So what foods trigger your headaches?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Soy, lactose, and an overabundance or sugar. Caffeine..

    I don't eat soy and lactose anymore, and I stay clear of the caffeine, but I do have sugar in moderation.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I don't get them as frequently anymore, and they don't last as long when I do. Triggers for me have been chemical -- pesticides, herbicides, red food dye, certain preservatives. Hard to nail down. I've found that certain brand lines of foods are generally safe for me; e.g., oddly enough, nothing from ConAgra seems to bother me. Once I find something that doesn't get to me, I tend to stick with it for a long time -- which probably makes my food diary rather boring. :ohwell:

    Upward trend notwithstanding, our city-wide mosquito fog program has absolutely knocked me flat. I'd rather take my chances with West Nile.

    ETA: Dehydration can bring on a wicked headache too, but not a full-blown migraine, and I usually get a faux-graine (debilitating headache, nausea, but no retching) on the first day of what would be TOM. Drugs don't help my migraines; they come up as quick as they went down. But plain old Tylenol will take the edge off the faux-graine.
  • paularhiatt
    paularhiatt Posts: 12 Member
    Aspertame, Dehydration

    Not food related -Candles, air freshners, perfume, scented lotions. Getting these things out of my house made a huge difference.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I don't get headaches from food. I do get some dodgy stomach pains though when I eat beef and certain other meats, hence I only eat chicken and fish when it comes to meat.

    Alcohol gives me headaches, ergo, I've not drunk alcohol for over a year.

    True story.
  • itsmeltc
    itsmeltc Posts: 7 Member
    Soft drink. Both diet & normal.

    +1, which is a real shame since I find it impossible to ditch soda.