Ladies Only: Lady problem

So hopefully the title has worked and led the men away but if you are a guy and you like breaking the rules then get ready.

So I have not had my period in about 4 months and I was wondering if anyone else was dealing with this. This has happened to me before and I went to the doctor to have a blood test done. She said I wasn't producing enough of the second hormone that induces the period. She wanted to put me on the pill but I am not sexually active and won't be for a LONG time so I don't see the point. Another reason is because I've seen a lot of my friends back in high school gain weight once they started taking the pill. After my first visit my period randomly came back but only stayed for like 2 months.

Is there anything I can do to induce my period?


  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Are you saying you have PCOS?
  • mlk8604
    mlk8604 Posts: 56 Member
    Are you extremely physically active? Being very active can make it go away. I always had them, then I started running 30+ miles/week and now I rarely have them. Personally, I don't complain about it, because my monthly friend wasn't really my friend!!

    Edited to add: My ob/gyn says this is normal and (for me at least) nothing to worry about. Disclaimer - I would see your own ob/gyn and see if this is OK/normal for you.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Sounds like PCOS. The options as far as I know, are the birth control as offered (but you said you were not into) - and I currently take Metformin er. while being on the metformin my periods are monthly again. (I never could pinpoint the date, but don't know that many can anyways? lol) - so maybe look into PCOS.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Sometimes very athletic women will stop having their period if they exercise excessively or become too thin. Could this be the problem? If not, you could talk to your doctor. I don't think not having a period is harmful of course unless you're trying to conceive.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    You can use an over-the-counter progesterone cream that comes in a measured dosage. Don't bother with any kinds that don't give the mgs.

    Use it during your cycle where your progesterone is supposed to rise. If you don't have a period to count from, just pick a day to call Day 1 of your period, but be consistent from month to month after that. It's definitely NOT birth control, so I want to make that clear, lol.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Sounds like PCOS. The options as far as I know, are the birth control as offered (but you said you were not into) - and I currently take Metformin er. while being on the metformin my periods are monthly again. (I never could pinpoint the date, but don't know that many can anyways? lol) - so maybe look into PCOS.

    That's why I asked :blushing: because if you do, it's very common to not have a period and well, pretty much what the above poster said.
  • orczombie
    orczombie Posts: 20 Member
    I don't see why whether or not you are sexually active matters. Yes, the pill is used as birth control, but that's not its only use. I was amenorrheic for years. I was diagnosed with PCOS (not saying you are, but that was the reason of my amenorrhea) and put on the pill, which started my period again. I did not gain weight. I actually lost weight, but that was also during a time where I stopped eating so unhealthy and cooked food at home. When I lost my insurance and didn't have access to the pill, my period actually continued on its own... but I think that was due to the weight loss.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Since other people in the thread stated they have PCOS I am going to be honest, I have this too. Because of this I take birth control. I am not sexually active either.

    Believe it or not birth control isn't just so you won't get pregnant. It helps with a wide host of female problems.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    The pill gives your body more estrogen, though, and if you don't need any more estrogen, it's better to just supplement the hormone you do need. Estrogen is implicated in many kinds of cancers. Better to not overdo on that one!
  • vampyr71
    the pill is not only used for contraception. It has many other benefits. It can regulate your menstrul cycle and help with the pain level caused by endometriosis. you may gain some weight however in the long run it is helping with an issue you want to try and fix. There are more than one type of pill on the market so make sure you speak with your GP to discuss your options

    good luck
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Since other people in the thread stated they have PCOS I am going to be honest, I have this too. Because of this I take birth control. I am not sexually active either.

    Believe it or not birth control isn't just so you won't get pregnant. It helps with a wide host of female problems.

    this. Listen to your doctor! Birth control has many uses (I used it for skin, and I use it as birth control as well!)

    The reason people 'put on weight' is because it increases your hunger levels. I can vouch for that 100%, I went off it for about 2 months at the beginning of this year (when I started to try and lose) and suddenly found hunger an issue when I went back on it later on. I currently do not take it, as I prefer to let my body be natural in that department since I am very regular anyway.

