Need to gain 7lbs in 1 month



  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    Whole wheat pasta
    Full chicken breast
    1/4 cup olive oil
    Crushed garlic
    Cherry tomatoes

    2 servings 700 calories, and really, really delicious.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @primalrunner: yea you are pretty active! Reading a book on the elliptical must take some skill with all the bobbing up and down you do on it hah.

    @angie: I can't do nuts due to digestion but I can do PB so I've been having that.

    @thesink: that sounds delicious, thanks for the suggestion, but pasta does not sit well with me. I could use sautée potatoes and use that in place of the pasta.
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    Good point, it's basically the same recipe (minus the tomatoes) that we use for red potatoes.
  • patinom
    It seems like you have problems eating a lot of food. I read that you don't like some foods like pizza, but if you really want to gain weight I'd suggest getting any calories you can. Even if it means eating foods you don't like.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @thesink: I used to sautée sliced potatoes in a skillet to get a nice crust but lately I've been enjoying nuking them in the microwave to cook them faster and as a change of pace. I'll definitely give yours a shot, might use chicken sausage instead of breasts since I already eat it for lunch.

    @pantino: I agree, which is why I've been having pop tarts. I don't crave them but at 200cals a piece they are easy to get down. I can eat a good amount in one sitting but it can't all be whole food or else it takes forever to digest. I had 1,400 cals with dinner this past Saturday but more than half was junk food.
  • ionHouse
    Yeah I have accepted your friend request.

    I am approx 6 foot, and weigh 82kg. I am aiming to go up to 85kg. Can you drink shakes (protein and weight gainers), they are a great way to pack on the calories.

    Make sure you eat all the time, 3 to 4 meals a day and snack in between. Nuts are good for calories and protein. Always eat supper and dont go to bed with an empty stomach. Basically you should never feel hungry, because when you are your body is burning stored energies and you dont want this when adding weight.

    Each meal have meat, lots of veggies and some brown rice or pasta. Your meals should consist of roughly 800 calories. Then with your snacks in between and supper you should have no problem hitting your targets.

    Never skip breakfast, and make sure its plenty. No good just eating a small bowl of bran flakes. Have some granola (you say you cant drink milk, what about coconut milk? Its natural and great for your body. Not full of calories but at least you could eat cereal this way.) I tend to also have eggs and a protein shake in the morning, this is a great way to get started.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    Yeah I have accepted your friend request.

    I am approx 6 foot, and weigh 82kg. I am aiming to go up to 85kg. Can you drink shakes (protein and weight gainers), they are a great way to pack on the calories.

    Make sure you eat all the time, 3 to 4 meals a day and snack in between. Nuts are good for calories and protein. Always eat supper and dont go to bed with an empty stomach. Basically you should never feel hungry, because when you are your body is burning stored energies and you dont want this when adding weight.

    Each meal have meat, lots of veggies and some brown rice or pasta. Your meals should consist of roughly 800 calories. Then with your snacks in between and supper you should have no problem hitting your targets.

    Never skip breakfast, and make sure its plenty. No good just eating a small bowl of bran flakes. Have some granola (you say you cant drink milk, what about coconut milk? Its natural and great for your body. Not full of calories but at least you could eat cereal this way.) I tend to also have eggs and a protein shake in the morning, this is a great way to get started.

    Thanks for accepting my friend request. I can drink protein powder and water but nothing else. I could tolerate almond milk but it's not really calorie dense. I've tried doing more than three meals but I can't, I have no idea why but if I try to eat more often than that I get really bad pains. I guess I need to give me stomach some resting time in between meals to let it digest the food in it. I can do a snack after dinner and have been, but it's like right after dinner so I may as well consider it one meal.

    I eat a fair amount for breakfast, minimum 700 cals consisting of eggs, protein Belgian waffle, and fruit. Sometimes I have an omelette and oatmeal instead of the protein waffle, so I'm good for that meal. Nuts are too hard for me to digest but peanut butter is not so I've been having that. Coconut milk is a no go as well, way too much fat and too heavy on my stomach when I tried it. The only days I'm actually hungry are the weekends when I play 18 holes of golf, any time else and I'm stuffed 24/7, so no worries there. Just have to pack in more calorie sense stuff. Thanks for all the help, and from everyone else as well, I really appreciate it.
  • st_scrivener
    You need carbs + fat, and lots of it. Aim for 3k cals/day, more if you can manage it.
  • googlebear123
    if you cant eat your calories, drink your calories
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @st_scrivener: Yea I've been loading up on as much carbs and fats as I can, I just can't go too high with my stomach. 3k seems like a ton of food, I'm hoping I crack 2,500 tonight with dinner and a snack.

