girls lifting heavy..?

Girls!! I've been lifting heavy for a few months but trying to get into a proper routine.. I do approx. 3 sets of 8-12.

Monday: Upper body (chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders) + HIIT cardio
Tuesday: METAFIT or HIIT cardio
Wednesday: Lower body (legs, glutes) + light cardio
Thursday: Upper Body: (Back, Abs) + cardio
Friday: Upper body (chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders) + HIIT cardio
Saturday: Lower (legs, glutes) + light cardio

Sometimes I might miss a workout but this is my aim.. any tips!!??

what is your workout routine???


  • princesstoadstool82
    strong lifts...

    workout A
    over head press

    workout B

    repeat :)
    gym sessions 3 times aweek ( 2 at the moment....)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you probably dont need all the cardio, unless you're training for something or just like to eat more?

    personally i prefer full body each workout, but thats just my preference
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    You can do full body each day as a beginner and you want to up the weight and drop the reps to 4-6 if you're aiming to do "heavy" training.

    Stronglifts or Starting Strength are both excellent starter programs.
  • just_Jennie1
    You're doing back and then the next day chest, tri's, and shoulders? You're working your tri's when you do back and bi's and some of your shoulders when you do chest. You're not giving your muscles a break.

    Can you break it up so that you do Chest/Tri's one day, Back/Bi's the next day and maybe shoulders/legs another day?

    How much cardio are you doing? I personally don't think you're doing too much. I do 30 min. of cardio every day before I lift. What are your goals and how much time do you have to dedicate to the gym?

    I've been doing one muscle group a day and that works for me. 3 sets 10 reps or as close to 10 as I can get. Sometimes I have to drop the weight on the second or third set to get to 10. My workouts look something like this:

    Day 1: Cardio; Chest/abs
    Day 2: Cardio; Back/legs
    Day 3: Cardio; Shoulders/abs
    Day 4: Cardio; Tri's/legs
    Day 5: Cardio; Bi's/abs

    Sometimes I'll do cardio on the weekend if I'm ambitious.

    On abs and legs day I do something different each time. I like focusing on one muscle group and since my tri's and bi's are done later in the week they get adequate rest from the chest and back workouts.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I started with NROLFW.
    Then finished Stage 1, looked at how complicated the next stages got vs my gym quipment and switched to SL5x5.
    I did that for a few months then due to my running schedule, I did a modified version of SL5x5 from the lovely people of Eat Train Progress.

    Then due to a knee injury I had the entire time, I've switched to split so if my knee acts up I can skip leg day but still lift weights.

    M: Chest/tris
    T: cardio
    W: Back/bis
    Th: short run, shoulders & core work
    F: legs
    Sa: walk or rest
    Su: Run

    ^That'll be my schedule for after Thanksgiving
    Right now, switch Th & F for my current schedule
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Sounds like you have a good routine OP. I workout at home and throw in a heavy lifting dvd circuit 2 - 3 times per week such as Chalene Extreme, Cathe's Slow and Heavy Series, Amy Bento's Slo-Mo Strength Challenge etc. I alternate between lower body and upper body days and I really like how much routine has helped to sculpt my body.
  • princesstoadstool82
    I started with NROLFW.
    Then finished Stage 1, looked at how complicated the next stages got vs my gym quipment and switched to SL5x5.
    I did that for a few months then due to my running schedule, I did a modified version of SL5x5 from the lovely people of Eat Train Progress.

    Then due to a knee injury I had the entire time, I've switched to split so if my knee acts up I can skip leg day but still lift weights.

    M: Chest/tris
    T: cardio
    W: Back/bis
    Th: short run, shoulders & core work
    F: legs
    Sa: walk or rest
    Su: Run

    ^That'll be my schedule for after Thanksgiving
    Right now, switch Th & F for my current schedule

    yeah i brought that book ... read it, and i was like ... what did i just read!!!???? so i found stronglifts, and thats why i do it its simple... :) i get it lol...
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I started with NROLFW.
    Then finished Stage 1, looked at how complicated the next stages got vs my gym quipment and switched to SL5x5.
    I did that for a few months then due to my running schedule, I did a modified version of SL5x5 from the lovely people of Eat Train Progress.

    Then due to a knee injury I had the entire time, I've switched to split so if my knee acts up I can skip leg day but still lift weights.

    M: Chest/tris
    T: cardio
    W: Back/bis
    Th: short run, shoulders & core work
    F: legs
    Sa: walk or rest
    Su: Run

    ^That'll be my schedule for after Thanksgiving
    Right now, switch Th & F for my current schedule

    yeah i brought that book ... read it, and i was like ... what did i just read!!!???? so i found stronglifts, and thats why i do it its simple... :) i get it lol...

