Beating The Odds...One Squat At A Time!



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  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    WOW! I don't even know what to say. God Bless you. You have come so far. Very inspiring!!!
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    WOW! I don't even know what to say. God Bless you. You have come so far. Very inspiring!!!

    Thank you so much!! :-) God has already blessed me WAY more than I deserve! :heart:
  • May_Rose
    May_Rose Posts: 119 Member
    Your story brought tears to my eyes. You are AMAZING and so BEAUTIFUL. You are a gift to everyone around you, an inspiration.

    Your husband is so lucky to have you, and I'd imagine that your ex-fiance kicks himself everyday for letting you go. I love the story of how you met your husband - God brought you together :).

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I was feeling awefully sorry for myself lately and you've helped me put things in perspective. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    Your story brought tears to my eyes. You are AMAZING and so BEAUTIFUL. You are a gift to everyone around you, an inspiration.

    Your husband is so lucky to have you, and I'd imagine that your ex-fiance kicks himself everyday for letting you go. I love the story of how you met your husband - God brought you together :).

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I was feeling awefully sorry for myself lately and you've helped me put things in perspective. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    You are so incredibly kind!! I can't thank you enough for such amazing words of love and encouragement! :-) And for the record...I am SO BLESSED to have my husband. I can say...with the utmost honesty...that man has been my saving grace, other than God. He has been everything I could have ever dreamt of and more. He is my very best friend and the answer to every prayer that I prayed for in regards to who I wanted in a husband. I am so grateful to him and for him. He truly saved my life...and healed my entire heart. For's fun to joke about what my ex may think when he sees me next week...but honestly, I'm just so dang proud and happy to be Curt's wife...that it makes everything else pale in comparison! :-) Thank you, again!!! :heart:
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    I love your profile picture!!
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    wonderful story. Well done and all the best for the future
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for mustering the courage to share your eye-opening, inspirational story! Your enthusiastic joy, happiness and fierce determination to optimistically overcome any and all obstacles shines like a beacon from the screen. You brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips hearing about your motivational journey so far. Bravo!

    I wrote a blog yesterday containing a list of reasons why I couldn't start 30DS until after the holidays, but after reading this it makes me realize they're all just flimsy excuses. I'm starting tomorrow as soon as I get home from hunting. Thank you again and good luck on your continued journey, though I don't think you'll need it! You got this! ;)

    Love, light, peace and joy to you beautiful lady... always! *Hugs* :flowerforyou:
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for mustering the courage to share your eye-opening, inspirational story! Your enthusiastic joy, happiness and fierce determination to optimistically overcome any and all obstacles shines like a beacon from the screen. You brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips hearing about your motivational journey so far. Bravo!

    I wrote a blog yesterday containing a list of reasons why I couldn't start 30DS until after the holidays, but after reading this it makes me realize they're all just flimsy excuses. I'm starting tomorrow as soon as I get home from hunting. Thank you again and good luck on your continued journey, though I don't think you'll need it! You got this! ;)

    Love, light, peace and joy to you beautiful lady... always! *Hugs* :flowerforyou:

    Thank YOU from the bottom of MY heart for saying such kind words. I think we all have our "reasons" or "excuses" to put things off, not do them at all, etc. It would be extremely easy for me to say, "I'm going to wait until after the holidays to start!" I've done it soooo many times before. The difference this time? I know that "after the holidays" will come whether I continue this journey or not. I don't want to look back in three months and kick myself for not starting sooner...or for "taking a break" when I could have used those three months to get further along in my journey! Looking at it that way usually works wonders for me!

    Thank you so much, again! Love, hugs and everything good...right back atcha! :flowerforyou:
  • trmrgb
    trmrgb Posts: 19 Member
    WoW! You are wonderful and I can not thank you enough for posting your story! I don't know if I could have done what you did. This was a great reminder that no matter how bad you might think you have it, someone out there is struggling with thier own battle and it is far worse than yours! I appreciate your courage and determination! I wish you and your amazing husband nothing but the best. Congratulations on all your success and your continued strength and growth. And thank you again for the virtual "kick in the pants" I definatly needed to see this today!
  • aaasky
    aaasky Posts: 68 Member
    You're a total babe AND so incredibly inspiring. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that post!

    Now I think I'll go lift something. : )
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    WoW! You are wonderful and I can not thank you enough for posting your story! I don't know if I could have done what you did. This was a great reminder that no matter how bad you might think you have it, someone out there is struggling with thier own battle and it is far worse than yours! I appreciate your courage and determination! I wish you and your amazing husband nothing but the best. Congratulations on all your success and your continued strength and growth. And thank you again for the virtual "kick in the pants" I definatly needed to see this today!

    Thank you SO much for such amazingly sweet words! Makes my whole heart smile. :heart:

    Honestly, this quote is the absolute truest thing I've ever read...especially when I look at how my life has been.
    "You never know how strong you are...until being strong is the only choice you have."

    I had to make a choice...wallow forever in my depression about what life handed to me...or get up, put my big girl panties on...and kick tail and take names. I chose the big girl panties. helped me so much to see my mother fight so so hard. For eight years, she fought Stage Four terminal cancer. Sure, she had her days when she cried...and hated it so much. But, most days, she chose to laugh. She chose to be strong. She chose to use the situation to help encourage and inspire other people. She was the most amazing woman I've ever known. I feel like I owe it to her to give this life my very best shot!

    Thanks again! I truly appreciate your encouragement more than you can ever know!!
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    You're a total babe AND so incredibly inspiring. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that post!

    Now I think I'll go lift something. : )

    You just made my whole year!! I can't remember the last time someone called me a "babe". :blushing: Thank you so much!!!

    Yes!! Go lift heavy things and put them back down!!! Love it! :drinker:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Wow.. thank you so much for sharing that incredible story... good for you... and keep it up! :) Good luck with everything!
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Amazing. Your friend was right, you are an inspiration. May I please add you as a friend. I am fighting a battle myself, which you can read on my profile if you want. Knowing people like you helps me stay focused and positive. Thank you for being the wonderul person you are.
  • shannaslife
    shannaslife Posts: 19 Member
    Incredible! Thank you for the amazing story and congratulations on all of your very hard work. :happy:
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. You are a trooper and you have not given up. I wish you the best.
  • Phase2013
    WOW!! You look awesome!! Keep up the good work.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    You are awesome:drinker: :happy: :wink: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    Well, well, well young Lady I must say that it takes one hell of a story to get me to post or respond to. You have managed to get a response from me. What a awesome and one of the most incredible stories of struggle, loss and overcoming that I have read in a very long time. You really should send this in to multiple Magazines for publishing. Because it is that inspiring. You truly DESERVE a STANDING OVATION for your outstanding success. Thank you for sharing and you continue to kick butt!
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