    @googlebear: I definitely need to switch to protein shakes when it gets tough. I just can't make them calorie dense due to my stomach but I can ante up the protein powder.
  • GBPack93
    @jbgolf McDonalds blows, worst tasting fast food imo. Hit up Pizza Hut, Culver's, Hardees/Carl's Jr. that will help a lot more.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Go high carb. A high as you can tolerate. You aught to be able to pack on glucose and water weight, if nothing else. 7 real lbs is a lot to gain in one month.
  • gezza299
    come and watch me eat for a day, you will get the idea.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @GBPack: I totally agree. I had a SEC McGriddle this past weekend and it was pathetic. I really enjoy Dunkin Donut's breakfast sandwiches so I'll hit those up. Not a fan of pizza, and none of the other places you mentioned are near me. I've never even heard of Culver's before, I must live under a rock or something hah.

    @QuietBloom: Good call, I'll do that. Yea 7lbs in one month is tough, especially when I can't workout that hard and have to limit leg work due to injuries.

    @Gezza: Hah yea I wish. I just cracked 2,500 and am not looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow night might call for a bowl of ice cream.
  • googlebear123
    @googlebear: I definitely need to switch to protein shakes when it gets tough. I just can't make them calorie dense due to my stomach but I can ante up the protein powder.

    have you tried orange juice? or juices in general? try replacing water with 2 litres of juice a day should add roughly 1000 cals

    i struggle to stay under 3000 a day without any liquid calories. protein powder isnt terribly effective for gaining weight anyway and will likely be contributing towards feeling fuller for longer.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1800 Is WAY to low for maintenance for a guy at your age.

    That's MY maintenance-I'm bulking around 2000-2300. and I"m almost a 30 year old female- and I don't have that set to include workouts- I eat on average 25-3000 calories a day on work out days.

    Instead of listing foods and having you say you can't /don't like them (that's okay)... tell us what you CAN eat.

    Maybe we can help you beef up THOSE choices instead of coming up new food options?
  • GBPack93
    @Jbgolf Culver's is only in the midwest, especially in my home state Wisconsin, so I understand you may have never heard of it. Just try different places out to see what you like (Can't believe you dislike pizza!)
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @googlebear: I can do orange juice, just not a lot. It's really weird that my stomach can handle junk food better than stuff like broccoli, certain animal fats, olive oil, and nuts. I'll try adding that in when I struggle.

    @JoRocka: how active are you? Maintenance depends on not just height, weight, and gender but also activity. Mine may be higher, although like I said it's hard to get an accurate picture looking at my weight trend due to constipation issues. I bumped my cals up to 2,500 as of yesterday so I'm hoping I don't need too much more. I weighed in at 138.6 today.

    Good point with what I can eat. Ok so I've been eating the following for each macro:

    Protein: eggs, protein powder, Greek yogurt, quest bars, chicken breast or skinless and boneless thighs, deli ham, sausages (pork and chicken), salmon (canned, filet, and burgers), ground veal, ground beef, flat iron steak, pork chops, and pork tenderloin.

    Carbs: oatmeal (whole and flour), potatoes, apples, strawberries, bananas, peaches, brussel sprouts, and whatever junk food like poptarts, ice cream, reeses, etc.

    Fats: peanut butter, bacon, butter, coconut oil, and cheese.

    I really enjoy eating Greek yogurt and protein powder mixed and then frozen. I like the texture much better than ice cream and the cellucor flavors I have make it taste so good. I've been adding peanut butter to this as well to beef up the cals.

    @GBPack: Oh ok, that's why. Yea I'll try that. Hah I know, I'm the only one in my whole family, including extended, that doesn't like pizza; oh well.
  • cleavensmith
    cleavensmith Posts: 8 Member
    If you can buy Boost VHC (Very High Calorie) Lactose free, it's 530 calories a serving
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    If you can buy Boost VHC (Very High Calorie) Lactose free, it's 530 calories a serving

    I've tried boost, ensure, and glucerna but all of them wreck my stomach. It's basically sugar water with a bunch of other crap in it, so I'm not surprised that they have this effect on me. Thanks for the suggestion though, would be an easy way to knock back a good chunk of cals.