i hate myself right now



  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    Well around here we call that a cheat day. So yeh you cheated and you fessed up and told us about it. It's okay our relationship isn't over. We forgive you and I believe we can get past this together :)

    LOL, don't beat youself up. It happens and you learned from it which is good. It's when you continuously do it all the time where you will start to see issues. You will be fine just get right back to your regimen and all will be good.

    Hope that helps,




    I used to have a cheat day ... now its just a cheat meal once a week. I limit myself so i don't go crazy the other 6 says of the week and I have lost ... I went CRAZY at a bbq this weekend and actually lost this week. You have been working hard for a long time. Your body is really to break down those days a lot faster because they are few and far between.

    Today is just one day ... like someone said the world is hard enough on us, just give yourself a break and move on! (I need to take my own advice).

  • mzredreaves
    mzredreaves Posts: 4 Member
    I feel like losing weight is a never ending battle that i cant beat
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    i think its okay! dont worry about this- it happens to everybody. put it behind you. its over, its in the past, you cant change it. go for a run or workout today- this will help you be back in the game.
    i think what is important is to ask why did you binge...were you sad? upset? did something happen? or maybe you were just bored. answer to yourself honestly and maybe in the future you will prevent such events :)
    but for now- head up, today is a new day!
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    It happens, don't beat yourself up.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    No big deal. In September we went to a Brazilian steakhouse for my husband's birthday and I ate soooo much and topped it off with the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that I've ever had. I must have consumed a million calories that day. But, it was one day. I didn't weigh for 5 days after that b/c I didn't want to know, but no biggie. The next day it was back to business as usual. I knew I was going to splurge, I did and I didn't feel guilty. I couldn't do that every week, but as a one-off it's okay. Just drink a lot of water, work out and stay under your calorie limit and you'll be fine. And now that you've had your splurge, stay on track.
  • MrsBingley
    This is my experience only, so take it as that.

    I could not ever hope to sustain a 1200 cal/day diet. Not even for a few weeks.

    We are of similar age and situation, so maybe it might be helpful to eat a bit more?

    I started out eating 1200 net 6 days of the week with one high intake day, where I set my cals to maintenance. This still got to me eventually and I have increased calories a few times, but I'm still losing (24 lb down total, 10 before MFP). You may be different though and not need as much food. I don't know.

    For me, having that high intake day sure helped psychologically. It was a light at the end of the tunnel. Keeping the cals at maintenance ensures that you don't take a step backward.

    Do you do cardio and/or weights? If so, do you struggle with it, getting lightheaded and weak? These are indicators that eating more may be in order.

    I view sustaining a high deficit as holding one's breath. Eventually your body will force you to breathe.
    Unless your TDEE is 1500, 1200 cals may be too low.

    Edited for grammar.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Are you not eating enough the rest of the time? If you aren't you are setting yourself up for over eating. Be real and not overly strict with yourself and it will really help to prevent this,
  • ktc1968
    ktc1968 Posts: 24 Member
    great response, I will use that for myself as I cheated big time yesterday as well. Will you friend me?

    Well around here we call that a cheat day. So yeh you cheated and you fessed up and told us about it. It's okay our relationship isn't over. We forgive you and I believe we can get past this together :)

    LOL, don't beat youself up. It happens and you learned from it which is good. It's when you continuously do it all the time where you will start to see issues. You will be fine just get right back to your regimen and all will be good.

    Hope that helps,


  • nickijhughes
    I agree! Kudos for being honest. That is amazing! Now onward and upward!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Let's say it takes 2200 calories a day to maintain your weight. You ate 2000 over that. 3500 calories = 1 pound. So 2000 calories is 0.57 pounds. So yesterday you could have conceivably gained just over a half pound. You've lost 18lbs. You did not undo all of your hard work.


    Another way of looking at it is that you've lost 18 pounds in 70 days (10 weeks), which works out to 1.8 pounds a week, or an average 6300 calorie deficit per week (or 900 calories average daily deficit). You ate into that deficit by 3000 calories yesterday (OK, actually 3900 calories, because you also eliminated your deficit for that one day). That leaves you with a 3300 calorie deficit for the week, or nearly a pound loss in a week in which you had a day that feels like a total disaster.

    I also agree with those who suggest maybe adding a couple of hundred calories a day and see if that helps you feel less deprived, and thus less likely to lose control. At 1500 calories, you should still be averaging slightly over 1 lb a week loss (based on losing 18 lbs in 10 weeks at 1200 calories). (Also echoing the kudos for logging yesterday and knowing exactly what you ate -- terrific job!)
  • YvetteR42
    Don't do it girl calm down,think of yesterday as your get out and have what ever you want kind of day. You enjoyed it it's over now time to get back with the program hello.