90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

So I have signed up for this 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with my Gym. It started last Saturday. I think I am on a good start I am logging my calories, working out consistently. I have came up with a routine that I want to do. I want to Swim M,W, then do regular cardio. Lift TU, Th, then do my cardio class. Rest Friday. Take my Swim Lessons on Saturday, then more cardio or lifting, Then strength training with my Trainer on Sunday.

Where my struggles are is that I can't come up with a decent weight goal to try to attain by the end of the weight loss challenge. I want to lose 30 pounds but I am not so sure how realistic that is. Any suggestions on a good goal that won't be to intimidating?

I always to to find people that might want to join me on this challenge VIA MFP so we can keep each other motivated. I am determined to be between 145 and 160 soon and I just want people to share in my successes, and pitfalls.


  • kriegs86
    kriegs86 Posts: 41
    Hey! I'd love to join your 90 day weight loss challenge. I really, really want to be down 30 pounds too and need a way to keep myself accountable.

    Since 90 days is a little over 12 weeks and a healthy rate of weight loss is 2 pounds a week, a 90 goal of losing 24 pounds seems like it would be on the optimistic and challenging but still healthy side.
  • eastcoaster
    I would like to join this group too! My goal is 25 lbs in 90 days. Maybe we should all weigh in the same day? I like Friday mornings. What do you think? Or maybe Monday mornings? We could count tomorrow as day 1 and weigh in tomorrow.
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    i would like to join in too..and friday morning weigh-ins sound perfect! :)
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for wanting to join in!! I think weighing in on the same day would be great. I think starting to weigh in Tomorrow would be great. We just post our weight here and then go from there. I think it will also be helpful if we also list if we work out that day and anything that we found challenging so we can help support each other. I will weigh in tomorrow and post my weight.

    Just so you know when they weighed me last Saturday for the 90 day challenge I was at 181. So I will shoot for 20 pounds for the 90 weeks. I think that would be realistic and I don't want to get to discouraged or crazy if I don't hit it. My other goal is to workout at least 5 times a week. Tomorrow at 5am I am going to the gym to practice swimming for my lessons on Saturday.

    Friday weigh in's wouldn't be bad either. If we do Friday weigh ins, just post what your starting weight is ( that is if you know) then we can see what you lost. So weigh yourself right now post and then we can do a update weigh in Friday.
  • eastcoaster
    Maybe we should weigh in tomorrow for our starting weights. After tomorrow we could change the day to every Friday morning. How does that sound?
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    Maybe we should weigh in tomorrow for our starting weights. After tomorrow we could change the day to every Friday morning. How does that sound?

    That actually sounds perfect!!!

    Tomorrow lets weigh in with our starting weights. Then we can make Friday our weigh in date!!
  • eastcoaster
    Awesome! Catch up with you all tomorrow. Going to catch some zzzzzzzzzzz's!
  • eastcoaster
    Awesome! Catch up with you all tomorrow. Going to catch some zzzzzzzzzzz's!
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Im in too!!! I think the 20pound sounds good... =)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Can I be a PITA? I would not like to weigh in Friday. For some odd reason I always weigh more on Friday...lol.
    Any other day is good with me so I can be odd one out and weigh the thursday or saturday. I am also doing the August 5lbs challenge and I weigh in on Sunday.

    My ultimate goal would be 24lbs but I will say 20 and the 4 would be a bonus :)
    That would put me at my all time goal too so fingers crossed!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    So I just weighed myself and I am 152.3 which I am having a hard time believing and honestly keep checking. I cannot believe I am going to be in the 140's again. I weighed in on August 1st and was 157!

    So my official weigh in for the first day of my 90 day challenge is


    I need to lose 22.3lbs to reach my ultimate goal.

    Good Luck!
    Today I am determined to find a gym that will help me set up my HRM and weather permitting get out and do my 5 miles.
  • kriegs86
    kriegs86 Posts: 41
    Good for you kickrz! I'm kinda close to where you're at. I gained a ton of weight due to stress this spring. At 162 I started working to get it off. I'm at 155 now and can't wait to get into the 140s again.

    I went to sleep before you all set the weigh day for today and then Friday so I’m a day behind. I’ll step on the scale tomorrow although I’m scared of what it’ll tell me :-(
  • kriegs86
    kriegs86 Posts: 41
    My other goal is to workout at least 5 times a week. Tomorrow at 5am I am going to the gym to practice swimming for my lessons on Saturday.

    Glad someone else is trying to hit the gym at 5:00 am. I hate getting up this early to go to the gym, but if I don't go then I often don't make it. I tried and failed this morning, but you've now motivated me to really get up early tomorrow. Thanks! :smile:
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    This morning I weighed 178!!! Which I need to see those pounds starting to fall off. I keep plateauing at this stupid 178.

    I do not get up and workout this morning. But I will most Def workout tonight!! Goal is to burn at least 600 calories. I am about to eat some oatmeal, ick!!! :)

    Happy Weightloss!! Will check in later.
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    my starting weight for the 90 day challenge is 159.4...and "i want to lose" atleast 3 pounds per week....but 2 pounds per week is fine too :p

    and if we count from today (8/16/10)...the exact 91 days=13 weeks falls on 11/15/10...which is perfect for me..coz i leave for my one month vacation on 11/15/10!!! :)
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    and i will weigh in next on coming Friday...and see it from there on!! Good luck all..and have a happy monday! :)
  • houston12
    Hey how are you, I am also doing :wink: the same 90 weight loss challange too at the gym. maybe we are the same gym, LTF.......
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey how are you, I am also doing :wink: the same 90 weight loss challange too at the gym. maybe we are the same gym, LTF.......

    Yes I do go to LTF!! I love LifeTime!!! Which one do you go to? Lets try to help each other do very well so we can win the challenge for our Clubs!!
  • eastcoaster
    November 15th is my 13 year anniversary! Funny!
    Here is my deal. I work out over an hour a day. 45 minutes on the elliptical, and the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I am on day 7 of that. I burn over 900 calories a day. Haven't cheated at all since joining this site! Because of my strength training, I am gaining muscles too. The scale thing is whacky. I was 156 on Friday, and Today I was 157.8. I am going to call it 156 starting because I am hoping it comes back down by tomorrow. I won't weigh myself until Friday though.
    So, here is my goal.
    Starting at 156
    Goal by Nov. 15th is 131.
    We will see! Looking forward to this journey together! I think I will take measurements today. Maybe we should all do that? The scale absolutely does not tell the whole picture.
  • krazie4u247
    krazie4u247 Posts: 51 Member
    So like I posted earlier, I was 178 this morning. I will be content if by the end of this challenge I can get to 160 solid. My ultimate goal is to be between 145 and 155. I want to be below 160.

    So lately in my workouts I seem to plateau at burning in the 600s. I plateau in my weight at 178 and workouts at 600s. Today I worked out after work and I did the Elliptical for about 50ish minutes. Then I did the bike for 10 minutes. Worked out for 73 minutes only burned 621. But I was in my fat burning zones for a lot of the time. I know when you are burning fat it takes longer to burn calories.

    For those of you that burn 900 how do you do that? I try to bust my butt.

    So before my workout I only ate 800 calories for the day, so during the workout I felt so weak in a way. After the gym I went to whole foods and got Pizza. Which wasn't the brightest idea but I needed more calories and the dough had flax seed in it.