i need to start from the VERY beginning



  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    This is going to sound a little bit corny, but I think you should really consider some type of journal or maybe using the blog feature here to get down your reasons for wanting to lose weight, get fit, etc.

    It doesn't sound like your problem is really knowing what to do, but more on the side of wanting to do it. Honestly anything will be temporary until you really have a reason. For me it was having kids and wanting to be able to keep up with them.

    You should spend some time soul searching in order to understand why you really want to make any kind of change. Reading some books and blogs on positive outlook, self motivation, etc. would probably be better for you than a fitness book at this point. Actually, if you can get your hands on a copy of Tom Venuto's "Body Fat Solution" book, it covers both bases really well. He probably spends at least a third of the book or maybe half talking about the mental aspect of fitness.

    And while I do agree the other commenter wasn't exactly tactful in the way they mentioned your medication and depression, I think the advice was sound. If medication needs to be part of the process make sure you are getting professional help.

    Best of luck to you.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Never mind. :)
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    I am indoors all day and I like to do blogilates u could even just do 1 video a day to start also I just do a lot of walking even just round the house! I bought a pedometer and it helps to show just walking around he house burns a lot at the end if the day!
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    You need a plan! Goals for every day. I started looking at it as a day-by-day thing. Focused on just getting through the day with simple goals: workout today for 45 minutes, stay under my calorie limit, etc. it started to go from daily, to weekly, to monthly and i started seeing change! You just need a plan and to stick with it. I also created the "no excuse," rule in my head for eating/working out. It is basically just a way to get my butt in the gym without making those usual excuses like "what's the point, i won't stick with this...etc."

    you have to believe in yourself/push yourself. Don't wait around for motivation: create it.

    end cheesiness ;) it's true though!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    thank you all for you suggestions and support (from here and my other post) i will keep trying and hopefully i can post back on here when ive lost a few pounds :D
  • What sort of workout do you like to do? I have tried a lot of different plans and it is hard to find one that you like and want to stay with!
  • Love this!
  • In 2011 I was introduced to a new program that included tracking. Tracking works for me. I love to see that I've exercised more and eaten less calories and then it shows up on the scale. Unfortunately, I'm also the person who thinks this is a temporary solution and I can do this by myself. I can't. I'm back to tracking food and exercise because I know it works. I'm 57 years old and have been overweight and under exercised my entire life and I keep working at it. Then, yesterday I saw where a 63 year old woman lost 250 lbs. I'm thinking that if she can do it, I can do it, I only have 100 lbs. to lose. She did not require surgery to remove excessive skin, but she did have to change her eating and exercise and more importantly, she had to change her mind. I think I'll add that to my program, a change of mind. Good luck to you, find all the help you can, love yourself and know I'll keep you in mind when I'm having a tough time and get thru it thinking about you and sending you good thoughts.
  • grr83sharon
    grr83sharon Posts: 2 Member
    minizebu, I love your reply. It's perfect. I'm actually in the same boat that jbug is. Except that I'll admit I am lazy. My husband never wants to work out with me and we'll find any excuse to eat out. So I need to exercise on my own. I have no 'fat friends' so if I do find a work out buddy, they're all fit while I'm near death huffing and puffing. I have self esteem issues to go to the gym (I know I know, I need to work on that). So Minizebu, I love that you said just walk for 5 minutes a day. After what did they say, 66 days (I know for regular stuff it's much shorter but when it comes to exercise it's around there) it becomes a habit. Now to just get off my tush and move!
  • I totally understand I am just back to my fitness pal I have tried and I have not tried. I am currently taking back my power when it comes to food. The difference for me is I know I have a problem with not tracking and staying accountable and Im easily sabatoged. For instance today I have already ate away my calories. I would have given up but Im going to choose to still track my snacks skip lunch drink lots of water and dinner will be a salad and peanut butter on a spoon. I know Im not starved by no means. I have to learn from my mistakes and the only way is this forum and tracking...no more secret eating...when I track I will know and how I feel about what my foods will be for the day will be my choice. Not to happy about what my dinner will be but I will no better tomorrow...because I tracked today
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    Here how you do it (meant sincerely)

    You start

    you stick to the weight loss and exercise goal. (i wish I could make the period bigger)

    After you start ... you can read about adjusting numbers and exercise, but you dont quit for 90 days.

    Its really about "showing up" for your routine, stop "getting ready" for it .... you got this, do it
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    thank you all for you suggestions and support (from here and my other post) i will keep trying and hopefully i can post back on here when ive lost a few pounds :D

    No, no, no!

    You log in every day! You update your food and exercise diary every day! You say "Hi" here everyday! You started today.

    Oh, what? You have a plan! Every day! :)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    If you want it you will do it if not you will find every excuse there is. I started at 330pds. I could not do much but I did the best I could. Eat better, go for a walk the weight will come off. As you lose weight the more activity you can and will do. Took me 1 year to lose 100 pds!! Good luck!
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 189 Member
    my friend is doing the couchto5k program - seems to be working well for her
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    thank you all for you suggestions and support (from here and my other post) i will keep trying and hopefully i can post back on here when ive lost a few pounds :D

    No, no, no!

    You log in every day! You update your food and exercise diary every day! You say "Hi" here everyday! You started today.

    Oh, what? You have a plan! Every day! :)

  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    i tried the c25k last year (when i was super serious about everything before my depression REALLY hit hard) and i ended up hurting my legs because i pushed myself too hard. i am definately going to try it again once i build up a routine though :)
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Step one: track everything you eat.

    These are not the answers she's looking for.

    What kind of answers IS she looking for?
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Step one: track everything you eat.

    These are not the answers she's looking for.

    What kind of answers IS she looking for?

    these answers are good. :) i mean i know to track my food so im past that step but all of these are helpful :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I find classes more motivating especially when I have someone to exercise with.

    Have you tried working with a trainer?
  • I agree. Once you start to track what you're eating and drinking you can begin making adjustments for improvement. A few helpful tips that may have been shared: drink lots of water, 2 glasses at each meal. Eats 5 cups of veggies each day - try to spread them out, say 2 for lunch 2 for dinner 1 for snack. Eat those that you love! As for exercise, find four of your favorite dance tunes and turn up! Dance like nobody is watching and have fun! You can play a song every few hours or all at once but before you know it cardio is done! Easy peasy tips to help you get started. :-)