Ladies Only: Lady problem



  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Hi OP It is difficult to know what exactly your medical condition is without specifics. But I would urge you to take the advice of your doctor. If you have furthet questions ASK your doctor.

    However, I agree with most of the posters here the birth control pill can be very useful in regulating hormones so giving your ovaries a bit of a break and might help in preventing other symptoms of pcos and indeed allow them to 'recover' somewhat so assisting in any future fertility issues..(this dosnt always happen...but it might) It is why pregnancy itself is such a good cure for PCOS!!

    Anyway, this is all assuming it is PCOS, I cant emphasis enough how important it is for you to discuss this with your dr. Good luck
  • Kelly_430
    Kelly_430 Posts: 7 Member
    I looked into PCOS and just by self diagnosis I don't think I have that. I haven't had many of the symptoms but thanks for the fun read!

    I am very physically active. I am a cardio fiend and I also recently started weight training. I know that this is the cause of my missed period but I'm not going to stop exercising for that. I had my body fat percentage measured at my gym a few weeks ago but I don't completely trust it because they made me use some hand held device and those are a complete crockery. But going from what that said, I have about 20% body fat and I weight around 110 lbs.

    The reason I don't want to be on the pill is also I don't believe in medication. I see it as unnecessary chemicals in my body. But from what everyone is saying, maybe I'll give it a shot. I just really hate my body and don't want to take any steps backwards. My stomach is fat and disgusting and if the pill makes me bloated I feel like I would just die. Sorry for the blunt words but it is true.
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    I would go to the doctor. You said that she suggested the pill the last time she tested your hormones. Maybe there's another option for you now. Maybe if she tests you again she'll have a different answer. Just a side note about the pill.....if it helps take it. I can't take it. The different levels of hormones week to week made me crazy (crying, screaming, mean, etc). It doesn't affect everyone the same way and could work for you, if needed.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    The pill gives your body more estrogen, though, and if you don't need any more estrogen, it's better to just supplement the hormone you do need. Estrogen is implicated in many kinds of cancers. Better to not overdo on that one!

    The pill is offered in many different hormone equations. My 17 year old daughter just started using Alesse because she has pcos and doesn't have periods. It's progesterone. And it works without any estrogen.

    p.s. - she isn't sexually active either. The dose in her pill is low but enough to get things moving along lol
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    The pill gives your body more estrogen, though, and if you don't need any more estrogen, it's better to just supplement the hormone you do need. Estrogen is implicated in many kinds of cancers. Better to not overdo on that one!

    The pill is offered in many different hormone equations. My 17 year old daughter just started using Alesse because she has pcos and doesn't have periods. It's progesterone. And it works without any estrogen.

    p.s. - she isn't sexually active either. The dose in her pill is low but enough to get things moving along lol

    Why did she go on the pill? Did it bother her to not have a period? The pill doesn't treat the underlying problem, it only gives her an artificial period. It's not treating the pcos.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    The pill gives your body more estrogen, though, and if you don't need any more estrogen, it's better to just supplement the hormone you do need. Estrogen is implicated in many kinds of cancers. Better to not overdo on that one!

    The pill is offered in many different hormone equations. My 17 year old daughter just started using Alesse because she has pcos and doesn't have periods. It's progesterone. And it works without any estrogen.

    p.s. - she isn't sexually active either. The dose in her pill is low but enough to get things moving along lol

    I have PCOS and endometriosis. Alesse definitely has estrogen: Ethinyl Estradiol. Y'all should look into suggesting Prometrium instead from her doctor, because chances are with PCOS she already has too much estrogen.

    My mom had estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer, and my conditions had me producing too much estrogen because of the lack of progesterone (it's a feedback system, so that happens with PCOS). Now that women are having their actual hormone levels tested, giving the pill for everything makes little sense, imho. They still do it, mind you. My doc doesn't, but he might have when I was a young girl. I found gynos become concerned the very day you turn 35 and all their suggestions change. The profession could do better, honestly. It is changing, and that's good.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    It isn't normal to lose your period, even extreme athletes are able to maintain it with adequate calories. You need to see your doctor again.

    Look up the female athlete triad--you are hurting your bone density long term if this is what you have. If it is not, then you have a medical reason that needs to be addressed.
  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    Had the same thing... I had my period for 2 months non stop. Then didn't have it for 3. Went on birth control, but I didn't need it for bc so got off it after 2 months. Then didn't have my period once again for 2 months and now everything is back to order. Sometimes you just have to wait and let your body adjust. For me birth control for 3 months was a good choice, and your doctor can work with you so you don't gain wait. I had no side effects.
  • iheartbiology
    iheartbiology Posts: 104 Member
    I agree with ldrosophila...
    If your fat intake is too low, your body can't produce hormones & thus no period. Too high of an overall calorie deficit can do the same.
  • SarahMakePretty
    SarahMakePretty Posts: 24 Member
    The pill doesn't really make you gain weight. Some forms of birth control like the hormonal IUD, Implanon, Depo shot.... those are usually associated with more weight gain. I personally haven't heard of many stories of the pill causing more than 5 or so lbs of weight gain, which is supposedly water retention.

