so guys what's your reasons for losing weight



  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Right now it is because I want my cheekbones back! Originally it was to get off high blood pressure medication.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I've one of those girls that always wish they could lose some weight and they will be perfectly happy. I was never overweight and always was somewhat happy with my weight but I'm not totally content I know I could do better. I know I could be fitter, have more confidence in a bikini, have a more defined abs. But since I'm not overweight, my motivation to really discipline myself and weigh my food is not really up there. Until one day I realized that I'm tired of feeling "somewhat happy" and "somewhat satisfied". I want to feel "perfectly happy" and "perfectly satisfied". So here I am 10 lbs down and 5 more to go before my GW.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    1. I like being alive, so it makes sense to take steps to make sure I'm in that state for as long as possible.
    2. It's a cheaper lifestyle, allowing me more cash to spend in other areas.
    3. Who doesn't like getting eye-****ed while working out, or walking around the beach, or grocery shopping? Not this guy.
  • I've one of those girls that always wish they could lose some weight and they will be perfectly happy. I was never overweight and always was somewhat happy with my weight but I'm not totally content I know I could do better. I know I could be fitter, have more confidence in a bikini, have a more defined abs. But since I'm not overweight, my motivation to really discipline myself and weigh my food is not really up there. Until one day I realized that I'm tired of feeling "somewhat happy" and "somewhat satisfied". I want to feel "perfectly happy" and "perfectly satisfied". So here I am 10 lbs down and 5 more to go before my GW.

    I'm with you, hun! I feel like its time to put a little effort into having the body that I've always dreamed of, instead of just settling for what I've got. I sounds super vain, and it is, but I really want to look as hot as possible. I've seen some amazing transformations on here and every person should be incredibly proud for all of the effort that they've put into improving their bodies.

    I do have some other motivations as well, namely:
    1. My aunt is fighting cancer right now and it inspires me to fight hard to treat my body right
    2. I turned 30 recently and looking back at my 20s I could have been in better shape
    3. I plan to treat myself to some cosmetic surgery that I've always wanted, but before I go under the knife I want to do my part to improve the parts of my body that I can work on naturally
    4. It will be kinda fun to run into ex boyfriends, not that I have bad experiences or revenge on my mind, I just want to elicit a jaw-dropping reaction so that I know that I've still got it ;)
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    Just moved back to Hawaii, and I want to be able to do all the fun hikes I was too out of shape to want to try last time I lived here. Plus, bikini weather 365 days a year- I want to look and feel great on the beach!
  • bunnyklutz
    bunnyklutz Posts: 17 Member
    My son in my profile pic, I've always said I wanted to lose weight, and I may have eventually done it for myself someday, but for now he is my motivation. I want to be able to teach him healthy eating habits and be more active with him. He's 5 now and will want to ride roller coasters, go to water parks and carnival rides and I dont want to tell him I can't because I am too fat.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I don;t want to be fat anymore.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    LGN. Word up.

    All other reasons are simply fringe benefits.
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    To live long enough to know my new granddaughter's children.
  • starvinkevin
    cuz im a fat pos
  • BIackSwan
    I'm a vain person and I look best in a size small.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I hate going to a Retail store and hoping they have a good Plus size collection. I want to be able to shop at any store.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    Longterm health and to make my son proud, once he's old enough to state an opinion ;)
  • championloser
    championloser Posts: 5 Member
    Had a health scare which had me in a cardiology ward for 10 days waiting to do a test - never ever want to be in that situ again if I can help it - that means weight loss and change in lifestyle.
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    I just want to be comfortable and for once not be the biggest person in the room. And not end up in a hover round in walmart.
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    1. To keep up with my kids
    2. To do the fun stuff like hiking that I enjoy doing
    3. It's easier to buy clothes when you're not "plus sized"

    [Edited to add] Oh and 4. Those bloody airline seats/seat belts are a bit too tight at the moment..
  • Abowles27
    Abowles27 Posts: 30 Member
    My main reason is that I'm a cross country runner and wanted to lose weight to get better times for races plus the obvious that I wanted to look better.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    1) I wear tights at the Ren Faire. I want people laughing with me, not at me.
    2) Health.
    3) I wear tights at a Ren Faire. People flirt with me all the time. I don't really want that to stop.
    4) Tired of feeling tired.
    5) I want to continue dancing till the bar closes, and then having sex till the sun comes up. Can't do that if you are so out of shape 2 hours of dancing takes 2 days to recover from.
    6) I want to continue living a life other people envy.
    7) I want to get back in my old pants.
  • sugaspice999
    When I was overweight:
    1. So people don't mistake my mom and I as sisters, and me as my sisters' mom (srsly)
    2. "Wow, you have such a pretty face, if only..."
    3. Because I was prediabetic, and have seen too many people go through it (not fun)
    4. "Oh really, what was your college major?" (when I was a senior in high school :( )
    5. I didn't want my family to be so "worried"/nag about me.
    6. For the self-confidence and esteem boost.
    7. Get rid of acne
    8. Too not sweat all the time (I know, I's true though!)
    9. So I don't try have to spend forever doing lunges in my jeans to get them looser in the mornings lol.
    10. So that my muffin top isn't my first concern when trying on clothes.
    11. So I wasn't so self-conscious in relationships/dating.
    12. So I eat freely, whatever I want to, (in public and by myself) and not really worry about others judging me.
    13. For my sister.
    14. So I don't have to stay up on fb to untag myself in photos friends post of me.
    15. So I don't get stares when eating a salad.
    16. So I don't look like the girl that needs to workout @ the gym.
    17. Skinny jeans/yoga pants/thin t shirts/shortsleeves

    But mainly: I wanted to accomplish something I've constantly FAILED at. :)

    So many more reasons...

    Now just trying to lower bodyfat/gain muscle for the self-esteem/confidence from being stronger :) Also love the way toned bodies look in general, but also love pushing myself to the limit and seeing the results.
  • sugaspice999
    1) I wear tights at the Ren Faire. I want people laughing with me, not at me.
    2) Health.
    3) I wear tights at a Ren Faire. People flirt with me all the time. I don't really want that to stop.
    4) Tired of feeling tired.
    5) I want to continue dancing till the bar closes, and then having sex till the sun comes up. Can't do that if you are so out of shape 2 hours of dancing takes 2 days to recover from.
    6) I want to continue living a life other people envy.
    7) I want to get back in my old pants.

    All your posts are always so funny haha! Love them ^, esp. #6