Buying Clothes that's too small



  • thelifeilove1
    thelifeilove1 Posts: 195 Member
    I started a size 22 and am slowly building a wardrobe of clothing ranging from 16 to 10's by shopping the clearance racks at my local thrift. These are items that are out of season. With the 10's, which I believe will be my ultimate goal size, I'm buying all seasons as the year moves on. But on the other sizes I'll focus only on the season I believe I'll be that size based on my current rate of loss. Since I can pick up a nice dress for $3 after it goes on clearance, I believe its a great way to build a wardrobe on the cheap and if I do miss a size for the appropriate season I should be able to re-consign it for more than I purchased it for. Since I favor classic styling, I'm not really concerned that my choices will not be in style when I'm ready for them. It is exciting seeing all these new-to-me, cute clothes beginning to fill out the space vacated by the stuff that got too big for me. I can't wait to wear them.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    If I'm between two sizes where one is a little loose and one is a little tight, I get the smaller one. It's great motivation, and it allows me to wear the item for a little longer.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Most posters on here seem pretty opinionated, so this will be interesting to see the various points of views.

    Some people say buying clothes in a smaller size is motivation; they hang it up and look at it every day to remind themselves of their goals. Others say it's a waste of money and just depressing to have spent money on clothes that is too small for you.

    Buying Clothes one size to small during your weight loss journey: good or bad?

    Buying Clothes that ARE too small...whoops! :blushing:

    I did this at the beginning. I bought a pair of jeans that were one size too small, left them out where I could see them, and sometimes tried them on. I couldn't even close them, let alone zip them up. They were a great motivation. A few months ago they finally fit... and now they're so baggy I can't wear them anymore. It was greatest feeling the first day I wore them outside. And it definitely wasn't a waste of money -- I paid $3 for them at a thrift store.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I just bought a few pairs of pants that are tight but wearable. That way it's not a total waste of money because I can still wear them, but it's motivational because I want them to fit better! I also do have a pair of jeans that are 2 sizes too small and those are definitely motivating!
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    I think it depends on whether too small clothes make you feel bad or good.

    I HAVE bought too-small things occasionally. I remember being in Australia years ago and spotting this gorgeous dress. The biggest size wouldn't fit me. I bought it anyway and was so immensely proud when I wore it the following summer. 10 years later I still ahve it even though it doesn't fit right now. But it will again.

    In 2011 I bought a pair of jeans I could only just get over my bum. I knew I was going to spend half a year on my own, so the first day I took pics of me in those, looking horrible. When I came back home, they fit with room to spare. Again, I can't wear them now but I'm working on it again.
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    I have some clothes already from about 6 years ago when I was at my lowest adult weight. Mainly a couple pair of jeans that I've just never been able to throw out because they are practically new- and I always save my jeans in all sizes because I have to buy tall/long lengths and I usually have to order things. I'd rather save them in case I ever fit them again!

    I haven't actually purchased anything too small yet but I wouldn't be opposed to it if I had the money. I wouldn't go TOO much smaller though because it might be more discouraging. I like small goals :) Maybe a size or 2 down I would be okay with buying.
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    I think it's a waste. I'd have lost interest in the item long before I was able to fit in it.

    Oooh! Interesting! I was compelled to post this because I was always anti having small clothes. It depressed me, and there were plenty of items ALREADY in my closet that I know would look better if I dropped some weight.

    For whatever odd reason, I went shopping the other night and bought a dress that was one size too small. I pictured wearing it when I sing for New Years. Maybe it came from the confidence that I've been losing 2lbs a week pretty consistently for a month now, so I figure by the time NYE rolls around, Id be good to go, maybe it was an impulse buy? Just thought it was funny how Ive ALWAYS been against it, and this time around I didnt think twice...
  • I've done this and for me it worked. I bought a really cute pair of jeans that were two sizes too small. It was great motivation. I was wearing them within two months. That was years ago. Now my motivation is the great pair of jeans I bought just before I got pregnant.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I don't i still have plenty from former wardrobes lol

    Maybe if i out grow them but haven't gotten there yet lol
  • There's more to fit than size. I did this exactly once - let someone talk me into buying a pair of too-small pants. Yes, I lost weight, and yes the size fit, but they just didn't fit me right. Did not look good. And then I lost more and they got too loose and I got rid of them without any regret - except the wasted money.
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    Buying clothes that are too small***
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    This wouldn't have worked on me before, but now almost all clothes I buy always have to be a bit small on me because I'd fit in them after a month.
  • jmiguy
    jmiguy Posts: 11 Member
    I get satisfaction and motivation out of watching how baggy my current clothes get as I drop the pounds.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I need clothes that fit me now i cant wait i have clothes that are falling off.

    Once a month or so I will go to stores and attempt to try on a smaller size to see how much further I have to go

    Next size down. I can get up but cant button and they are pretty im close!! that motivates me that next time maybe they will fit.

    Besides I cant buy clothes without trying them on. Even if I get down to that size it may not look right once I lose the weight.
  • Everyone should do what works for them. I sometimes buy clothes that are a little too small. Usually only when I'm in between two sizes, then I'll go with the smaller. I also have a few things from years (and many pounds) ago that I hope to fit into one day.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    In regards to pants, I thought about doing that on Black Friday, but I didn't know what size to get. I'll just wait until my current pants are too big. I'd have to replace all of my pants and I don't like to waste money like that.

    I have purchased a few shirts that I can almost fit. I always need new shirts, anyway, so I don't mind seeing a cute shirt that I can almost fit and keep it hanging in my closet for a few months. And, yes, that's a bit motivating, but I don't intentionally buy clothes too small to motivate myself. That's too much pressure.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    If I'm torn between two sizes that fit and flatter me, I opt for the smaller one. However, I don't know what size I'll get to or what my shape will be like, so I don't know what will fit to buy new clothes.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I won't spend money on something that I'm not sure will fit right when I'm at that size. I'd rather reward myself when I get there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Buying them for motivation..............fine.

    Unfortunately there are WAY to many females I see buying them and wearing them out there in public and they shouldn't be.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I buy clothes that fit and look great (well, as great as they can considering my body) now. I think it is important to look nice and with good shaped clothes no mather the size.

    I also try to get clothes that would look nice even if they become loose.

    As I lose weight, my body changes in ways I don't imagine. I can't anticipate from where I will lose more and from where less, so smaller things may look not so good on me when I get to that size, because the body isn't shrinking the same.

    With pants, for example... I may lose from my thighs and they will be ok, but I might not lose from the belly as much. By the time I would lose the belly to fit them right, the pants would be to loose around my thighs.