Guys working out their triceps with the rope thing?!?!?!!



  • sugaspice999
    And wearing gloves while doing the rope thing!!! X2 hotness
  • KD454
    KD454 Posts: 1,548 Member
    And look the hot girl has a massive thread going :laugh: :tongue:
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Agreed :D
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    And wearing gloves while doing the rope thing!!! X2 hotness

    I'm still of the opinion that if someone can't do the exercise barehanded then he shouldn't be doing it. But I'm just old fashioned that way. Calluses FTW.
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    And...this is why a guy asks for lifting advice from other guys!
  • KD454
    KD454 Posts: 1,548 Member
    Agreed :D
    Amazing transformation to you....AWESOME!!!
  • sugaspice999
    Haha thanks guys :)

    But the gloves are hot! I don't know, maybe I just have weird turnons gaga. I just realized that most guys who use the rope have pretty massive tris, and tris are hot -> get it now haha :)
  • sugaspice999
    And...this is why a guy asks for lifting advice from other guys!

  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    It's not a tricep exercise exactly (although they will get engaged to an extent, as will the arms generally, upper body and core) but this is a good reason to spend time on the rope.


    Face pulls. Always do face pulls. And tricep pull downs, bicep curls and cable crunches using the rope. The cable pulley is a big part of why I go to a gym at all, anyone can have freeweights at home. Not everyone has a cable system though.

  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    It's not a tricep exercise exactly (although they will get engaged to an extent, as will the arms generally, upper body and core) but this is a good reason to spend time on the rope.


    Face pulls. Always do face pulls. And tricep pull downs, bicep curls and cable crunches using the rope. The cable pulley is a big part of why I go to a gym at all, anyone can have freeweights at home. Not everyone has a cable system though.


    I adore face pulls, Im the only one in my gym that seems to do them, perfect for upper back and rear delts, I yerm for a back like that
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    listen to who you want, but the rope **** is not necessary! But what do I know! Still trying to get bigger!
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    listen to who you want, but the rope **** is not necessary! But what do I know! Still trying to get bigger!

    I think everyone's mileage is gonna vary, but to me there are few better arm exercises than the face pull. Its hard to do it without a rope pulley. I feel like it works the whole arm very effectively, and obviously the upper back/rear delts (which are hard to hit effectively), and just about everything else while you're at it. Just me personally, I'd put the face pull in the top 5 most important lifting exercises or at least a close 6th. :glasses:
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    listen to who you want, but the rope **** is not necessary! But what do I know! Still trying to get bigger!

    I think everyone's mileage is gonna vary, but to me there are few better compound-style arm exercises than the face pull. Its hard to do it without a rope pulley. I feel like it works the whole arm very effectively, and obviously the upper back/rear delts (which are hard to hit effectively), and just about everything else while you're at it. Just me personally, I'd put the face pull in the top 5 most important lifting exercises or at least a close 6th. :glasses:

    Sorry, but I wouldn't put any arm exercise in the top 10! Arms are secondary movers, and you get enough from the prime compound lifts! Not saying you shouldn't do some arm stuff if you feel like it...but to put any arm lift in the top 10 is rediculous in my opinion...emphasize "opinion" before I get beat up!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hang cleans seem to hit that area, too. Or maybe I'm doing hang cleans wrong. :laugh:

    Actually, bent-over barbell rows hit the rear delts, too.

    My rear delts are very sore today!
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    And...this is why a guy asks for lifting advice from other guys!

    Excuse me, that was rather annoying. I try not to judge the whole male race based on one ignorant comment.
    There are some of us women who actually know their weights workouts. lol.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Didn't read the whole thread but don't you meant the tricep pushdowns?
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    listen to who you want, but the rope **** is not necessary! But what do I know! Still trying to get bigger!

    I think everyone's mileage is gonna vary, but to me there are few better compound-style arm exercises than the face pull. Its hard to do it without a rope pulley. I feel like it works the whole arm very effectively, and obviously the upper back/rear delts (which are hard to hit effectively), and just about everything else while you're at it. Just me personally, I'd put the face pull in the top 5 most important lifting exercises or at least a close 6th. :glasses:

    Sorry, but I wouldn't put any arm exercise in the top 10! Arms are secondary movers, and you get enough from the prime compound lifts! Not saying you shouldn't do some arm stuff if you feel like it...but to put any arm lift in the top 10 is rediculous in my opinion...emphasize "opinion" before I get beat up!

    Well just so you know where I'm coming from, I thought about it and this is how I would prioritize the importance of various exercises. Like if you could only do 1, it would be the top 1. If you could only ever do 2, the top 2. Etc. And for me this is a tough list to figure out, I'm probably leaving off something really important. But whatever, its just the internet right?

    1. Squats
    2. Deadlifts
    3. Pullups
    4. Flat Bench
    5. Arnold Press
    6. Face Pulls

    I left off some kind of lunge, and some kind of row. But those are judgement calls. And obviously I would place compound, full body, leg type exercises at the top. Which is what I did. If something like lunges and rows had to be added to the list and it was a top 10, I'd still want to put face pulls in there at 9 or 10.

    It's cool man we both have opinions here. :drinker:
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    And...this is why a guy asks for lifting advice from other guys!

    Excuse me, that was rather annoying. I try not to judge the whole male race based on one ignorant comment.
    There are some of us women who actually know their weights workouts. lol.

    I'm sure many of you do!...and good on you! Maybe I was wrong, but I couldn't help but thnk of an earlier thread where a man asked for other male advice! The thread, (IMO), turned into a bunch of insecure women bashing because he asked for male advice and they had to interject, despite the countless "women who lift" threads!

    Double Standard in my opinion, and I apoligize to you ma'am for my earlier comment!
  • TE76RA
    TE76RA Posts: 209 Member
    And wearing gloves while doing the rope thing!!! X2 hotness

    I'm still of the opinion that if someone can't do the exercise barehanded then he shouldn't be doing it. But I'm just old fashioned that way. Calluses FTW.

    I dont look good with callouses though so I use gloves. What about girls who use the rope pulley what do guys think of that? :tongue:
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    listen to who you want, but the rope **** is not necessary! But what do I know! Still trying to get bigger!

    I think everyone's mileage is gonna vary, but to me there are few better compound-style arm exercises than the face pull. Its hard to do it without a rope pulley. I feel like it works the whole arm very effectively, and obviously the upper back/rear delts (which are hard to hit effectively), and just about everything else while you're at it. Just me personally, I'd put the face pull in the top 5 most important lifting exercises or at least a close 6th. :glasses:

    Sorry, but I wouldn't put any arm exercise in the top 10! Arms are secondary movers, and you get enough from the prime compound lifts! Not saying you shouldn't do some arm stuff if you feel like it...but to put any arm lift in the top 10 is rediculous in my opinion...emphasize "opinion" before I get beat up!

    Well just so you know where I'm coming from, I thought about it and this is how I would prioritize the importance of various exercises. Like if you could only do 1, it would be the top 1. If you could only ever do 2, the top 2. Etc. And for me this is a tough list to figure out, I'm probably leaving off something really important. But whatever, its just the internet right?

    1. Squats
    2. Deadlifts
    3. Pullups
    4. Flat Bench
    5. Arnold Press
    6. Face Pulls

    I left off some kind of lunge, and some kind of row. But those are judgement calls. And obviously I would place compound, full body, leg type exercises at the top. Which is what I did. If something like lunges and rows had to be added to the list and it was a top 10, I'd still want to put face pulls in there at 9 or 10.

    It's cool man we both have opinions here. :drinker:

    So, you'd put face pull over a standing overhead press, and barbell rows....LOL...LOL! Just sayin