Ladies, What is your weekly workout routine?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Sundays : rest or yoga or easy walk
    Monday HIIT treadmill + weights (deadlifts, back squats, front squats, barbell row, bench press, overhead press)
    Tuesday : zombies run 5k
    wednesday : HIIT versaclimber + weights (bb overhead squat, barbell lunge, good morning, assisted pull ups, pushups, YTWL)
    Thursday zombies run 5K
    Friday : Turkish get ups + tumminello complex
    saturday : rest or yoga or dance or goof off in pool
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I have started walking to offc.. thats a 2 km walk.. and climbing up to 8th floor.. which gets my heart rate really up and makes me panting.. also I am doing the 30DS everyday.. and sometimes I squeeze in a low cardio aerobics for 30 mins..
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Monday: CrossFit, pole dance (30 min) and yoga flow (1 hour)
    Tuesday: CrossFit plus hike 60 minutes or walk on incline 30 minutes plus sometimes another 30 minutes weights (whatever I feel like), depending on time
    Wednesday: pole dance 30, yoga flow 60
    Thursday: pole dance, 30 minutes cardio (whatever I feel like)
    Friday: CrossFit plus 1 1/2 hours weights and body weight exercises (total body)
    Saturday: Swim 40-60 minutes or rest
    Sunday: Circuit training or brisk walking 30-45 minutes

    There are a lot of weight elements to CrossFit and pole is quite the core and upper body workout. However, I never know in advance what I'll be working in CrossFit, so I'm more flexible with my weight routine than I once was. I just back off if I have an intense weight week and add more cardio or visa versa.
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    I will preface this will I am rebuilding my endurance and strength after a long term illness, I'm working my way towards bigger and and better things. :)

    I make it a personal goal to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I generally will use an Arc Trainer for 45-60 minutes with the incline and resistance both moderately high (incline anywhere from 9 to 13, resistance anywhere from 7 to 28). My goal right now is just to build endurance, but over time I want my cardio to become more anarobic.

    I try to do some form of strength training daily. Generally I use my body weight as it is currently sufficient, but there are times when I will add resistance bands or light weights. I aim to do at least 30 minutes daily with alternating focus between legs, arms, and core. I've recently started a plank challenge and I can currently hold one for 60 seconds x3 within 5 minutes, I ultimately want to hold a plank for 5+ minutes.

    I'm only using 5lbs weights right now, but that is an improvement from the 3lbs I originally used. As I mentioned before, my body has lost much of it's muscle definition and strength, which means I have to go slower than I want; but at least I am going. I plan to gradually work my way up and with any luck I will be doing things much heavier as time goes on.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Rough outline- subject to change:
    Monday- Deadlift, BB Glute Raises- Ghetto Hammy raises dance 45-75 minutes

    Tuesday- Bench- cable press- arnolds- flat fly 45- 75 minutes

    Wed- off

    Thursday- whole body HIIT or OFF

    Friday- OHP- random - 60 minutes dance

    Saturday- Front squats, walking lunges, box jumps 45-75 minutes dance or workshop

    Sunday pull ups- over head press down, uprigth cable row, DD row, BB row- lat pull down Wide, Reverse grip lat pull down narrow - dance
  • treegarner
    treegarner Posts: 4 Member
    I strength train 3-4 times per week, full body workouts and do conditioning 1 - 2 times per week.

    The Strong Curves program can be found in this book: (Awesome program!! and will tell you everything you need to know)

    An even better program can be found here: (I'm following this program)

    But both are awesome programs and will spell it out for you - no guess work on figuring out what to do.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    But when you lift what are you lifting? Thats the thing i have most trouble about
    If you're looking to start lifting, I'd suggest you check into one of the programs people talk about here; e.g., StrongLifts, Starting Strength, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I read NROL4W but found it rather complicated; Starting Strength is more manageable for me and I've found the detailed form discussions invaluable.

    I have a tricky schedule with work and volunteer activities, so my schedule isn't the same week to week, but I work to get in 3-4 full-body weight workouts a week and a good run (as opposed to just down the block for my soda) once every week or two. My weight routine is compound lifts. I was doing five each time (squat, overhead press, deadlift, bench press, good morning), but this past week I decided to drop back to the three-lift novice routine in Starting Strength (squat, upper body, deadlift -- where upper body alternates between bench and overhead press). My noob zealot side wants to do more, but the program is what it is for a reason and I think I've been bumping into that reason lately.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    More or less a combination of regular cardio/hiit and weights three to four times a week.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Im having trouble with coming up with a good workout routine, so that's why im asking.
    I do cardio for about an hr each day,
    and then i just use weight machines at the gym because Idk what else to do.

