Only we know what its like.



  • roniredd
    I have come to realize that a lot of praise has to come from within! Great job though. You should be very proud.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Keep coming back to these boards and reporting your successes. Get the support from the folks here and watch how strong you gradually become in your confidence and hope. :)

    And then when the naysayers "out there" in the real world start in with their negativity, you'll realize how little you care about their opinion anymore, and might even find yourself learning how to draw healthy boundaries with people who aren't safe to tell, or even confronting a few of your good friends and family with a kind and gentle, "hey...I could really use your support here - could you do that for me?".

    Positivity breeds strength. Surround yourself with it. You'll find it here. :) Congrats on your first loss!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have no experienced that and I'm sorry to read that so many have.

    OP, you are doing a great job. All of those that are losing or have lost are. There are few things we can do for ourselves that will have more impact than taking control of our health, and getting to a healthy weight is a huge step.

    Just think how great it will be when finally get to prove all of their negative comments wrong! :flowerforyou:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know that feeling. I think its the negative comments that have made me stop with eating right and exercising. I get depressed easily and with no one to support you or praise you, its even harder. I am trying, though! I started last week and I lost a pound :)! We'll see how this week goes.

    Find some friends on this site who will cheer you on. There are many people who would be happy to help. If you haven't already, you might want to post in the 'Introduce Yourself' forum. There you can tell a little about yourself to find friends that are like minded.

    Best of luck to you!
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    This is exactly why I'm not telling anyone irl (not that I have too many people to tell anyway). The folks here are the ones who really share your path with you, and can relate with where you're coming from and where you're trying to get to. Anyone trying to lose a lot of weight - feel free to add me. We'll keep it positive and productive in here, and all the haters in the real world can go to hell.
  • Riggers1612
    Riggers1612 Posts: 52 Member
    First of all, well done on a fantastic fist week. 4 lb is a fantastic result.

    I got a similar thing when I started, however my wife and kids fully supported me. They understood more than anyone how much effort I was putting in and how much of a total lifestyle change I was gong through.

    I had comments like, you always lose a lot at the start and things like that.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I pretty much don't talk about it in real life (even 50 pounds later!), but I have some great MFPals. :smile:

    You are doing this for you not them, let the results speak for themselves over time.
  • foxynannyjenny
    foxynannyjenny Posts: 3 Member
    4 lbs is a lot of fat!!
    Well done and KEEP GOING!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    After my first weeks weight in and a loss of 4lb's i was happy to tell my close friends and family the good news. To my surprise only one person said well done the other comments were, " oh right lets see how long it lasts" and " really it's keeping it of that counts" and other negatives. The only person to really say well done see the hard work does pay off and good luck for the next 7 days was someone that is trying to lose weight as well.
    Has anyone else come across this? I have decided to not say anything to them in future and wait for the "Have you lost weight" comment.

    Iain (happy).

    I have not had that happen in years, but long ago I would get the "let's see how long it lasts" when I would go on a crash diet (Slim Fast, Dexatrim, cabbage diet, egg diet, etc. etc.).

    I only mention weight loss outside of family if they bring up that I look like I've slimmed. Otherwise, I'm pretty quiet about it.

    In my family, everyone is supportive. My beau has even jumped on the MFP wagon.
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I don't generally share my weight loss intentions. I have yo-yoed so I don't want to tell another story about getting it right this time around. I also know that some people will try to sabotage your efforts lol :noway:
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    Congrats to you! You're right only we know what it's like. This ISN'T easy. Every day is a new day filled with challenges. Don't let those discourage you. I kept it all to myself (except the boyfriend who I eat with often and pretty much had to tell..) because of comments like: "you don't need to lose weight." etc..

    continue doing it for you! use this as motivation! Soon those same people will see your results and ask you what you're doing.
  • mariahosborn
    Great job on losing 4 pounds! Poo on those that are down on you.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I pretty much don't talk about it in real life (even 50 pounds later!), but I have some great MFPals. :smile:

    You are doing this for you not them, let the results speak for themselves over time.

    ^This. Except I'm not quite to 50 lbs yet. :)
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member

    My husband admited to me that he thought I would last a month max. But to his credit, he admitted that he was wrong and he says that he is proud of me and that I should be proud of my progress.

    I say it's great when other people notice, but more importantly, it's about how you feel that will get you to meet your goals.

    Keep up the good work....onward and downward!!!!
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    I guess it depends on who you're doing this for. Are you doing it for YOU or for the reaction you may or may not get from other people? One of those paths has a successful future for weight loss, and one does not.

    From your post-it looks obvious this isnt the first time you've announced to everyone youre on a diet and then not accomplished your goals.

    Really its not their business. I don't tell anyone and if people notice then great. If not then that's fine too. I'm the one that has to live with my actions.
  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    I guess it depends on who you're doing this for. Are you doing it for YOU or for the reaction you may or may not get from other people? One of those paths has a successful future for weight loss, and one does not.

    My goals are 2, firstly i am diabetic and secondly I am taking the family to disney next year and i want to be able to get on all the rides.

    From your post-it looks obvious this isnt the first time you've announced to everyone youre on a diet and then not accomplished your goals.

    This is the first time i have been on a diet as up until now i was of the mind set ah what the hell i am what i am.

    Really its not their business. I don't tell anyone and if people notice then great. If not then that's fine too. I'm the one that has to live with my actions.

    Agree totally.
  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    I guess it depends on who you're doing this for. Are you doing it for YOU or for the reaction you may or may not get from other people? One of those paths has a successful future for weight loss, and one does not.

    My goals are 2, firstly i am diabetic and secondly I am taking the family to disney next year and i want to be able to get on all the rides.

    From your post-it looks obvious this isnt the first time you've announced to everyone youre on a diet and then not accomplished your goals.

    This is the first time i have been on a diet as up until now i was of the mind set ah what the hell i am what i am.

    Really its not their business. I don't tell anyone and if people notice then great. If not then that's fine too. I'm the one that has to live with my actions.

    Agree totally.
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    I don't know why people can't just say stuff like "good on you" and "I'm glad for you". I just never said much about it to anyone for that reason among others, except to a friend near her goal weight and even then it's not talked about that much, But there is a magic number, mine was 52lbs lost, I guess, where people will say stuff even if you don't talk about it. All last week, it was-- "You've lost weight!" So get ready for that and the "What are you doing to lose?" "Not sick are you?" LOL. All the best for you and fight for your goals! Poopers on the party have no say!
  • megslovescountry
    congrats and good luck to you! i don't even bother telling people around me because i know they wont get it. i would also just like to wait for them to notice on their own for their comments. the losses i know about and feel i'd rather share on here with the people who understand them.
  • ELIZZY20
    Indeed, I shall echo the sentiments of others on this post: Congratulations! :) I never tell anyone about my dieting, especially since I am really too young to be as heavy as I am, so I don't exactly have peers to share my journey. I definitely over-dieted last year, resulting in about 15 lbs lost in 6 months, but I didn't eat during those six months either. However, at Christmas, I LOVED going home and having people say "wow, you've lost weight!" So basically, for round 2 of dieting, I'll just do a scaled-back version of the same thing. Keep to myself, diet slightly less intensely than last time, so I can actually maintain it, and wait for the compliments. 'Cause they will come!