

  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    We go for the standard stuff:

    fried turkey (the only way to make it--so moist!)
    dressing (because I am southern and stuffing is just nasty)
    mashed potatoes (real butter)
    green bean casserole
    crescent rolls
    pumpkin gooey butter cake
    plus whatever desserts my mom brings (chocolate chip cookies and pound cake most likely)

    To jazz up the same old, same old, I plan to make an appetizer--raspberry brie bites (in puff pastry)

    We may have a vegetarian attending, in which case I plan to add another side dish--so cough up that chipotle sweet potato recipe!
  • CarlaYvonne
    CarlaYvonne Posts: 38 Member
    What no dumplings? That's the only reason I show up for Thanksgiving dinner!!
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Stuffing, mixed with mashed potatoes with gravy! And I totally agree, enjoy with no regrets!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Since it's just my parents and me:
    Turkey (just so any of you Publix shoppers are not aware, they went on sale today for 59 cents a pound)
    Mashed potatoes
    Mashed sweet potato (Mom and I split one since my Dad doesn't like sweet potatoes)
    peas/corn (Dad is picky about veggies and I'm allergic to green beans)
    cranberry sauce
    apple pie
    pumpkin pots de creme
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    At our house the must haves are: Turkey, stuffing, cranberry salad, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie

    The other stuff is optional and changes from year to year. Green beans and sweet potatoes are usually on the menu, though not always prepared the same way.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Stuffing, HOMEMADE cranberry sauce with tons of spices, and egg nog are all I need for an amaze Thanksgiving :)
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    it's usually just the two of us and hubby doesn't eat turkey. We have done a variety of foods in previous years; King crab legs, lasagna, stuffed chicken parmesean, smoked ham. this year we're leaning towards my stuffed chicken parmesean, spaghetti squash, bread and desserts of some sorts and wine or mead. or maybe salmon on the grill weather depending.We'll also have summer suasage, cheeses and crackers, maybe veggie tray. And I've just decided that I want stuffed mushrooms. While some of this sounds healthy (like the salmon or the spaghetti squash), it's more because it's tasty than because of health benefits.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    clam dip and crudites
    brined turkey
    homemade stuffing
    cranberry, orange, and apple "sauce"
    corn puddin'
    sweet potater/marshmallow/pineapple magic
    green beans amandine
    pumpkin pie
    apple pie (a first this year--finally getting rid of pecan pie--blech!)
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    it's usually just the two of us and hubby doesn't eat turkey. We have done a variety of foods in previous years; King crab legs, lasagna, stuffed chicken parmesean, smoked ham. this year we're leaning towards my stuffed chicken parmesean, spaghetti squash, bread and desserts of some sorts and wine or mead. or maybe salmon on the grill weather depending.We'll also have summer suasage, cheeses and crackers, maybe veggie tray. And I've just decided that I want stuffed mushrooms. While some of this sounds healthy (like the salmon or the spaghetti squash), it's more because it's tasty than because of health benefits.

    Oh, I'm all in for naturally healthy stuff, no problem. I just didn't want people to start posting recipes for carb free/fat free mashed potatoes or things like that. Or hey, bring on the cauliflower, just don't try to tell me to mash it and replace the mashed potatoes with it. NO!! LOL
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    We're paring down this year from the usual 15+ dish smorgasbord that we traditionally have (and I grew up on).

    Lamb Chops (appetizer)
    Thyme Butter Baked Pork Roast
    1 Small Rotisserie Chicken (for me, nobody else wants chicken)

    Gouda & Brie Red Bliss Potatoes Au Gratin
    Broccoli & Raisin Salad
    Sliced Peppered Avocado

    Honey Glazed Cornbread

    Homemade Sweet Potato Pie
    Pumpkin Bread Pudding
    Ice Cream

    Going to eat as much as I want the evening of Thanksgiving until either that Friday or Saturday, depending on how I feel. We're not likely to be cooking enough to last us a week or more, per the usual, so all the food should be done by the time the weekend is up.

    Everything is home cooked except the small rotisserie chicken, which is sold at a few places in my neighborhood, and the bread pudding is from Trader Joe's.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    My best friend and I have a traditional spread:

    Toasted baguette slices with warmed Brie and smoked salmon
    Big platter of good olives, pickles, marinated artichoke hearts, etc.

    Turkey (durr) roasted with herb butter under the skin
    Scalloped potatoes
    Spinach creamed with Gruyere
    Cornbread-sage stuffing with plenty of onions
    Cranberry sauce (from a can... I'm so ashamed but I LOVE that stuff!)

    Pumpkin pie (I insist)
    Mincemeat pie (her husband makes this and it's divine)

    All washed down with more wine than we drink in the entire rest of the year, of course. This year I'm playing with an idea for a sweet potato/mascarpone dish, my friend has said she wants to try making stuffed mushrooms, and I might buy some jarred gravy (I am terrible at making it) -- but the list above is what we always have.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    i like homemade apple cranberry stuffing :~)

    and pumpkin soup

    and french onion soup

    and supreme loaded mashed taters

    and ham and turkey and lasagna

    and brussel sprouts and string beans and salad

    and more stuffing

    and cranberry sauce

    and stuffed mushrooms and olive skewers and cheese plates..

    and apple cider

    and pumpkin pie and apple pie and ice cream and lemon meringue pie

    but i'm not cooking this year.. it's a first.. i feel lost.. :noway:

    Lasagna on Thanksgiving!! EXCELLENT IDEA! (For the record, they all are, but I love me some Italian food)

    One of my daughter's uncles didn't like turkey, so his mom added a lasagna every year. It was pretty fantastic. :)
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Gawd I can't wait to eat all teh foodz!!!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    stuffing, pumpkin pie, apple pie, homemade cranberry sauce....all of the foodz!