    With hunger, the same was the case when I went back on it for 1month in September when I knew I would be 'active' (long distance relationship). I was ravenous, it was almost embarrassing! I'd eat breakfast and be snacking all the way until lunch, then up until dinner, and falling asleep hungry!

    If you watch your intake you won't gain, it's just that you WANT to eat more when on it!

    Hope this helps :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Your doctor would probably put you on Prometrium if you mentioned it to her. It's progesterone-only, but it's FDA approved, etc. It's usually stronger than the OTC creams that I mentioned above.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm sure someone can remember the female reproductive cycle better than I can. Is it your Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) that is not being produced enough?

    I assume you want to see if a dietary approach can help since it doesnt seem you want to try a medication route at this time, correct?

    My first thought is it's a sex hormone lets look at your fat intake. Are you getting enough fats in your diet a range of oils from nuts, seeds, avocados, fish, animal, dairy, coconut, hemp, flax...ect?

    Next protein are you eating enough to help with hormone production?

    Micronutrients do you eat enough iron, calcium, niacin B1, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D?

    Do you know what your body fat % is at? Are you considered low?

    There are also herbs, now I'm not going to specifically recommend any, but if you google emmenagogue you might be surprised at some of the common plants listed. This of course would be a last case approach and talk to your doctor.

    I do hope you find the answers.
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    same here, been trying the natural approach with maca and dong quai. nothing yet.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    The pill is basically hormones that help regulate you. I had extremely irregular periods before but was hesitant about the pill as well. But it's so nice to be on a normal schedule now! If you think of it more as a hormone helper it might ease your mind more :)

    Also those friends who gained weight they were in high school, gaining and loosing weight (especially as a teen) is a part of life. I used the pill as an excuse at first when I started to gain weight, but I have been on the pill for over 2 years now and I currently weight the lowest I have ever weighted :)
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    First, let me echo some of the other people...PLEASE make sure anything you choose to do is ok with your doctor first!!! Most of us are not doctors, so you should definitely clear ANYTHING you do through your OBGYN.

    That being said...

    I have never had a regular period, unless I was on birth control. When I was on the pill, I had my period very regularly every month, and I did not gain weight on it. As soon as my husband and I decided to try and get pregnant, and I came off the period at all...for YEARS. I still, to this day, have not had a period since I have been off the pill. My question to you would be: is there a specific reason you WANT to have your period? If you have had blood work done, and it's come back clear, then many doctors say that it's perfectly ok to NOT have a period, believe it or not. (Again, at this point, I would encourage you to discuss this with your own doctor!!!!) If you are not trying to get pregnant, and there are no medical issues that require you to have a period, then you may not NEED to have one. There are a thousand different reasons why you may not be having your period. I would just have an open and honest discussion with your doctor. Have them do blood work if they haven't already, and then find out if it's safe for you to just not have your period! Problem solved! However, if you just plain feel BETTER about having your period every month, there are many alternatives to the birth control pill. And a lot of birth control pills are made better and differently than they have been in years past. But, like I said, you have lots of options. Look into acupuncture or other holistic options. Just run anything you decide to do through your actual doctor first!!! Sorry to be repetitive about that...but I know WAY too many people who take advice from random people on the Internet without checking with their doctors, and they've harmed themselves!!

    Good Luck!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Going on the pill for this issue is just masking the problem, not getting to the root of it. So I would avoid that route unless you have other issues like endometriosis but you didn't mention dealing with pain when you do have your period. I'd look into whether you have pcos. Did your dr do an ultrasound? Did she do hormonal tests at different times or just the one time? I don have pcos but know a fair bit about it. Instead of your dr just telling you you're low on progesterone she should be looking into why that is. Are you not ovulating for example (for your doc to answer). It would be good for you to get to the root of it so you know what to expect later on when you want to have children. Good luck!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Wanted to add - did your doc test your thyroid and cortisol levels? When these are off, ovulation could be suppressed so no period either. Just giving you some ideas. There are other reasons you may not ovulate (in addition to these and pcos) but I just remembered these off the top of my head.
  • mampho
    mampho Posts: 6 Member
    mine is heavier than before i started my diet it used to ta 7 days and now its 9days
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    You don't need to be sexually active to take birth control. The main reason I use it is to help regulate my periods.