Ladies - how often/when do you weigh?



  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    I try to weigh myself once every one to two weeks. I do this so I don't end up getting too attached to the scale, and get discouraged in a fluctuation in weight.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member

    Then the shave. I shave my manly beard and stach. Then the hair. All hair. I’m bald like Michael Phelps now.

    Then I get out of the batroom. No towel. Don’t need it. Lay naked and turn on the fan. Air dry myself. Because towel drying might add some weight to me.

    Then finally comes the part of weighing myself

    “oh God this is it. This is the big dragon boss. Oh God help me!”

    2 lbs lost.

    No towel?? No towel?? Major mistake. You need the towel, the rougher the better, or better yet a loofah, to exfoliate a couple layers of skin after the shower. You could probably scrape off two or three ounces. THEN you use a microfiber towel to basically dust off any exfoliated skin that's clinging to you, or any lint the first towel might have left. That fan is probably blowing dust motes on to you.

    I weigh once a week, which works for me: infrequent enough that I'm not driving myself crazy with fluctuations from the eat/drink/digest/evacuate/void cycle, but often enough to keep tabs on whether I'm getting the results I expect, and keep myself honest. I'm still fairly early in the process, and am at a 1.5 lb/week deficit, according to my actual data -- MFP thinks it has me on a 1 lb/week deficit. When I get further along and cut back to a true 1 lb/week deficit or a half pound a week deficit, I'll think about whether every two weeks or once a month makes more sense.

    Edited to finish the post -- the site or my browser cut me off before I was done.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I weigh every day in the morning.
  • KimP202
    KimP202 Posts: 68 Member
    Daily. Every morning right after first pee. Naked. I enter my weight on an excel spreadsheet where I've set up weekly and monthly averages. I focus on my weekly average to monitor and assass my weight. I graph my weekly and monthly averages. Daily weighing keeps my focus on the long term cause I have the hard data going back now for 547 days. I see my daily weight fluctuate as much as 6 pounds in one week, but the average for the week is a consistent smooth curve with a negative slope, slowly flattening out as I approach maintenance.

    I do this too, pretty much exactly
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    Yeah, I do once a month, too, or sometimes every two weeks. I'd be too discouraged weighing more often than that. And, I always weigh AFTER a rest day, first thing in the morning. My body tends to lose excess water on rest days.
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    Me too. I weigh daily. Just got in the habit.....
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Once a week, sometimes twice. Always in the morning.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Every morning
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Daily but I count it weekly :)
  • KhaoticSoul
    I weigh in once a week on monday morning when I get up after going to the loo. Same time every week without fail. Not too bothered what my weight is as Im only really iterested in seeing my BF% drop, though obviously my current size means I am aiming to lose weight as well. I also take my body measurements every four weeks at the same time, and keep track of everything in a Excel spreadsheet where I can reference everything from workouts to weight to body measurements to how im feeling before I workout with a couple of clicks of the mouse.

    Its helped doing this as there have been a couple of occasions where Ive stayed static for a few weeks, and realised I need to either tweak my macros or rejig my workouts. I can also see a trend in when I am likely to mentally not be quite with it, usually two weeks before my TOM and this helped me recognize the fact that there is a reason I suddenyl want to go sod it and feel like giving up for a few days. In my case losing weight and wieght training to get fitter while also trying to change my body composition isnt solely about the physical side of things, it is also about my my mental processes too so that I stay motivated to keep on track and not just let it slide like I have done in the past.

    I still have off days, I still have days where my diet goes out the window or I dont workout like I should, but having the records I do reminds me of where I started and how much work I have put in, and how that I can make the changes conitnue to happen. :)