    If you are a member at the gym they should be able to help you. At mine I get a new programme every 6 weeks. Currently this
    Day 1 back chest and shoulders
    Day 2 cardio
    Day 3 arms,
    Day 4 cardio
    Day 5 legs
    Day 6 cardio
    Day 7 rest or back to day 1 :-)

    Otherwise do a little research on the internet. There are many good websites that show you what exercise works what muscles, and how to do them properly. That is paramount. If you don't do weights properly you might as well not bother.

    If you get a bit bored going it alone get a friend to go with you, or join a class. I sometimes do one on a cardio day, makes the time fly by.
  • Mitchlou84
    Monday - Walk 7km am, Body combat PM
    Tuesday RPM am, swimming PM
    Wednesday Walk 7km am, reformer pilates at lunch
    Thursday - Body Pump PM,
    Friday - Abs class am, followed by 45 min swim,
    Saturday - Body Combat AM, long walk PM
    Sunday - Body Pump am, swim pm
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    Monday - Heavy Upper Body Lifting - 20 minutes of HIIT - 10 KM walk.
    Tuesday- Heavy Lower Body Lifting - 20 minutes of HIIT - 10 KM walk.
    Wednesday - Elliptical 1 hour - 10 km walk.
    Thursday - Heavy Upper Body Lifting - 20 minutes of HIIT - 10 KM walk.
    Friday - Heavy Lower Body Lifting - 20 minutes of HIIT - 10 KM walk.
    Saturday - Elliptical 1 hour - (maybe a walk)
    Sunday - Sit on my *kitten*.
  • Shreddingit84
    m-f this whole month is 30 day shred L2 and do some cardio before (hiit on treadmill or aerobic dance)
    sat. i focus just on weight stuff with a dvd from jackie warner
    Sun. Rest
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I do a 2 days on/1 day off split for lifting:


    I also try to do 4 cardio workouts per week and have started incorporating HIIT because I like working hard for less time and getting the same calorie burn. I usually run 3x/week and then do the stairmill or bike the other day.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    When I dont have school (on break or during the summer/winter) I do 30DS every day.

    When I have classes, I have to severely limit my exercise because I have no time and energy.... I only go to the gym at school on Thursdays where I do 40 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and then about half an hour of strength with the weight machines.

    Losing weight, I read somewhere, is 90% diet, 10% exercise. I dont know how true that is, but it makes me feel better about my lack of exercise during the school year. lol
  • amylynnadelman
    I workout 5 times a week with full body interval workouts---since my recent weight loss I am now focusing on adding additional strength training to put back on 2 pounds of lean muscle. Here is a link to my workouts
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    At the moment i am doing insanity 2x per week, full body strength training 2 x per week and then one other thing, either strength or cardio to make 5 workouts per week.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Cut & paste of my workout schedule for this week:

    SUNDAY - Legs
    MONDAY - Upper Body (3x5) + Abs
    TUESDAY - Spinning
    WEDNESDAY - Arms #2
    THURSDAY - Squats/Olympic Lifts (form work)
    FRIDAY - Abs
    SATURDAY - Upper Body (3x8)
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    Wendler's 5/3/1 on a 4-day split

    -OHP Day + 3 accessory exercises (db shoulder press, tricep etx, etc.)
    -Squat Day + 3 accessory exercises (wide squats, lunges, etc.)
    -Bench Day + 3 accessory exercises (close grip db press, incline bench, etc.)
    -Deadlift Day + 3 accessory exercises (SL DL, leg press, etc.)

    Cardio if and when I feel like it.. which is never
  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    Monday (Workout A):

    Deadlift 2 warm up sets, 2 working sets at 12-15 reps
    Leg Press: 2 warm up sets, 2 working sets at 10-15 reps
    Incline Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
    Upright Row: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
    Barbell Curl: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
    Weighted Sit up- 2 sets of 20
    Standing calf raises- 2 sets of 20

    Tuesday: HIIT Cardio (Rowing intevals)

    Wednesday (Workout B)

    Squats (*kitten* to the floor) 2 warm up sets, 4 working sets 8-10 reps
    Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-10
    T Bar Row: 4 sets of 8-10
    Military Press: 4 sets of 8-10
    Seated Calf Raise - 2 sets of 20
    Hanging Knee Raises - 4 sets of 20

    Thursday: Steady State Cardio - 30 minutes on the stair mill or 30 minutes rowing

    Friday: Repeat Workout A

    Saturday: HIIT Cardio 30 minutes - Stationary bike intervals (3 min warm up, 3 minute balls to the wall with hardest resistance, 2:30 at middle level, repeat)

    Sunday: FULL REST DAY

    Next week, Switch and do Workout B on Monday and Friday and Workout A on Wednesday. Cardio is the same
  • psych0kitty
    I'm starting this because it's simple (not easy, simple).

    So it'll be MWF alternating workouts A&B, with cardio (elliptical/treadmill/bike) on T and Th, and maybe weekend yoga.