Confession time: anyone else drink diet sodas?



  • 87monkey
    87monkey Posts: 83 Member
    I have always thought diet soda tastes horrible. I don't drink soda much at all tho.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I gave it up because A) people on MFP freakin' me out with their horror stories about it and B) it's more expensive than tap water and anywhere I can cut my budget is fantastic to me.

    But nope, I don't think it's evil.
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    I've never been a soda fan, but aspartame scares me so much that I stopped drinking diet Snapples and diet citrus green teas.
  • MissMeghan802
    I have a diet soda 1-2 a week, usually on the weekends.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    In college it was a 12-pack a day of diet whatever was cheap. I don't drink THAT much a day anymore, but still about 3-4. No guilt. I don't feel I need to confess. You can peel my Diet Coke from my cold, dead, happy hands.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Various weight loss experts say that artificial sweeteners spike your blood sugar levels etc.

    I was diagnosed diabetic 5 years ago, but I've never noticed a spike in my BG (with BS checks before meals and 2 hours after), and for a while it was all I was drinking.

    However, I am cutting it out slowly as of this year. I've got it down to about once a week, but it's harder when we go out to eat, it's a habit to just say "Diet Pepsi". I've had to call the waiter back a few times to change it! :blushing: