


  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I eat at least half every day. By the time I get halfway through the dogs have smelled it and come in for their share. They love them so we have a few minutes doing tricks for bits of 'nana.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Nah. I probably should, but I can't get more than a few bites in, then I don't want it. I should try those cute little baby bananas I've seen

    apple bananas

    Now that song is stuck in my head

    I like to ate ate ate apples and bananas
    I like eat eat eat epples and benenes
    I like to ite ite ite ipples and bininis
    I like to ote ote ote oplles and bononos
    I like to ute ute ute upples and bununus

    haha.. now we wait for the OCD spelling nazi to read this... LOL (it was very hard to type LOL)
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I eat a banana everyday. I would eat more if it fit into my calories lol

    So yummy and :heart: Potassium!
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    apple bananas

    I LOVE apple bananas but can't find them anywhere in my area. And most produce people don't have a clue what I'm talking about! They are amazing!! <3333
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    There's an easy granola bar recipe you can make with the old brown overly ripe bananas.

    2 overly ripe bananas
    1 cup rolled oats
    2 tbsp honey/maple syrup
    1/2 cup nuts of your choice
    1/2 cup dried fruit of your choice

    Mix and form into a 1" thick square patty on parchment paper. Cook 30 min in preheated 350deg oven. Cut and cool. So easy and so good!
  • AntiSocialyte
    AntiSocialyte Posts: 28 Member
    Ugh. I *want* to like bananas. I really do. But I don't eat them (except in things like banana bread) because I can't get over the taste and mushy texture. :sick:
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I used to eat one a day everyday until my son developed a love of bananas so intense we cannot run out. I have made many a late night run to the grocery store after work to ensure there was a 'nana for breakfast. He wakes up and the only thing we hear over the monitor..... 'nana?

    So, now I am rarely able to enjoy a banana.. it's sad really.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Thank you so much for the recipe! I halfed the recipe yesterday and used dried blueberries and pecans and it tasted amazing and was really fast to make! I'm looking forward to trying other combinations soon!
    There's an easy granola bar recipe you can make with the old brown overly ripe bananas.

    2 overly ripe bananas
    1 cup rolled oats
    2 tbsp honey/maple syrup
    1/2 cup nuts of your choice
    1/2 cup dried fruit of your choice

    Mix and form into a 1" thick square patty on parchment paper. Cook 30 min in preheated 350deg oven. Cut and cool. So easy and so good!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Rarely. I don't like them enough to justify the calories.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I love them, but I have to be really careful. I generally avoid them because the high sugar content usually causes me to bloat.
  • Now that sounds delish with the toast and almond butter!
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    i eat bananas all the time.... usually plain. but sometimes with blueberries and some almonds.
    i just dont understand the peanut butter and banana mix - does nothing for me. lol.
    bananas are high in potassium and very healthy for your and your digestive tract. but make sure you keep an eye out for teh carbs and starch.... super high in those too
  • I crave them after a few high salt days like when I've been eating out a lot.. must be that potassium! And I like COLD bananas that are refrigerated more than room temp.
    I usually have 1/2 banana a day, sometimes none. Keep the other half in the fridge and it works just fine :)
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Frozen banana slices are surprisingly delicious. They taste like ice cream! So when I have too many I just slice them up and stick them in a container in the freezer.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    daily. i freeze them and throw them into my protein shakes, sometimes i make "ice cream"
  • jorge_007
    jorge_007 Posts: 70 Member
    I eat them virtually everyday. My family loves them too. I buy 12 lbs of bananas at the store for 3 dollars and we run out in less then a week. My father likes to joke around and say "you guys are like monkeys!" haha
  • I love bananas and eat one a day. I'd eat more, but they are high in sugar/carbs and I need to watch, because I'm an insulin dependent Diabetic. My newest addiction is 0% Greek yogurt, slivered almonds, 1 medium banana and cinnamon. It's packed with protein, very filling and really, REALLY yummy. My husband and I eat this often, especially for breakfast on the weekends.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I usually have them pre workout if I'm exercising first thing. Have lots of dietary restrictions so they are an easy to go for food when short of time.

    must admit I'm funny with bananas and can only eat them when they start going slightly soft. As soon as they go a bit slushy or start smelling I cant eat them.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Daily for me as I have issues with low potassium.