    Bonus of taking the pill: You know when your period is happening, and your skin looks amazing. And if you do decide to be sexually active at some point you know you are covered.

    I'm not a doctor, these are just my personal experiences and experiences of women I know. But I think the most important thing is to perhaps discuss other options with your OBGYN if the pill isn't something you are interested, and maybe delve deeper into what the cause might be of its disappearance. Women aren't all the same- your body might just work differently.
  • sammieloft91
    I once had problems with my periods when i was 15 and i had to go on the pill and i wasnt sexually active. I had it where i got blood clots and my periods sometimes never came out but then i would get a big blood clot come out the next day . And i also had it where i would either bleed for more than a week or only like 4 days. After going on the pill my periods improved a bit. I never gained weight on the pill but i did bloat a little.
  • proof
    proof Posts: 5 Member
    So your doctor probably told you that you're not getting an LH surge, meaning no ovulation and no period basically. At 110 pounds, you're probably overdoing it in the gym and not compensating with enough healthy food, especially healthy fats (think nuts, avocado, olive oil. salmon).
    I workout a ton and still manage to have regular periods (training for sports), but that being said everyone's body responds to the stress of working out differently, so you might just have a lower threshold for hormonal disruption from working out.

    missing periods 4 months in a row has you meeting criteria for secondary amenorrhea. I agree with the previous poster who said you should look up the female athlete triad, its actually a quatrad now, they are finding that the triad is also associated with coronary artery disease (as well as osteoporosis). Things we want to avoid:( Estrogen has a protective effect both on your blood vessels and your bone density. also as a side note, pregnancy could be another cause of missed periods.

    Im sorry about your last post where you said you are dissatisfied with your body:( From your profile pic, you look beautiful. You probably want to focus a bit less on reduced calories and a bit more on weights for toning, muscle mass would make you look leaner and eating a bit more will make you feel better, focus better at school and regularize your hormones, plus it builds bone density. Cherish the body you've got and work to make it as strong and healthy as it can be:)
  • Cole721
    I've been on the pill since I was 11. Never strictly because I was sexually active. It gave me regular manageable periods.

    I use a low dose hormone one now so I don't have major weight gain side effects. I've lost weight since being on it.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I know my sister didn't get her period because she didn't have enough body fat, and that could well be your problem as well. My sister was an extreme athlete and had some eating disorders, so it all added up. Make sure you have enough healthy fat in your diet and on your body! But if you prefer to be athletic to that degree, you may need to accept that you won't be getting your period.

    Don't fear the pill. I have been on it since I was 17 (before I was sexually active) to regulate my periods. They have improved leaps and bounds. I take LoEstrin Fe (or whatever it is called these days) and actually dropped five pounds on it because the hormones are so low.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    So, what i'm reading is that you went to the doctor for this problem before, he/she offered a solution and you didn't like that solution, so without even trying it, you decided to ask a random board of strangers on the internet for alternatives? Yeah, you should try talking to your doctor again. Or a different doctor if you don't like that one. The sheer amount of misinformation on hormonal BC alone in this thread would make me worry about taking any sort of medical advice from this board.
  • rmfails417
    Not to be a Debbie downer, however, you need to weigh ALL of your options and get 2nd and 3rd opinions with regards to contraceptives. Yes, they have benefits, however, they have drawbacks as well. I had been on the pill off (when I wanted to get pregnant) and on (heavy menses, as well as not wanting to become pregnant). The drawback was that after awhile I developed breast cancer that was estrogen fed. Meaning, I have an overload of estrogen that the cancer fed off of. This is the short version and I'm sharing so that you weigh ALL of your options. Speak with a gyn and if you are still uncomfortable, get another opinion. And before anyone goes on a tangent, I AM NOT SAYING THAT EVERYONE USING CONTRACEPTIVES WILL DEVELOP breast cancer. Good luck on whatever YOU ultimately decide to do.
  • amyg007
    amyg007 Posts: 52 Member
    Rmfails, I know what you mean. I recently developed a blood clot in my leg that travelled to my lung and split in two. It was the worst pain of my life. I know everyone will not get blood clots from the pill either, but wanted to make it aware. I know it is a side effect written right on the box, but no one actually thinks it can happen. I sure didn't! I am not allowed to take it or any other type of birth control that contains those hormones again.