Not losing...need advice



  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    You never answered the question - are you weighing your food? If not, that's probably your problem, not that you're goal is too low or too high or that you're eating the 'wrong' foods.

  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    You never answered the question - are you weighing your food? If not, that's probably your problem, not that you're goal is too low or too high or that you're eating the 'wrong' foods.

    I weigh my food and measure. My husband thinks I'm a bit obsessive about it, but it keeps me in check.

    I try to avoid the prepackaged stuff, but for breakfast its quick for me.

    I have cut out wine except for a couple of glasses on the weekends. I know alcohol is a diet killer and this is what I cut back on first (not that I was a drinker, but a glass, i.e. 4-6oz, while preparing dinner is ok for females). The only time I have snacked at night was because I was under calories.

    Thanks everyone:)
  • angelamangus1
    angelamangus1 Posts: 164 Member
    You never answered the question - are you weighing your food? If not, that's probably your problem, not that you're goal is too low or too high or that you're eating the 'wrong' foods.


    Currently, you are at a deficit, regardless of your BMR or TDEE stats. Therefore, it has to be in the food. 80% of weight loss is in ones diet. 80/20. A walk will add to the deficit. You really need to weigh everything you make/eat. I know it may seem tedious, but it will open your eyes to what portions are really. After you see what everything is suppose to look like you can ease up.

    Good luck!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    You never answered the question - are you weighing your food? If not, that's probably your problem, not that you're goal is too low or too high or that you're eating the 'wrong' foods.

    I weigh my food and measure. My husband thinks I'm a bit obsessive about it, but it keeps me in check.

    I try to avoid the prepackaged stuff, but for breakfast its quick for me.

    I have cut out wine except for a couple of glasses on the weekends. I know alcohol is a diet killer and this is what I cut back on first (not that I was a drinker, but a glass, i.e. 4-6oz, while preparing dinner is ok for females). The only time I have snacked at night was because I was under calories.

    Thanks everyone:)

    im sorry, but your not in a deficit. your doing something wrong, under estimating calories consumed or over estimating exercise calories, or forgetting to count tastes here, bites there, and condiments and such. if you were truly in a deficit, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  • Iljkmittaa
    Iljkmittaa Posts: 20 Member
    There are some exercises you can do, even though you don't have enough spare time. For example, while setting the dinner table or while helping your kids with their homework, try standing on your tiptoes as much as you can.

    Also, while waiting for your laundry to be done, or for the food to be ready, try to do some squats. You can also buy some weights to put around your wrists, and every movement you do with your hands will help you exercise.

    You can also dance around the house when you're cleaning, or just dance with your kids, I'm sure they'll find it fun. You don't have to wake up at 4:30 for that.

    Or park your car 10 min away from your workplace and walk the rest of the way.

    Hope it helps.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    You never answered the question - are you weighing your food? If not, that's probably your problem, not that you're goal is too low or too high or that you're eating the 'wrong' foods.

    I weigh my food and measure. My husband thinks I'm a bit obsessive about it, but it keeps me in check.

    I try to avoid the prepackaged stuff, but for breakfast its quick for me.

    I have cut out wine except for a couple of glasses on the weekends. I know alcohol is a diet killer and this is what I cut back on first (not that I was a drinker, but a glass, i.e. 4-6oz, while preparing dinner is ok for females). The only time I have snacked at night was because I was under calories.

    Thanks everyone:)

    im sorry, but your not in a deficit. your doing something wrong, under estimating calories consumed or over estimating exercise calories, or forgetting to count tastes here, bites there, and condiments and such. if you were truly in a deficit, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have been doing TDEE - 20% for calories and that's what has worked for me. The two sites below give me different numbers so I picked the one that was lower. You pick your exercise level too.

    I did the same with these two sites and just averaged mine.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Time to regroup and make sure food is being measured properly. It can be easy to round off a Tbsp of something or go over on ounces when weighing something. Tasting here and there when cooking, don't forget about liquid calories in beverages. Also, from checking your diary for not even a week it seems odd - a few days you didn't log all meals and your exercise estimates are crazy. Maybe get a HRM for days you do exercise or a lot of outside work so you get an accurate burn for calories. Even though you didn't eat all of your exercise cals the day you "burned over 2,000 cals", if you over ate other days to compensate for that deficit and you didn't actually burn that much it would hinder your loss.

    Calories in vs calories out - it really is that simple.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Yes, this actually works.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member

    Yes, this actually works.

    Wow never thought of that before. Too bad I like my teeth and skin too much, but glad to hear it works!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Time to regroup and make sure food is being measured properly. It can be easy to round off a Tbsp of something or go over on ounces when weighing something. Tasting here and there when cooking, don't forget about liquid calories in beverages. Also, from checking your diary for not even a week it seems odd - a few days you didn't log all meals and your exercise estimates are crazy. Maybe get a HRM for days you do exercise or a lot of outside work so you get an accurate burn for calories. Even though you didn't eat all of your exercise cals the day you "burned over 2,000 cals", if you over ate other days to compensate for that deficit and you didn't actually burn that much it would hinder your loss.

    Calories in vs calories out - it really is that simple.

    I don't always log on the weekends. Not an excuse, but I just forgot. The day I burned over 2000 cal I was just curious how much I would lose when I did yard work for 8 hours (hauling dirt and mulch for 8 hours should burn something and my muscles would tell you so). Even if I didn't log it doesn't mean I over ate since I do have some self control.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member

    Yes, this actually works.

    Wow never thought of that before. Too bad I like my teeth and skin too much, but glad to hear it works!

    Think about how much teeth weigh, though. Wouldn't you rather be .5 oz lighter? :laugh:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Yes, this actually works.

    Wow never thought of that before. Too bad I like my teeth and skin too much, but glad to hear it works!

    Think about how much teeth weigh, though. Wouldn't you rather be .5 oz lighter? :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: But seriously, it'll only make you lose teeth and mess up your skin if you do it long term.