    SL is simple so thats why I switched to it.
    I do like some of the info in NR tho.
    And that author isnt as douchey as Medhi is (if ypu get his emails or follow him on FB, hes such a d!ck)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I do like some of the info in NR tho.
    And that author isnt as douchey as Medhi is (if ypu get his emails or follow him on FB, hes such a d!ck)

    I always recommend to ladies looking to start lifting to read NROLFW right up until it starts talking about the program lol. It's a great explanation of the benefits of lifting for women in particular, but the program is, unfortunately, not particularly good and way overcomplicated. I prefer SS over SL, myself, but that's largely because the SS book is one of the best sources of lifting information on the planet for a beginner.
  • lorrierobertson
    thanks for the advice guys! I've decided to change it to a 4 day upper/lower body split, hopefully this will make it easier to make sure I do get the training in every week and give my muscles a chance to recover..

    Monday: Upper Body (shoulders, chest, triceps) + Cardio
    Tuesday: Lower Body (Legs, Glutes, Abs)
    Wednesday: Cardio
    Thursday : Upper Body (Back, Biceps) + cardio
    Friday: Lower Body (Legs, Glutes, Abs)
    Saturday: Cardio
    Sunday: OFF

    Im hoping to lose 10lbs of fat which I have put on this year hence the extra cardio.. when doing legs I just do some light cardio e.g (spinning, walking high gradient tredmill).. etc
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    Title says lifting heavy, and I was wondering what do you girls consider to be heavy? Over body weight?
  • unbreakablemoth
    Bumping to follow :)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Title says lifting heavy, and I was wondering what do you girls consider to be heavy? Over body weight?

    Heavy is generally considered to be a weight you can only complete 6 good reps with before form starts to suffer.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Everyone praises strong lifts, and I am not qualified to criticize, but are you kidding me with squat, Deadlift, and OHP all on the same day? If you can do that, you are not lifting heavy those are big movements that require full body motion. I can only do one of those exercises on a given day. Three of them in one, I would seriously be in the hospital after that workout.

    1. It's designed to start with an empty bar and works on progressive increases in the weight on the bar.

    2. I did a Big 3 workout where I did squat, bench and deadlift on the same day three days a week for nearly 6 months with steady progression. It's amazing what your body can handle when you give it adequate food and rest.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Everyone praises strong lifts, and I am not qualified to criticize, but are you kidding me with squat, Deadlift, and OHP all on the same day? If you can do that, you are not lifting heavy those are big movements that require full body motion. I can only do one of those exercises on a given day. Three of them in one, I would seriously be in the hospital after that workout.

    I lift quiet heavy... and I have done 2 big compounds same day- I often do OHS + Bench the same day because I'm a masochist (actually I just hate benching so if I do OHS - it's like a treat/incentive)

    I've squatted and Dead lifted in the same day too. It's possible. It sucks. But it's all about getting the most bang for your buck as possible. that would mean doing two whole bodies- but let's not kid ourselves- even though they use the whole body- dead is CLEARLY a bottom/back heavy- and OHP isn't.

    it's fine. Do them on the same day. you won't die.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Title says lifting heavy, and I was wondering what do you girls consider to be heavy? Over body weight?

    Lifting heavy isn't about the weight itself.

    It's a rep range. Lifting heavy means you cannot lift it more than 5-8 times.

    What is heavy for my friends when we deadlift- isn't even warm up weight for me. That doesn't mean it's NOT heavy for them.
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    Title says lifting heavy, and I was wondering what do you girls consider to be heavy? Over body weight?

    Lifting heavy isn't about the weight itself.

    It's a rep range. Lifting heavy means you cannot lift it more than 5-8 times.

    What is heavy for my friends when we deadlift- isn't even warm up weight for me. That doesn't mean it's NOT heavy for them.

    Alright, I will re-phrase myself, what weights do you girls lift? (Ofc if it's not a secret.)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Title says lifting heavy, and I was wondering what do you girls consider to be heavy? Over body weight?

    Lifting heavy isn't about the weight itself.

    It's a rep range. Lifting heavy means you cannot lift it more than 5-8 times.

    What is heavy for my friends when we deadlift- isn't even warm up weight for me. That doesn't mean it's NOT heavy for them.

    Alright, I will re-phrase myself, what weights do you girls lift? (Ofc if it's not a secret.)

    I front squat 95lbs ( just started about 6 weeks ago). I back squat 135lbs several times a week, but have done up to 150lbs. I backed off the weight on my back squats for a while to work on form and depth.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do like some of the info in NR tho.
    And that author isnt as douchey as Medhi is (if ypu get his emails or follow him on FB, hes such a d!ck)

    I always recommend to ladies looking to start lifting to read NROLFW right up until it starts talking about the program lol. It's a great explanation of the benefits of lifting for women in particular, but the program is, unfortunately, not particularly good and way overcomplicated. I prefer SS over SL, myself, but that's largely because the SS book is one of the best sources of lifting information on the planet for a beginner.

    It is SO overcomplicated, I agree.
    Stage 1 wasn't too bad but looking ahead, I was like "effffff that"

    I do like the beginning of the book and some of their recipes in there - I really should pull that out and make some of them haha

    I haven't read the SS book yet, I should probably add it to my Amazon cart...