Eating lunch at 8:30 AM



  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Everyone seems to be trying to suggest a solution - but there is no problem.

    OP, you said that when you eat lunch at 8:30, it sustains you till dinner? If that is the case, then keep doing what you are doing. If you were saying you eat lunch at 8:30 and are then starving by noon, I'd tell you to eat more protein, have a later breakfast, etc etc.

    Meal timings have no bearing whatsoever on weight loss. A calorie deficit does.
  • supermumincanada
    supermumincanada Posts: 59 Member
    Think if it's working for you, then it isn't wrong. I also like to save calories for the evening cause I like eating best then. Suppose you could try some of the suggestions and see if they work better for you, failing that stick to what works for you.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I think my issue, despite my success over the past 2 years, continues to be my continued psychological insistence to "backload" my day.... I like to have at least 1700 kcals available prior to 6 PM (even before workout), so I can eat and drink well in the evening. I still struggle with this to this day.

    I guess I'm trying to understand why this is an issue or a concern of yours. If that's how you want to consume your calories and it's working for you, why fret? I've always backloaded my day because I know that I like to eat more at dinner and I tend to snack in the evenings. There's nothing wrong with it as long as I do it properly, so i accomodate for it . . . and that made me successful. It's only when I decided to go against what my body was telling me was it's norm that I started backsliding.
  • TheSaoirseTree
    TheSaoirseTree Posts: 26 Member
    I used to be the same way. I started bringing a snack, in addition to my lunch. I usually pick something with a little protein like cottage cheese or yogurt. In time, I didn't feel so deprived at lunch.

    I eat breakfast at about 6 and my snack around 9-10 am. I usually eat lunch closer to noon. In the afternoon, I get hungry again around 2, but I don't get to eat because work is sooo busy at that time.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    I am probably just reiterating what most others have said, but here is my advice:

    1. Eat more protein for breakfast! Have eggs, peanut butter, maybe even some meat. That will keep you full much longer than all of the sugar and carbs will.

    2. Bring a snack to eat mid-morning and another one to eat mid-afternoon. I eat breakfast at 5:30 AM, and my lunch break at work is at 11. At about 8-8:30 AM, I eat a snack. A cheese stick and some nuts, yogurt, trail mix. I also have a second snack planned for about 2 PM, when I would be hitting the vending machine to stay awake at work. Packing my lunch with all of these snacks has been a life saver!

    You should be eating every few hours anyway, not too many people would be able to last 5-6 hours without eating, especially if their last meal had little to no protein.

    This has worked for me! Good luck=]
  • Your big problem; your breakfast is crap, too full of carbs, literally almost no fat or protein, all you'll do is raise your insulin for an hour then crash. Try something with more fat and protein like an omelet with meat and vegetables (pre cook tilapia and throw it in there with cheese and spinach and onions), wash it down with almond milk. I don't wanna here "I don't have the time" or "my cholesterol is bad and doctor told me to stop eating eggs". You have time, just wake up earlier and eat something sustainable. Eggs don't actually make your cholesterol worse and they are more nutrient dense than cereal or oats; all that choline, monounsaturated fat, B vitamins, Protein, etc. Eggs take as much time as oats as well. 5-10min. That should sustain you until at least lunch; make your own food; potatoes and chicken breast with spinach salad (made with cottage cheese dressing) is good, something like that. Then you won't have to give into crap at dinner. Coffee is a beautiful appetite suppressant as well. Eggs and potatoes are magical dieting foods that are under rated.
  • I have been drinking shakes in the morning. 1 carrot, frz strawberry, pineapple and spinach with some o.j. or really whatever you have in the fridge. Sounds kinds gross but its good. healthy and keeps hunger subsided. You should try it.
  • I think it is fine as long as you don't eat a second lunch and are okay until dinner. I would try adding some protein to your breakfast. Oatmeal never keeps me feeling full. I either have some peanut butter or turkey sausage or bacon. Helps me feel fuller longer. But, I find I eat most of my calories for the day before 4 pm. I just am not hungry at night (or maybe I am more busy at night and don't think about it as much). I figure as long as I am hitting my calorie count, it is all good!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm an early lunch eater too.

    I eat my breakfast (either an egg sandwich, cereal, oats) at home around 7AM, and by 9AM I am ready to eat. I bring a morning snack with me - usually a granola bar, yogurt, fruit. It holds me another couple of hours until I need to eat lunch around 11:30. I usually want to eat again by 2, and am ready for supper by 5.
  • "It seems to work for me."

    Well then, don't fix it. Everyone's advice is based on their experience or conclusions drawn from studies of many people (in essence, an average). Neither of those approaches will be more relevant than what works for you and your body.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I'm an early lunch eater too.

    I eat my breakfast (either an egg sandwich, cereal, oats) at home around 7AM, and by 9AM I am ready to eat. I bring a morning snack with me - usually a granola bar, yogurt, fruit. It holds me another couple of hours until I need to eat lunch around 11:30. I usually want to eat again by 2, and am ready for supper by 5.

    Holy cow--this is almost my eating schedule to the exact time.

    A part of it might have to do with exercise habits and other external factors. I know timing of workout vs nutrition intake should not matter overall, but I think it helps to be cognizant of WHY you might be hungry. Case in point--nothing seems to curb my hunger today so I was wondering why...but then it occurred to me that I hit PRs for A2G squats and also deadlifts last night. Someone pass me some eggs.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    I was similar and always ended up eating over my daily calorific goal.
    My day starts at 6am with a workout, I can however make it to 11am on cups of tea then I have cereal, fruit and yoghurt, lunch at 1.30pm then my evening meal at 6pm.
    Eating breakfast at this time of day also falls into fasting methodology as I may not have eaten for 14 - 16 hours.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Who cares when you eat? If it holds you over from 830- dinner time then I wouldn't worry about it at all.
  • cereal, sweets like muffins and plain toast are like Chinese food to me. I eat then feel ravenous an hour later. I too find I need protein in the morning - meat and/or cheese are always part of my breakfast and hold me till my mid-AM snack of fruit.
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
    do what works for u.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Eat protein for breakfast. I have to have an egg every morning or I want to eat again in two hours.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    why don't you have a good filling snack at 830? I make sweet potato chips, big ones, 7 of them at a time, each gets a slice of dried pastrami on top with a smear of horseradish mustard... so good, and very filling, if I eat this within a couple hours of dinner, I cant eat my dinner!!! its 140 calories for the entire snack! I think the brand of pre-sliced dry salami I get is gallo, large slices, and I use the large sweet potatoes for my baked chips!
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    I'm the same! I have a 'no added sugar' muesli for breakfast and am hungry as soon as I get into work at 7.30. I make myself last to 11am and then I'm ok til tea time. If I start to eat a morsel of lunch, it's all gone, no matter how early. I also save the bulk of cals for the evening though on the odd occasion I used more in the day, I generally didn't miss them later. If I skip breakfast, I don't get so hungry so early...though I'd still be ready to eat at 11am.