When you don't feel like excercising...



  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member

    At first it's so easy! It's new, it's exciting and your doing things you've not done before (Or in a long time!). Eventually, it becomes a second nature until you start planning your work/social life around your workouts.

    There are days when I don't want to go but I just do. If I REALLY don't feel like it I don't go much like I wouldn't go to the pub if I didn't fancy going. However, I tell myself that tomorrow ill run an extra mile to make up for it.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    I'm a visual sort of person so I keep two photos on my phone. One of myself and the progress I've made so far and a second of a model whose body is something I see as a challenging but achievable goal. I figure if she could put in the work to get that body, so can I:)
  • amsipub
    amsipub Posts: 84 Member
    I use a list like this one: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/551631-100-reasons-to-work-out-today

    That usually gets me moving. I also have a quote that sits at my desk at work that says "Make moves not excuses!" It's from a workout t-shirt that I have.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I plan my food in advance, taking into account a certain number of eaten-back calories. No exercise then no extrra treats calories -the lure of the wine/chocolate/pizza/ice cream is enough to get me out of the door.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I don't get to eat as much if I don't work out!

    Also, I'm at the point where I'm actually pretty fit, even though I have a bit of weight left to drop. When I really don't want to work out (and for no good reason), I'll remind myself that fit people work out, they don't just sit on their butt and keep their endurance. That mindset usually helps a bit.
  • Steveburg123
    I enjoy exercise at Daily or weekends, although I must admit on mornings I could quite easily stay in bed or in ground. I find that there are many times when I just really am better off not doing exercise as well.but my fitness key is the exercise and my joyfulness as well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Also, find some exercise that you enjoy. There seems to be this notion that "exercise" means you have to do some DVD workout and/or drone away on some cardio machine for hours upon hours...I've done neither at any point.

    Find something you enjoy doing. I like walking and taking hikes in the mountains and riding my bike...I enjoy weight training so I do that 3x weekly as well...but you'll never find me on an elliptical machine or doing some P90X thing...not my cup 'o tea and not necessary.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    For me the first key is doing something I like. The rest is what others have said. If I am doing a video, I say well I will just do the first 15 minutes (cuz 15 minutes is better than nothing) and then the next thing you know its past a half an hour and I think well maybe that is enough and then I'm like 'Oh wait I like this part' and I keep going.. happened just last night and before I knew it the whole video was done! I had completed the workout. :)
  • AniaFi
    AniaFi Posts: 18
    Thanks all you guys! You are so right saying that the first few minutes are the toughest, and once you start and those first few drops of sweat appear on your forehead it's getting more like "I'm gonna make it". I admit I didn't feel like doing it today but I told myself to do it and I did it :drinker:
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Stop over-thinking it.......

    The more you think about it - the more you dread it - or find excuses.

    Just put your sneakers/gear on - and Do It.

    Afterwards - you feel GREAT!

    Then - you can spend time analyzing how GREAT you feel..................!
  • meskew87
    meskew87 Posts: 27 Member
    When I have a workout that I pushed through and feel great after, I try and pause for a moment and really imprint that great feeling in my memory. I take a few deep breaths, close my eyes, repeat to myself how wonderful it feels to take care of myself, etc. That feeling is short lived for me, so I really try to soak it in! Then, when I don't want to work out AT ALL I try and focus on how good I felt last time.

    I also give myself permission to not want to work out. I don't try and tell myself that I do want to work out. I just say "I don't want to do this at all, I don't feel like it! But I'm going to do it anyway because its good for me." I feel like its important to sometimes do what we don't want to do even though we really don't want to do it.

    Best advice is to just power through it whether you feel like it or not. It will be worth it in the end!
  • brandycochran
    brandycochran Posts: 11 Member
    Willpower and I keep saying motivational things while I'm exercising....saying it out loud (no matter how crazy I may look to my fellow gym members, LOL) really helps me.
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    When the devil on one shoulder starts whispering reasons I should skip my workout, the angel on the other shoulder says, "It's not optional."* Taking the choice out of it is all I need sometimes.

    *Except when it is optional, like when I need a rest day more than I need a 7th workout that week. In order for this one to work, you've got to be honest with yourself.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I -really- really try to get myself to do it anyway. Generally I only have time to workout after work and dinner, so once I start feeling myself thinking "eh, maybe not tonight..." I get up and do it before I really don't feel like it.

    If I've already slipped into "no effing way" mode, I still get up and walk up and down the stairs 10-15 times and do a 10-15 minute weight lifting session.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    When I don't feel like doing my workout I just tell myself to do 15 minutes instead of 30. I can do 15 minutes and next thing I know 30 minutes has gone by and I feel great about it.

    I do this too.