No carbs at dinner?



  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I love grilled chicken and veggies for dinner. Like broccoli, green beans, zucchini,etc. I don't eat pasta, rice, most breads anymore though. It is very filling and sometimes I'll have a piece of fresh fruit for dessert sometimes.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I think counting calories is more important than counting carbs. My macros are set @ 30/30/40 for carbs/protein/fat. But, I pay more attention to calories than carbs & still lose weight. Carbs are even found in veggies!!! :)

    Add me if you'd like. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ignore your trainer when it comes to nutrition.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    two egg cheese omelet, with 4 slices of bacon makes a great dinner. Put some fresh spinach when you fold the omelet, if you want to add some veggies. yum!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I eat carbs at dinner, sometimes it's pasta, sometimes its a potato (white or sweet) some times it's rice, some times it's fruit and to top it off I often have some kind of dessert that features carbs before going to bed. It might be milk and a kashi cookie, it might be my homemade ice cream, sometimes its a little dark chocolate. I've lost a whole lot of weight and I do not fear carbs.

    Carbs, carby carb carbs :drinker:
  • 2spamagnet
    2spamagnet Posts: 60 Member
    Carbs are not evil. Fat is not evil. Sugar is not evil.

    Eating foods in excess of the calories you burn is what leads to storage of energy as fat cells.

    Enjoy carbs any time of the day, within your calorie allotment.

    An extra 3500 calories (over what you burn) will be stored as 1 lb of fat. It does not matter what those 3500 calories are made from, you'll still end up with 1 lb of fat stored to be used when you are at a deficit. At that time, your body will convert stored fat into the form it needs at the time.

    If you feel better when not eating carbs at dinner (you sleep better, you wake up less groggy, you don't get gas, whatever...), then do it that way. Otherwise, enjoy life. You can eat all the food you love while losing weight (you only have to eat less).

  • ilovelucy711
    ilovelucy711 Posts: 381 Member
    Maybe try spaghetti squash or quinoa as a substitute for pasta and rice? I think you can have carbs a few times a week. Maybe cut down on carbs during the day?
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Get a new trainer
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    I just had a baked potato for dinner with nutritional yeast seasoning on it...mmmmmm...carbs are great.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Carbs right up til bed time. Hasn't hurt my progress.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat carbs whenever I want. :drinker:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I eat carbs all the way up to taking some to bed every night, nothing wrong with carbs and losing weight unless you have a medical condition that would change that stance... I am a Type 2 diabetic and still eat carbs... Just monitor my intake of them same as my other Macro's...... I would seriously question your trainers intentions myself.... Best of Luck
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm struggling with reducing carbs
    Maybe that's why he told you to reduce carbs at dinner. This is his way of helping you reduce. So, eat them during the day, but not at dinner. Just eat meat, veggies, and fruit. Not that hard. When I think about carbs, I think about bread.
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    Maybe your trainer wanted you to limited your grain in take at night?
    I would ask your trainer for more detail on why the restriction/limitations.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    I love carbs,,,,, but today for dinner I ate baked cod, acorn squash with a bit of parmesan cheese, steamed Brussel sprouts and a corn...oh maybe one of those is a 'carb' but I look at carbs as = bread, pasta, rice. I'm pretty full! But For the last 3 months I haven't eaten a plate of pasta like I used to. I tired spaghetti squash the other day instead of spaghetti and put tomato sauce and parmesan cheese on it as it were normal pasta and it was actually tasty.
  • Mijj779
    Okay, I limit my carbs maaaaaaaajorly. As in, I don't eat many carbs after breakfast. But I am also hyper-athletic and that is what works for me.
    Some ideas: zucchini pasta, spaghetti squash, any other kind of squash (I love squash), salads, grilled veggies, veggie soup, poultry, fish, red meat, mashed cauliflower (best thing ever), green smoothies (careful with the fruit you add in though, adds carbs), green juices..... honestly, the list goes on and on. Look at the Atkins website for some recipes!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks so much for all of your replies! Many of you have suggested alternatives. But I can't stress enough that I'm such a picky eater! It's so hard for me to find what to eat, dieting or not. I am trying to push myself to eat new foods, but it's really tough.

    For dinner tonight, I had two eggs scrambled with onions and green pepper and just a little bit (1 tsp.) of whipped butter. I had two slices of Sara Lee Delightful Multigrain toast (17 g of carbs for both pieces). I put a little cheese on the eggs and a touch of salsa because I was low on fats today.

    I think if I keep the carbs low at dinner, I should be okay. I just don't know if I could have no carbs and feel satisfied with my meal. I'll try it tomorrow and see.

    Today, I also tried to eat more calories than yesterday. Yesterday, I did not eat nearly enough. If you look at my diary, I switched the days by mistake, so Sunday is today and Monday was yesterday! Don't ask - I'm new!

    Anyway, glad to hear from those of you who say you eat carbs and still lose. Although I am really watching them, I just cannot eliminate them completely. However, I have found brown rice, low carb pasta and low carb wraps and breads, and I am trying to eat them quite sparingly. So, I hope that's an improvement over what I used to do.

    Jen :)
  • tessmca
    tessmca Posts: 27 Member
    I stick to low carb veges Mushrooms broccoli, cumber, lettuce, peppers, strawberrys
    mainly have salads with meat for tea, and salads with protein for lunch as well
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member

    An extra 3500 calories (over what you burn) will be stored as 1 lb of fat. It does not matter what those 3500 calories are made from, you'll still end up with 1 lb of fat stored to be used when you are at a deficit. At that time, your body will convert stored fat into the form it needs at the time.

    I call FALSIES!!! 1) If you lift weights, extra calories can go towards muscle building! 2) Alcohol is metabolized by the liver so an extra 30 pack of lite beer doesn't turn directly into fat either!!!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I think he said because I would go to sleep shortly after dinner and not burn them off. He said if it was too hard, I could eat carbs with dinner like every fourth night. I still think that's too much of a stretch for me. I mean, I'm trying to make a lifestyle change, not change everything so completely that I'm miserable! Since I'm so limited in what I like, cutting carbs completely from dinner just seems outlandish to me! Maybe I'll get there eventually, with some more experimentation. Right now, I'm just trying to find enough foods to eat each day to have enough of each thing but not overdo each thing and have enough calories. Yesterday, I was almost 800 calories too low! And I felt I ate a lot. I think while I have this time off, I'll have to research some easy no carb/low carb recipes of stuff I will actually eat so that when I return to work, it's doable and I don't give up. Right now, the food aspect (especially dinner) feels like such a struggle. Not with me being hungry - I actually don't feel hungry and feel like I'm eating a lot more than usual - but with having things I actually like to eat that aren't bad for me!