Anyone else determined to keep going through winter?



  • CatCodswaddle
    Yup, that's how I piled the weight on last year... Blinking winter. Going to keep going and maybe lose the lot for good! :)
  • socunpato
    Count me in! I probably have it easier because I'm from the sunny east coast of Spain and until last week it was still about 30ºC :P BUT it's getting colder now and Christmas food is still a temptation! So yep, totally up for this, I just started and I have no intention to stop.
  • ruth894
    ruth894 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in Bristol and have discovered bootcamps in the park which I love - who knew I would ever love exercise. 70lb down and more to go and I will be keeping going through winter
  • sassabella
    Yep. I'm determined. I'm from Australia but going overseas to visit family in Canada. Got myself some thermal running gear because I'm determined to make sure I stay in shape AND have a good trip :)
  • OatFloats
    Totally pumped to make it through to Spring with some loss! Just wish I could find a nice pair of warm, waterproof walking shoes!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Been here through 2 winters and Christamasses! Planning to make a third! I'll add you as I'm also near York! :)
  • nickowastaken
    nickowastaken Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah, been doing the healthy living thing a while now. No plans to stop just because it's winter. I'll probably eat what I like over Christmas and go for some big burns between then and new year.

    Don't stop :)
  • sarah_38
    I'm here in the uk too.. This is my first attempt to drop a massive amount of weight so I don't know the difference about exercising in our elements.. I went to go for a walk last night but as soon as I stepped outside wind, heavy rain and the coldness just bite me so ran back inside lol.. So I have asked the hubby to get my old exercise bike out of the cellar for me and I also have a wii so soon gonna give zumba and the exercise bike a shot instead of going out in the cold lol

    Feel free to add me.. Everyone is welcome
  • abrodniak
    abrodniak Posts: 47 Member
    The past few months have been a struggle for me, so I'm planning to kick it up a notch today. I'd love to have some new friends to support and who will support me. I'm sending a request. :0)
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    I'm in Canada and it definitely get's cold and snowy here, but the weather isn't going to put a damper on my new lifestyle. Feel free to shoot my a FR :smile:
  • Justifier
    Justifier Posts: 336 Member
    I am definitely determined! I want to prove my grandmother wrong when she says I'll always gain it back in winter "to stay warm"!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Going through no matter what the season!
  • tumbledownhouse
    tumbledownhouse Posts: 178 Member
    Hi there, I'm in Glasgow. Definitely keeping it going over winter! I think all the parties etc still allow for an 80/20 sort of vibe so provided I keep up the good bits I'm sure I can have some naughty bits. I usually go out at the weekends and don't log anyways and it has perhaps slowed but never derailed me. Anyway I read somewhere we burn more cals in winter because our bodies need to workm harder to keep us warm - headstart!!
    Anybody is free to add me.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member

    I'm in the UK too. I have lost 16 lbs and have another 7 - 14 to go, although its all about the fitness for me now and the scales will take care of them self - eventually!! I am powering through winter - actually ramping up the exercise and trying to be stricter with food intake. Yes I am sure that some sweeties will magically fall into my mouth at work, there will be lots of temptation, but I am not prepared to undo all my hard work for one holiday!! Feel free to add me.
  • Mirelle82
    Count me in!

    It was very dark and cold this morning, but as soon as I got up to work out, I'm ready for the day!
  • rick30316
    rick30316 Posts: 6 Member
    Absolutely, and I do plan to indulge on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day only, certainly not throughout the winter holidays. The best changes I have made are to give up the car and start using the bicycle and public transportation (a long time ago) and to give up wine (at least until I get to my goal weight). Having just one glass of wine seems to stop my fat burning engine cold.

    Good luck to the rest of you. I live in Atlanta, Georgia USA. We don’t get the daily overcast gray skies that many of you folks in the more northern strats get.

    Friend requests welcome. My sister is here, too, and doing well with MFP. She is melanieroberts72.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I signed up for my first half-marathon in the spring and I darn sure want to beat my boyfriend (also running his first half) so I'll be training my heart out throughout the bitter Canadian winter.

    Christmas Day and New Years Eve I'm cutting myself all the slack I want though. :)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Of course, Winter's no reason to give up! I'll be trying to resist *too* many treats, and continuing with my at home workouts, so no excuse that it's too cold to go to the gym. I actually enjoyed doing my Body Revolution this morning without sweating like a turkey on Christmas Eve! (keeping it seasonal there :wink: :drinker: )
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    Thats me too - Determined to stay focused over the holidays and allow myself 1 cheat day on Christmas Day only.
    I am currently doing 2 programs - 5 x 5 stronglifts 3 x/week and tony Horton 10 minute workout right after.
    Feeling good so far and would like to stay that way.
  • katieme
    katieme Posts: 59 Member
    I'm down near Brighton and am aiming to log every day for a year including Christmas. Next summer will be my summer not to feel self concious and wear loads of lovely dresses :)