back since I can't predict where I'll be in a year. :grumble: Boo. I'm definitely not buying the next size up. I now refuse to buy something with a 1, 2, or 3 followed by an X ever again...
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do with jeans. Every time I fit into a smaller size I go buy the next size down to have on hand. I try them on once a month or so to see how close they are to fitting. I've done that a couple of times with t-shirts too. I wouldn't buy dressier clothes in a smaller size because I'd want to see how they actually look on me when they fit, but jeans & t-shirts are safe.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    I shop in thrifts for my home most of my clothes (except workout wear) are from there. If I see something I love the size down I will buy it. But I don't buy for the next season. I saw some cute shorts but the problem is I don't know what size I'll be come time to wear it would have been a waste. Only for current season and only one size down. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    waste of money....I don't need unusable inventory in my closet.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Hmm I didn't buy it but I was given a slinky dress that I could not wear in a million years. I guess i am using that for motivation.
  • I did this for the motivation. Working so far!
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    It is good motivation but I had the problem of buying something too small, then forgetting I had bought it and missing the period when it actually fitted. I've also shrunk into clothes that I've bought and excitedly tried on, only to find that they are the right size, but they just aren't very flattering in different areas.

    Soooo I decided not to bother and just to buy clothes in thrift stores as I find myself shrinking out of my old clothes. Every once in a while I bag up the old clothes and donate them. I figure when I reach my goal, then I will treat myself to some new clothes that I really like.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    Buying clothing to small can be a double edged sword. I started a similar thread a while back about a pair of pants. For years they were a sign of failure and a constant reminder of how out of control I was. After starting this journey and making progress they became a motivator. Finally being able to wear that pair of pants was an amazing feeling. I routinely buy cloths that are too small now. I know it's just a matter of time until they will fit because I know I'll put in the work.
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    No - I save it for the in-store surprise.

    You try on your current size... too loose. Try on the size smaller... perfect!

    And then you get to do the victory walk to the counter with a big smile on your face. Hooray!
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I haven't bought things too small, but I kept quite a few things (pants mostly) from a few years back before I gained weight. My fiancé was very sceptical about keeping the stuff, not that he didn't believe that I could lose the weight, but more a 'really, you want to cart that stuff around with us wherever we move to?' kind of deal. His attitude was that I could buy more things when I eventually did start losing weight. Things have changed however, we have a child now and buying more clothes for myself is an expense best kept to a minimum while I'm not working. I am now down to my last few pieces from my 'suitcase o'dreams' in the smallest size I've been in 8 years.